View Full Version : 2000pt GK; fun-list, not competitive.

06-18-2011, 03:31 AM
Grey Knight Grand Master w/ Incinerator, MC Halberd, 3x Servo Skulls, Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades, Blind Grenades
Vindicare Assassin
Paladin squad: 10x Paladins, Apothecary Upgrade, 4x Psycannons, Brotherhood Banner, 7x Halberds, 2x MC Hammers, Psybolt Ammo
Venerable Dreadnought, Plasma Cannon and Nemesis Doomfist w/ Heavy Flamer, Psyflame Ammo
Terminator Squad, Justicar w/ MC hammer, 4x Terminators w/ Halberds, 1 Incinerator
Terminator Squad, Justicar w/ MC hammer, 4x Terminators w/ Halberds, 1 Incinerator
Fast Attack:
Stormraven Gunship w/ TL Assault cannon, TL multimelta, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons


Concept: Force of very sturdy terminators/paladins designed to shrug off incoming small arms fire and deliver back while oncoming forces try to get into range.


GKGM hangs with my Paladins to make their already terrifying assault prowess even more so; the blind grenades make charging me a bad idea, as do all the other kinds of grenades. I lack a lot of static ranged firepower though. (bleh psyflemen dreads, bah I say, I kick dirt in their general direction.)
The Stormraven, depending on the situation, would be loaded up with 5 terminators and the venerable dreadnought, between their incinerator and the dreadnought's heavy flamer, they could clear out frustratingly dug-in opposition.

If you're wondering about the Ven. Dreadnought's Plasma Cannon, considering how inexpensive it was, combined with the dreadnought's survivability and high ballistics skill, I feel safe in managing is scatter and general hit-ness. Of course I may roll a lot of ones, who knows?

The Vindicare exists as my sort of wildcard unit; he becomes a huge psychological impact, and I've learned how to deploy him over the past few games. Between removing invul saves from ICs and popping vehicles that come into range, he'll be worth it. If nothing else, he creates a 36" denial zone of "Come in here if you only can risk losing every special thing in your squad."
As far as deployment goes, I may keep all my terminators together and just have my dreadnought in the stormraven. The goal with the raven is either tearing apart an over-extended flank; like someone leaving a devastator squad on one corner while the rest of their army lies elsewhere. Or, dedicated anti-infantry, hence the Hurricane Bolters.

Limitations/issues: I do not have a lot of psycannons in this list, and a lot of you are going to go "You need more psycannons." I do not disagree on principle, but I'm working with my own local metagame here, where I actually don't see a lot of mech, I see a lot of hordes. So the template weapons I have will be /very/ useful. Having a single storm raven invites /every/ single ranged anti-tank weapon to try and knock it out of the sky. I understand this and accept it. I also obviously have a very limited amount of scoring units, 4 maximum if I use Grand Strategy on my Paladins, and combat squad them. I however don't expect to do that.