View Full Version : 2 Reavers

06-18-2011, 01:41 PM
Hey all! ( Pic Heavy)
Back story: Every deployment I buy myself a gift from Forgeworld. Last deployment my wife bought me a gift also. Funny we both thought of the same thing. Came back from Iraq and ended up with 2 Reaver Titans. Getting ready to deploy again and really want to finish these before I go.
Really started about 2 weeks ago. 2 Reavers at the same time, kinda ruff. Would go faster if it wasn't for work but hey we all gotta pay for plastic crack some how right. I've gottin as far as to the waist with both Reavers. Wanted to post how I was doing and for a few suggestions. Having trouble thinking of names for them. (suggestions welcome) Also as far as background goes I figure they are from a forge world that owes the Blood Angels a major dept. The Legio is named in Honour of the Blood Angels Primarch: Legio Sanguine Angelius. The markings will be like the Angels pictured on page 4 of the BA codex. Also I'm looking for good sugestions for the left knee pad (the black knee pad below on second post) I want something that relats to BA's without actually being a BA symbol.





I'm hoping to be down in the next 2 weeks with both Reavers, after this I have another Warhound (Mars class) to do.

06-18-2011, 01:49 PM

cuz I can only hve four here is the next.

06-18-2011, 02:54 PM
Maybe something like the SAS symbol?


Its got elements of BA iconography- wings and a sword, visually its reminescent of the blood drop angels symbol and would have nice symmatry with the titan symbol on the opposite knee.

Otherwise you can never go wrong with a skull- possibly also winged.

06-18-2011, 05:31 PM
They look amazing! Really good job. Tone must be really difficult to do on such large areas, especially the black and yellow stripes and it looks amazing.

May I suggest a grail chalice for the kneepad?

The varients being the grail upright and symmetrical, (subtle)
Grail Chalice tilted with a blood drop spilling and a wing attached to one side

Or a death company symbol, maybe in honour that a hero that saved the forgeworld died in a state of the black rage?
So a red cross over the black kneepad
Or a skull and crossbones (death company symbol)

Sanguinius had a red circle with laurels around it on his shoulderpads (very subtle)
He also wore the pelt of a white lion with black leopard spots (or maybe jaguar spots) (so subtle most people wouldnt pick up on it)

Or if your feeling really talented you could have;
Dante's death mask (could look good symmetrical and face on)
A Portrait of Sanguinious
A random blood angels librarian (maybe the titan has a life-debt to this hero of the Blood angels)
Or wack 'archangel' into a google image serach and see what amzing images pop up.

Or for a more generic space marine symbols-
Crux terminates
Skull with wings
Librarian skull with horns

06-19-2011, 12:15 AM
I'm likeing the idea about the upright chalice or even Dante's death mask. Hmmm.....think I'll try practicing my free hand today.

06-19-2011, 04:31 AM
So I took a shot at free handing.....it's not the greatest. Couldn't get a good shot with the cam. But this is what I came up with.



Emerald Rose Widow
06-19-2011, 05:36 AM
Just stunning, I love the look so far, and can't wait to see the finished product.

06-19-2011, 05:43 AM
Fantastic work mate. Freehand is fantastic, keep it up! As for names;

world hammer
marcus mundi
angel hammer
angellus malleus
world destroyer
mundi exterminatore
angel's sword
gladium angeli
angel's shield
angeli scutum
angel's hammer
angelus malleos
the beautiful sword
gladium pulchrum
the beautiful hammer
pulchrae malleus
the beautiful shield
pulchrae scutum
death's sword
gladii mortis
death's messenger
mortis nuntium
emperor's messenger
ceasaris nuntius
emperor's sword
ceasaris ensis
emperor's hammer
ceasaris malleus
emperor's shield
ceasaris arma

Just a few ideas :P

06-19-2011, 05:50 AM
Looking great! Can't wait to see these finished. And how are you thinking of painting the terrain?

06-19-2011, 01:30 PM
Thank you all very much.

The terrain will be painted to match my board:



Wow! Great names Thx!

I'm thinking of:
angel's shield
angeli scutum

death's messenger
mortis nuntium

I like:
world hammer
marcus mundi
for a Warhound I'm doing next. (already built one need another for the set) I like powerful names for lil' dogs LOL.

06-19-2011, 01:44 PM
Gotta say for anybody who hasn't put together a Reaver before you would be amazed by just how well it fits together. I was dry fitting the upper bodies earlier and wow, they just slide in together. I shoulda taken a pic when I did it. After the basecoat dries I'll take a pic and post it. For such a large resin model I really expected more problems. Everything has really been superficial.

Resin Tip:
parts that are warped - I used a hair drier on high to soften up the part and bend in place. Pay attention when doing this, if left under the hair drier to long you may cause major damage to part. Heating effect only allows for about 1 min. worth of bending time.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-20-2011, 03:03 AM
Gotta say for anybody who hasn't put together a Reaver before you would be amazed by just how well it fits together. I was dry fitting the upper bodies earlier and wow, they just slide in together. I shoulda taken a pic when I did it. After the basecoat dries I'll take a pic and post it. For such a large resin model I really expected more problems. Everything has really been superficial.

