View Full Version : DE: the dukes low orbital assault?

06-19-2011, 05:43 AM
i was wondering, as the new FAQ states models on transports that deepstrike also count as deepstriking, what could i do with deepstriking venoms, raiders and ravengers using the dukes low orbital assault rule?

can said veichles, or any embarked passengers, fire their weapons or is the just deepstriked veichle just a sitting duck?

06-19-2011, 05:51 AM
I think they can fire non-heavy weapons (vehicles count as moving 12" so raiders/ravagers can use all guns Can't remember if splinter cannons count as defensive weapons as they have no S value?) but obviously not assault.

Not sure if they can disembark and run or if that's a special drop pod rule?:confused:

06-19-2011, 07:41 AM
deep striking counts as moving at cruising speed. Models in the vehicles cannot shoot while moving at cruising speed. If the unit disembarks, they may shoot, because they just count as moving.

06-19-2011, 07:53 AM
Yeah Spinter cannons count as Defensive weapons.

So raiders can deepstrike and fire their one gun
Ravagers can deepstrike and fire all their guns
Venoms can deepstrike and fire all their guns

As for passengers...technicall passengers can get out and assault because its an open top vehicle. If you deepstrike them becuase you bought retrofire jets...then the rules specifically say no assaulting the turn you deepstrike. However the Dukes rule says nothing of the sort....

06-19-2011, 11:08 AM
As for passengers...technicall passengers can get out and assault because its an open top vehicle. If you deepstrike them becuase you bought retrofire jets...then the rules specifically say no assaulting the turn you deepstrike. However the Dukes rule says nothing of the sort....

Models that deep strike can NEVER assault unless otherwise noted (see C:SM Vanguard Veterans' Heroic Intervention), this includes models deep striking due to the Duke's special rule. When a vehicle deepstrikes, the embarked passengers do as well and cannot assault.

06-19-2011, 03:38 PM
i was wondering, as the new FAQ states models on transports that deepstrike also count as deepstriking, what could i do with deepstriking venoms, raiders and ravengers using the dukes low orbital assault rule?

can said veichles, or any embarked passengers, fire their weapons or is the just deepstriked veichle just a sitting duck?

Any fast vehicles can fire their weapons. The vehicle counts as moving at cruising speed (more than 6" by brb definition), though, so no passengers may fire from within the vehicle. Passengers may choose to get out of the vehicle and fire while on stable ground, but they may not assault.

I really seriously hope that fast vehicle transports allow embarked units to fire out of vehicles after up to 12" movement in the next rulebook. So many units seem designed around this idea, it's just sad to see an entire unit of guys with rifles sitting on the deck uselessly while the massive heavy cannon fires instead.