View Full Version : Amazing chinese 40K Cosplay
06-17-2011, 03:27 PM
Holy God Emperor!!
And this:
(look at the chaplain with the skull helmet!!)
06-17-2011, 04:37 PM
Oh man, those are amazing. I love the terminators, they are hilariously bulky but awesome...SoB and Repentia are all so hot it's heresy
06-17-2011, 05:02 PM
So, when will GW sue the convention?
06-17-2011, 05:56 PM
I may have laughed somewhat uncharitably when the Devastator's backpack fell off :rolleyes: Most embarrassing for the poor marine in question!
Those are genuinely amazing. Shame they prove how marine armour just doesn't work in real life, but they've got this whole woobly Jim Henson vibe going on that's really quite endearing.
06-17-2011, 07:14 PM
So, when will GW sue the convention?
:D Dude you made me spill soda on my laptop!! :D :D :D
06-17-2011, 07:23 PM
I was thinking a couple more terminators, and they can do life-sized Space Hulk.
06-17-2011, 08:18 PM
:D Dude you made me spill soda on my laptop!! :D :D :D
06-17-2011, 10:33 PM
A little better than the average that is for sure, still has the whole cheap materials, cheap look problem though.
06-17-2011, 11:31 PM
simply amazing
06-18-2011, 02:02 AM
Glad you all like it!!
06-18-2011, 03:06 AM
These Peoples liberation Army recruiting videos are very droll. To think we worried about the yellow peril for years.
I reckon a Corporal's Guard could probably wrap up a battalion of these clowns on their own.
06-18-2011, 06:40 AM
Bahhh my biggest bugbear is the whole dressing up thing, if theres anything that gets gives our hobby the "nerd" tag its the fuc*ing costumes. Games day 2008 I will never forget the looks from the security staff at the NEC with the all the fanboys in the queue dressed as fu*k knows what. When your trying to explain to a mate that it REALLY is a cool hobby and lots of fun and not nerdy at all and then he says "what about the people dressing up ?" my argument crumbles.
You may think you look cool dressing up but leave it to the kids, you just look a tw*at.
06-18-2011, 07:34 AM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
Bahhh my biggest bugbear is the whole dressing up thing, if theres anything that gets gives our hobby the "nerd" tag its the fuc*ing costumes. Games day 2008 I will never forget the looks from the security staff at the NEC with the all the fanboys in the queue dressed as fu*k knows what. When your trying to explain to a mate that it REALLY is a cool hobby and lots of fun and not nerdy at all and then he says "what about the people dressing up ?" my argument crumbles.
You may think you look cool dressing up but leave it to the kids, you just look a tw*at.
06-18-2011, 07:52 AM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
I have no idea what to say although "ooh matron" in a Kenith williams voice comes to mind.
Detecting GW lawsuit in 5..4..3..
06-18-2011, 10:07 AM
That was cool! Well done China!
06-18-2011, 10:14 AM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
Pictures Ma'am, or it never happened...
06-18-2011, 10:34 AM
Pictures Ma'am, or it never happened...
Yes, we wantsss it, Eldargal!!!
06-18-2011, 11:57 AM
When your trying to explain to a mate that it REALLY is a cool hobby and lots of fun and not nerdy at all.
May not be 100% accurate.
06-18-2011, 02:17 PM
May not be 100% accurate.
Lol no maybe not
06-18-2011, 02:30 PM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
No I haven't and quite unlikely too ;) However I have seen plenty of "outfits" in my time and they have managed to do the job without resorting to fanvoyism.
Im sorry but the WFB / 40K dressing up thing just piss*es me off in a BIG WAY. As you may be able to tell.
You know going back to the whole Games Day 2008 there was this overweight beardy guy dressed as a commissar and not only did he look a complete knob, he spent the whole day trying to be in character too. Walking around trying to give us "normals" stern looks. He got a swift fuc*k off from me and then security took his wooden chain sword off him. :)
Oh and if anyone wishes to paint their face green and scream WAAGGHHH in my face, be prepared.........just be prepared.
I will add the only dress up I could appreciate in at least its construction was the guy here who did the culexus assassin, that helmet was very good...and at least it hid his face
06-18-2011, 02:42 PM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
No offense, as I have nothing but respect for your posts, but any one referencing that they are a girl no less than three times per every post (one in name, one in picture, once in signature) on a forum dominated by men on the internet where gender means nothing doesn't exaclty inspire trust. Especially with comments like these that, as proven by the 3-4 posts already qouting it, seem to be catered toward garnering attention from the male-dominated board.