Resin Tip:
parts that are warped - I used a hair drier on high to soften up the part and bend in place. Pay attention when doing this, if left under the hair drier to long you may cause major damage to part. Heating effect only allows for about 1 min. worth of bending time.

good to know, thank you, I'll keep that in mind for when I finally get around to a forgeworld model.

06-20-2011, 05:21 AM
That's a nice project mate. Even if it is by accident, I bet it would be quite a joy to paint up two Titan brothers. :D
Good choice on the BA colour scheme as well. (Being a BA addict myself it seems like an easy choice :) )

06-20-2011, 05:58 AM
Hope the names serve you well... I got a little over excited, guess I'll just have to use some of the others for when I get round to expanding my titan maniple :P

06-27-2011, 09:47 AM
I got dragged to the Beach for awhile, but now it's time to get back to the Reavers.

06-27-2011, 05:57 PM
Well after dry fitting it seems the Eagle Armour and lower chest armour are going to need alot of work on both Reavers to fit properley. Working on the insides for now, was gonna skip the inside at first but man that detail is so good I can't help it. I really love this model, I hope when I'm done it will bring some justice to the detail done by the artist.

06-29-2011, 08:00 AM
Reaver #1 is getting done faster then Reaver #2 due to fitting problems slowing me down. Just some extra grinding and hair drier use needed. The last 24 hours have been getting alot done.




The interior pics don't show how much detail is really in there. I was gonna skip the inside for now, but once I got started I couldn't stop. The inside is just full of detail.

06-29-2011, 12:16 PM
Cool, that red holds up nicely on such a large surface. And the eagle looks especially nice.
Are you going to weather the carapace or leave it spic & span?

06-30-2011, 10:18 AM
Well Meph first thanks alot. I tend to leave models "all nice and shinny" at first. As they have a few battles I start adding weathering. Although with these I might weather the legs when I paint the bases.
The Red does well on large surface alright, I use a large brush for the most part. Main thing is to get Mechrite Red on evenly first. Takes about 3-4 thin coats.




07-10-2011, 03:29 PM
AHHH! Work has really slowed me down. So I hit it hard and in the last 48 hours was able to catch reaver 2 up with Reaver one. All thats left now is to attach heads and arms. I hope to finish the 6-8 weapon systems by the middle of next week I've decided to attach the weapons with bolts and nuts. Due to the problems with using magnets. Ie. the forward weight making it so touching the guns might make them fall off.



I like the way the chevrons turned out on the upper body, looks as good as I hoped for.
The lower portion of the upper body (if that makes sense) pinches the upper armour plate, to the point that taking it on and off will be a pain every time.

07-18-2011, 02:38 PM
Added weapons to Reaver #1, still need to finish painting the Missile Luancher. It won't be a primary weapons as I have a turbolaser that will go on the carapace. I used 3/16 bolts to hold the weapons on, so they can be swapped out or taken off for transport. Shoulder gaurds will be magnitized also. The Carapace weapon is pinned on. I still have to get the weapons for Reaver #2 painted. Moving slow.

07-19-2011, 03:10 AM
Progress may be slow but they sure seem to be looking good! Of course, with clear pictures under better lighting, I'm sure they would look awesome. ^^

07-21-2011, 12:21 AM
Well I've currently run out of time, but at least my Reavers are ready to Walk. I still have to paint the bases and go over small deatails (adding markings, weathering, small script, etc.etc.) The turbo laser needs the top hatch decorated. I still need to put the other Turbo laser and Melta cannon's together, but those will have to wait.



07-21-2011, 12:22 AM




07-21-2011, 12:27 AM
And here is my current Demi-Legio. I still have to build my other Mars Pattern Warhound. Story line goes that the Lucius Pattern is a replacement for a downed Engine, the crew camaflouged the Titan for added surviveability.


Well thats all I have time for this year, so hopefully when I get back I can finish everything and build the Mars Pattern. Thank you all for your comments and looking.

07-21-2011, 02:11 AM
Epic work mate! I've really enjoyed watching these pieces come together. I'm really jelous of the speed and precision of your paintjobs. Can't wait to hear about the finished bases, and see that Mars Pattern hound :)

Oh, and the pun was only partially intended ;)

07-22-2011, 04:30 AM
Glorious work here mate. Thoroughly jealous of the Titans!

07-22-2011, 04:51 AM
Expected jetbikes - saw titans. >>

07-22-2011, 05:59 AM
Woah, they sure look nice together. Awesome stuff mate!
So I take it you're going back abroad as you said you're running out of time?

07-22-2011, 06:06 AM
Yeah, I'm taking off this weekend. I get to spend the next year thinking of what I'll be painting and building next. I hate waiting....good thing I'm actually patient.

07-31-2011, 05:27 AM
Thats some solid work right there!

I could only imagine the amount of work needed to paint just one of these things, but two!

Fantastic effort!

07-31-2011, 06:16 AM
That's a lot of laser. ;)

I was a bit sceptical from the early posts but they're looking great now.