View Full Version : 2000 pts SW codex tournament list

06-18-2011, 04:58 AM
hi everyone,

I would to submit something new (maybe not new in term of list but in term of thinking about a theme).

So, I wanted to stick to the salamander theme, which is a lot of technology, a lot of armour and lot of special weapons, power weapons, etc and of course no antigrav (or the least of them).

So here the list :

HQ :

Rune priest with a psyber salamander (aka chooser of the slain), joins the 10 grey hunter pack.
Powers : living lightnings, murderous hurricane


+ Wolf guard pack :
Wolf guard with combi flamer, power weapon => leads the Blood Claws pack
Wolf guard with combi melta, power fist => leads a grey hunters pack
Wolf guard with combi melta, power weapon => leads a 5 grey hunters pack
Wolf guard with combi melta, power fist => leads a 5 grey hunters pack
+ Land Raider Reedemer with multi-melta
Here are some of the 120 veterans from the 1st company.


+ 10 grey hunters, 2 meltaguns, power fist
+ razorback, lascanon + twinlinked plasmaguns
Quite alike to the 2 special weapons squads salamanders got in the codex Armaggedon.
They ride in the reedemer and leave the razorback behind to offer a long range cover fire with the long fangs.

+ 15 blood claws, 2 flamers, power fist
So here we have the counterpart of a large assault squad without jump pack.
They ride in the crusader.

+ 5 grey hunters, meltagun, power weapon
+ razorback, assault canon
Counterpart of the 5 men squad.

+ 5 grey hunters, meltagun, power weapon
+ razorback, assault canon


+ 5 Long Fang, 4 missile launchers
+ razorback, lascanon + twinlinked plasmaguns
Devastator squads are numerous amongst salamanders.

+ 5 Long Fang, 4 missile launchers
+ razorback, lascanon + twinlinked plasmaguns

+ Land Raider Crusader with Multi-fuseur
Some armour for our dragon whelps.

So what do you think ? Is it competitive ? Is it acceptable to play such a list with salamanders minis ?

06-18-2011, 05:50 AM
The list is a great theme! but coming from a Space Wolf player i would say quite up to competitive standards.

06-18-2011, 12:34 PM
I guess my question is why you're playing Counts As Salamanders when Salamanders are in fact a pretty good army.

06-19-2011, 01:02 PM
Well, vanilla SM codex is a bit too much ultramarines IMO and I wanted to stick to what salamanders could field without Vulkan improving the whole thing.

For example, 2 special weapons in a single tac squad is not possible with the vanilla codex.

06-19-2011, 01:10 PM
I don't know, you're definitely going to get some looks from people. That said, there are some flaws with Salamanders that's true, largely in that Codex: Space Marines is not a well made codex and leaves little room for running a different chapter other than slapping a different character in the HQ slot and painting your guys green.

I'd suggest extra armor for your Land Raiders, otherwise I don't think it's a bad list, although a support character for the Blood Claws could really help you out there.