Bahhh my biggest bugbear is the whole dressing up thing, if theres anything that gets gives our hobby the "nerd" tag its the fuc*ing costumes. Games day 2008 I will never forget the looks from the security staff at the NEC with the all the fanboys in the queue dressed as fu*k knows what. When your trying to explain to a mate that it REALLY is a cool hobby and lots of fun and not nerdy at all and then he says "what about the people dressing up ?" my argument crumbles.
I'm not sure I agree. I don't think there's anything really wrong with enjoying different aspects of the hobby and just having fun with it. Course, theres those that ruin everything; the fot slob dressed as a commisar, the whore-y chick dressed like a slaanesh icon, etc. But I'm sure for those that dress up just for the fun of it and use discretion, it can't be that bad?
06-18-2011, 03:04 PM
No offense, as I have nothing but respect for your posts, but any one referencing that they are a girl no less than three times per every post (one in name, one in picture, once in signature) on a forum dominated by men on the internet where gender means nothing doesn't exaclty inspire trust. Especially with comments like these that, as proven by the 5-6 posts already qouting it, seem to be catered toward garnering attention from the male-dominated board.
Even if EG turned out to be a 30 stone trucker called Bob with a beard a grizzly would be proud of, he/she would still be far wittier than you.
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 03:16 PM
Even if EG turned out to be a 30 stone trucker called Bob with a beard a grizzly would be proud of, he/she would still be far wittier than you.
This wins my vote for post of the week. :D
so "Bob" how about those photos eh? ;)
06-18-2011, 03:25 PM
Even if EG turned out to be a 30 stone trucker called Bob with a beard a grizzly would be proud of, he/she would still be far wittier than you.
No need to get touchy, as I knew people would, and I wasn't trying to be witty or insulting, it just think it's common when people are so insistant that something is, it usually isn't. Besides, don't blame me, I didn't create her info nor am I the one making such comments on boards and by making such comments, leaving herself open to ridicule.
I apologize to you if I didn't see the implication of 'girl' three times, hear 'witch elf' then cream my pants like a 12 year old. Some of us have to keep our composure.
06-18-2011, 03:30 PM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
Ok, I need to ask, any pics? Please post. :D
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 03:39 PM
No need to get touchy, as I knew people would, and I wasn't trying to be witty or insulting, it just think it's common when people are so insistant that something is, it usually isn't. Besides, don't blame me, I didn't create her info nor am I the one making such comments on boards and by making such comments, leaves herself open to ridicule as well.
I apologize to you if I didn't see the implication of 'girl' three times, hear 'witch elf' then cream my pants like a 12 year old. Some of us have to keep our composure.
Somehow i think you may have missed the point.
06-18-2011, 03:45 PM
Somehow i think you may have missed the point.
Which 'point'? The attack on me for something I had nothing to do with? Was it that I'm not witty when I wasn't trying to be witty? Or was it the hypocrisy that in order to insult my wit he used none of his own, maybe it was a joke? Could you be more specific as to which of the awesome 'points' of logic I missed.
How I wish I had enough friends on forums to insult people and not get in trouble for it.
All I did was simply state the obvious, with no insult intended, that someone that insists they are female three times in every single post might be trying too hard, a point which garners more merit when attention grasping comments are made based on that.
06-18-2011, 04:16 PM
To which you seem to be the only one commenting, most of us seem to not to be bothered (or dare I say appreciate) by her posts which are usually quite informative.
Kovnik Obama
06-18-2011, 04:40 PM
How I wish I had enough friends on forums to insult people and not get in trouble for it.
Maybe not friends, but like-minded people. Tho I'm not sure my post count is high enough to provide gravitas and thus dodge all the frak.
And what wit are we talking about? What the hell would come off as 'wit' in here? Last I checked, wit was a particule of intelligence? Collecting 65K + of eldar (which would amount to a nice retirement fund, if you think about it) does seems to me a far as you can get from intellectual brilliance.
But between the Witch Elf costume comment, and the 'whats the point of being a women if it doesn't bounce when you jog' (which, honestly, isn't necessarily a good thing), EG comes off as an annoyance. How low does you self-esteem must be to try and garner attention on a WARGAMING FORUM?!?!?!?
... And I don't actually think she's not a girl, I just think she needs to realize how little we frakking care about her female parts.
06-18-2011, 05:03 PM
Serious hat on now. I think there may be a transatlantic differential here. Our cousins in the states may not be used to women being so forward or giving out banter about their lady parts or flirting much.
