View Full Version : GK 1850p army

06-21-2011, 11:38 AM
Hey guys,

I'll be entering my first tournament with my GKs by november. In order to get it finished in time (painting wise), I have chosen this list. I would love it if you cast your stern eye over it, to see if there anything I missed:

Grey knight army: 1850 points:

HQ: Grey knight grand master, psychotroke grenades, master crafted nemesis force sword: 195p

HQ: Ordo xenos inquisitor (25p)

Elite: 3 inquisitorial servitors with multi melta's Mounted in inquisitorial chimera armed with multi melta, heavy bolter and searchlight: 86p

Elite: 5 paladin knights, 2x psycannon , 3 x halberd, 1 x force sword, 1x demonhammer 315p

Troop: 10 grey knight strike squad, 2x psycannon , 1x demonhammer, psybolt ammunition, mounted in rhino and searchlight: 291p

Troop: 5 grey knight strike squad, psycannon , mounted in razorback with psybolt ammunition upgrade and searchlight : 136p

Troop: 5 grey knight strike squad, psycannon, mounted in razorback with psybolt munition upgrade and searchlight : 161p

Fast: stormraven gunship armed with TL multi-melta and TL lascannon and searchlight 206p

HS: grey knight dreadnaught with 2x TL autocannon and psybolt ammunition , searchlight upgrade : 136p

HS: grey knight dreadnaught with 2x TL autocannon and psybolt ammunition , searchlight upgrade : 136p

HS: grey knight dreadnaught with 2x TL autocannon and psybolt ammunition , searchlight upgrade : 136p

06-21-2011, 11:51 AM
Is there any real reason for the searchlights? They are better upgrades those points could be used for.

I would switch out the psychotroke grenades for rad grenades, thats could just be me and not liking any kind of grenade that has a random effect, I like knowing what will happen so I can plan on it.

Lascannon on the stormraven seems a bit like a waste, its only one shot and the assualt cannon is much more usefull and has multiple roles. You already have enough anti tank that the lascannon isnt needed.

Might try to find points for a conversion beamer on your inquistor, gives you another weapon, or find points for a space monkey or two.

06-21-2011, 01:39 PM
Searchlights are needed, random determination for nightfight rules was in. It's only 8 points, and there wasn't that much I could do with it. I might dump 3 to make a paladin carry a MC weapon.

I was thinking about the rad grenades as well for a moment. Untill the new FAQ cleared out that hammerhands stack. This could bump the unit of paladins up to S6 if needed. Rad grenades would free up the possibilty for instakill or holocaust though. But psychotroke can be super devastating and with the new faq... the rad grenades almost feel too "situational" if you catch my drift. I may try a few testbattles to check if it's any better.

I mainly included the lascannon for range, more then anything really. It's a free swap, and the model is magnetised, so I'll give both a try.

06-21-2011, 06:20 PM
Hammerhand isn't a guarantee, though. Hoods can block it, Runes of Warding and Shadow in the Warp can screw you, and there's always the psychic test you have to pass in the first place. Get Rad Grenades.

The Assault Cannon is also a better choice than the Lascannon on the Storm Raven. It is better anti-tank and much better anti-infantry. Range isn't a disadvantage, because unlike BA Ravens with their awesome Str 8 AP1 missiles GK Ravens are pure transports. Losing those missiles suck. I'm not impressed by GK Ravens.

Otherwise, looks like a pretty solid list. I don't like the naked Inquisitor, you should find the points for Rad Grenades, and as I mentioned I'm not a fan of Ravens, but everything else looks good.

If you like the Raven, then keep it, but I'd personally drop it and buy another couple Paladins and footslog them, then use the points for a few upgrades.

I would switch out the psychotroke grenades for rad grenades, thats could just be me and not liking any kind of grenade that has a random effect, I like knowing what will happen so I can plan on it.

As long as you don't roll a 1, the result of psykotroke and rad grenades is effectively the same: your opponent is screwed. In fact, the results of the psykotroke grenades are typically much more sever than simply -1T. A 2, 3 or 6 result is basically like taking a hammer to your opponent's models, and a 4 or 5 aren't much better in certain cases.