View Full Version : Here's My 2500 of GK

06-18-2011, 04:57 PM
Here's what I play with.

I used to play bugs, but shelved them after the Dark Eldar codex hit the stands. (Who wants to lose EVERY game?)
I loved the concept of an assault skimmer, and told all my friends that the next codex that came out that had assault skimmers, I would choose that as my next army. A few days later GW announced Grey Knights were incoming.

First thing I did was preorder 3 Storm Ravens and then got the codex as soon as it came out.
I built this list from day 1, and with the exception of some wargear and reducing my paladins down 1 model, this has been my list, and consequently all the models I own.

Grand Master w/Psytroke and Halberd
Librarian w/3Servos, Halberd, and Powers

4 Paladins w/2 Halberds, 1 Staff, 1 Banner
2 VenPsyRifleDreads

2x 5 Strike Squads with Halberds and incinerators
2x Psycannon Razorbacks

3 Stormravens with Assault Cannons & M-Meltas

3 Dual Psyflamer dreads.

Typiclly I just load up all the assault elements in the ravens and storm across the board using shrouding and flat out while the VenPsyrifledreads knock about anything that could actually hit the birds thru their cover saves, and the razorbacks either advance(giving cover saves to the VenDreads0 or go after anything that deployed to far forward.

I've lost some games. Tied a few others. But I've won my share as well.
I really appreciate this list because it lets me use a refused flank whenever I want, warpquake on the strike squads shuts down all 'surprise reserves', the Stormravens are hard as nails while turboboosting.

Since the faq came out, I'm happily taking advantage of making my Venerable dreads (and occasionaly my paladins) scoring.

Anyways, thats me in a nutshell. Ex bug player gone Grey Knight linebackers.