Or maybe I have this wrong maybe it is a gamer thing - so passive that a lady who is so confident and actually feminine if her picture is genuine - that her doing so is the interent equivalent of her invading your personal space - you are not used to this and finding it threatening, you attack it.
If EG is exactly what she claims to be then she is quite a rarity in my experience. I have no reason to doubt it and her posts and span of knowledge seem to back it up.
Finity you are clearly a giver not a taker. Even if you had no intent to be insulting, you acknowledged 'you knew people would be touchy' You posted for a reaction which is what you claim she does. As soon as you got some back you try and make out like your an injured party. If you think EG is trying too hard and trying to win internetz points by displaying herself in some fashion or other, why point it out unless you are trying to win some yourself?
Kovnik the wit we are talking about is of course, humour. Try this, may help you understand English better.
About everything in your post seems to me to be as far from intellectual brilliance as possible because it runs off several assumptions - the only thing you posit that is true is you correctly assess your post count doesn't lend you any gravitas - far from it if you think EG has low self esteem why are you pointing this out to her - are you some sort of psycho that likes to make low people lower or are you just inconsiderate?
06-18-2011, 05:04 PM
Amazing. Really inspiring as to what you can achieve in this fandom hobbyness. Some freinds took me to comicon in the uk last year, and i would have sucked if it wasnt for the amazing cosplay people there- it really made the event something spectacular and memorable. There was even stands providing funding for people to attend events as cosplay peoples.
Also I believe she is singing a somg called Jillian by Within Temptation- symphonic metal so very bold in your face gothic style- not unlike WH 40k. The band seems to have done quite well in the east (well, China and Japan)
The original song with lyrics is here;
06-18-2011, 05:08 PM
cosplay is serious business for those who are into it :)
06-18-2011, 05:19 PM
Finity you are clearly a giver not a taker. Even if you had no intent to be insulting, you acknowledged 'you knew people would be touchy' You posted for a reaction which is what you claim she does.
I didn't post for any reaction, just assumed there would be one. And what I gvie was constructive critisizm, you gave a halfbaked insult that your now trying to pull back on becuase it makes you look exactly as it should. I, unfortunatly, lack the amount of friends on these forums that you have to say what exactly that is.
For the record, I didn't intend to start a flame war nor am I starting one now; I have been on these forums long before I started posting and find most of what eldergal posts to be insightful, well thought out, great rumors or notices when they become available, etc. This is why I said, and meant, that I had no disrespect but by making such comments has left herself open to the critique that perhaps the fact she was born with a vag doesn't need to be mentioned three times in every post.
cosplay is serious business for those who are into it
Isn't that the problem really, maybe those people that take it too seriously? Which would you consider the greater danger to cosplay (assuming that it's not dangerous doing it at all), taking it too seriously or not serious enough?
06-18-2011, 05:37 PM
And what I gvie was constructive critisizm,
I see where the problem lies now, your comment was not constructive criticism at all, just plain criticism.
if her sig and avatar are a problem for you, don't look at them. As for her post, it fit in with the discussion and was quite funny.
Isn't that the problem really, maybe those people that take it too seriously? Which would you consider the greater danger to cosplay (assuming that it's not dangerous doing it at all), taking it too seriously or not serious enough?
life is a problem as far to many people take it to seriously ;) however people do what they do if it offends you don't look.
06-18-2011, 05:38 PM
I see where the problem lies now, your comment was not constructive criticism at all, just plain criticism.
if her sig and avatar are a problem for you, don't look at them.
I see. I intend to relieve myself on your chest later. If you have a problem with it, just don't look at it, ok?
it fit in with the discussion and was quite funny
No, quite frankly, it wasn't funny at all. There was no humor there, nor was there any laughter. It was a comment meant to draw sexual attention on a forum dominated by men, and as proof, the replies weren't filled with "lols, U so Funny!" but "pictures pictures pictures". I mean, this is getting dragged on further than it needs to be. The critique had merit, stop defending the boobies and move on.
Quite frankly in every aspect of life there are those who take it too seriously. Just let them take it seriously, if you dont mock them, they might get a bit more security in it, and then be able to make jokes about it themselves
Ya know though, it's not so bad. I mean, worst case scenario, we laugh at them - best case scenario we marvel at the amount of detial they put into it and the 'air' by which they hold themselves to pull it off. There are way many worse things these people can be doing with their time and money...course, the same could be said about people that play with plastic toys...*curses*
06-18-2011, 05:41 PM
Isn't that the problem really, maybe those people that take it too seriously? Which would you consider the greater danger to cosplay (assumging that it's not dangerous doing it at all), taking it too seriously or not serious enough?
Yeah, your probably right, but this is a geeky hobby. The term 'nerd-rage' exists for a reason. Dont bait us, we cant take it.
Quite frankly in every aspect of life there are those who take it too seriously. Just let them take it seriously, if you dont mock them, they might get a bit more security in it, and then be able to make jokes about it themselves :D
06-18-2011, 05:45 PM
I didn't post for any reaction, just assumed there would be one. And what I gvie was constructive critisizm, you gave a halfbaked insult that your now trying to pull back on becuase it makes you look exactly as it should. I, unfortunatly, lack the amount of friends on these forums that you have to say what exactly that is.
For the record, I didn't intend to start a flame war nor am I starting one now; I have been on these forums long before I started posting and find most of what eldergal posts to be insightful, well thought out, great rumors or notices when they become available, etc. This is why I said, and meant, that I had no disrespect but making such comments has left herself open to the critique that perhaps the fact she was born with a vag doesn't need to be mentioned three times in every post.
You may think that she has done so. You may think anything, and that is clearly your right as a sentient being. But its a well known cliche that opinions are like bumholes. We've all got one and they all taste of poo. But you expressed yours to be critical of someone. You have added what you continue to add since you did us all the great favour and stopped lurking and started posting. Nothing.
I am not trying to backtrack from anything. I don't particularly care how I look to anyone on here - we are both in discussing this on this thread wallowing somehwere near the bottom of socieatal norms. So it matters not a jot if I am being an intuhnet hardman or whatever.
I feel able to give 'half baked insults' You feel able to give critique of Eldargal. Neither of these is particularly impressive on the evolutionary scale. A slight and subtle difference is you were just being petty and nitpicking - I spoke up in defence of EG. Round our way men like boobs. I wish there was more people like EG in the community. Even men trying to pose as women from her niche in society.
I'm a half baked insulter if you like. Thats better in my book than being a nitpicker biatchy little critic. And if EG wants to draw attention to her gender (I don't think she does beyond what is socially amusing or acceptable) let her.
At least boobs and vag are useful. Unlike you.
06-18-2011, 05:50 PM
You may think that she has done so. You may think anything, and that is clearly your right as a sentient being. But its a well known cliche that opinions are like bumholes. We've all got one and they all taste of poo. But you expressed yours to be critical of someone. You have added what you continue to add since you did us all the great favour and stopped lurking and started posting. Nothing.
I am not trying to backtrack from anything. I don't particularly care how I look to anyone on here - we are both in discussing this on this thread wallowing somehwere near the bottom of socieatal norms. So it matters not a jot if I am being an intuhnet hardman or whatever.
I feel able to give 'half baked insults' You feel able to give critique of Eldargal. Neither of these is particularly impressive on the evolutionary scale. A slight and subtle difference is you were just being petty and nitpicking - I spoke up in defence of EG. Round our way men like boobs. I wish there was more people like EG in the community. Even men trying to pose as women from her niche in society.
I'm a half baked insulter if you like. Thats better in my book than being a nitpicker biatchy little critic. And if EG wants to draw attention to her gender (I don't think she does beyond what is socially amusing or acceptable) let her.
At least boobs and vag are useful. Unlike you.
Your ability to say so much yet, at the same time, so little is astounding. Find another victim troll, this ones over it.
06-18-2011, 05:53 PM
I think this has spiraled waaay out of control.
06-18-2011, 05:56 PM
I think this has spiraled waaay out of control.
Don't let go of the wheel yet, I have faith in this forum to forgive some minor derailing and put this thread back on track.
I would like to ask, in your opinion, where is the line at in terms of wither cosplay is actually appropriate at a convention or not?
Kovnik Obama
06-18-2011, 05:58 PM
Kovnik the wit we are talking about is of course, humour. Try this, may help you understand English better.
About everything in your post seems to me to be as far from intellectual brilliance as possible because it runs off several assumptions - the only thing you posit that is true is you correctly assess your post count doesn't lend you any gravitas - far from it if you think EG has low self esteem why are you pointing this out to her - are you some sort of psycho that likes to make low people lower or are you just inconsiderate?
So you criticize the conclusions of my observations, only to then criticize my character in formulating said observations, in the event that they are right? Theres a sophism in there, but its quite a refined one, congratulations.
Assumptions? Like you assumed the lack of wit in my post was a negative factor? I voiced a negative opinion of the few interactions I've had with a person over the internet. I was not aware I had the obligation to insert humour in it. That would've been bad taste.
Also, you assume that my voicing of said opinion will not, in fact, lead her to reevaluate her character and, like you said, 'bring a low person higher'. Since you have such a negative outlook on life, I would posit that YOU are in fact the 'some sort of psycho'.
06-18-2011, 06:01 PM
I would like to ask, in your opinion, where is the line at in terms of wither cosplay is actually appropriate at a convention or not?
my personal opinion
If people pay the freight and are not overtly (or otherwise) offensive they can wear whatever they
in terms of the previous (and rather pointless) discussion. I think we can safely say not everyone here understands or appreciates "British" humour.
then again not everyone here appreciates cosplay either
06-18-2011, 06:07 PM
OK this is kind of disheartening here. This thread about cosplayer's has devolved into children bickering. And over what? A woman showing off that she's a woman. This shouldn't bother anyone really. If it did oh well, please move on and don't pollute the forums with needless bickering. Bravo to those supporting her, a tip of the hat those who are exercising their right to speak against her. But this has just gone too far, especially with EG not even being on to defend herself. Shouldn't someone who has been spoken down to get the chance to defend themself? And to pick out a point that irked me earlier. It was said that "I'll just relieve myself on your chest, just don't look".....WTF?!?! How in god's name is a picture and a work on an internet page, that you have the ability to close mind you, the same as some person taking a sh*t on your chest?! I just can't fathom how that is even remotly alike.
Now to contribute to the actual topic as I like it and think that its neat: I love the idea of people cosplaying. I went to an anime convention a couple years back and there was a fellow dressed as an Ork (proper spelling for 40k?). Made me laugh and my friend grabbed a picture with him, was good times....ok point being. If you want to cosplay go for it, you only get one shot at life on this ball of crap we call earth if cosplaying makes you happy F everyone else and do it. If your outfit rocks we'll all enjoy it, if it doesn't oh well at least you're having fun right?
EDIT: seems we got back on track slightly. If my opinion up top attempts at derailing it more I'm sorry. Just needed to voice the dissapointment of the forum, all of the topics and responses have been respectable lately, but this is kind of a blemish on that. Or maybe my migrane has left me unable to tolerate bullsh*t who knows
06-18-2011, 06:11 PM
I would like to ask, in your opinion, where is the line at in terms of wither cosplay is actually appropriate at a convention or not?
I think as long as it dosnt break health and safety laws, or detract from the innocence of small children i think we are fine. I also think that the innocence of small children should be a good benchmark even if there wont be small children around.
Apart from that, I think anything goes at a convention. I would even be happy if a friend had a suit of space marine armour like that for them to wear it out in public with me. I would actually be a bit embarrassed, but if they have the guts to wear it, well If Im their friend I would be happy to walk around town with them.
What was awkward however was when some female friends of mine were advertising for the local theatre in costume (Aladdin I think) and came into the pub i was a manager of in oriental dress. Couldn't really do anything to stop the lager drinking football(soccer) fans from ripping it out of them verbally.
So yeah, at a convention, I think it should be encouraged. Its the only place its really acceptable, and can be embraced. And when I went to Comicon it did really make the day. Loads of amazing costumes (I admit i didnt know what all of them were) but with the Star Wars online game coming up, loads and loads of custom sith, so it was great to see peoples creativity. It was also great to see a sith buy a pink lightsabre because he thought it was red, and had tinted glass in his costumes helmet.
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 06:23 PM
Which 'point'?
this one.
that someone that insists they are female three times in every single post might be trying too hard
do you perhaps think she might be doing this deliberately, because of this exact reason?
No, quite frankly, it wasn't funny at all. There was no humor there, nor was there any laughter. It was a comment meant to draw sexual attention on a forum dominated by men, and as proof, the replies weren't filled with "lols, U so Funny!" but "pictures pictures pictures". I mean, this is getting dragged on further than it needs to be. The critique had merit, stop defending the boobies and move on.
No it wasn't designed to draw sexual attention and your "proof" is simply people with the same sense of humor having a laugh and calling Eldargal's bluff.
Your ability to say so much yet, at the same time, so little is astounding. Find another victim troll, this ones over it.
Hahahahaha...... Realy? go look in a mirror, you have only been here a few weeks and have already started several arguments and pissed people off.
Apologies for going of topic again.
06-18-2011, 06:25 PM
".....WTF?!?! How in god's name is a picture and a work on an internet page, that you have the ability to close mind you, the same as some person taking a sh*t on your chest?! I just can't fathom how that is even remotly alike.
I don't want to derail further. I disagree with everything you've said, but that's niether here nor there (nor do you probably care, understandably). I would like to, out of respect, explain what I said.
The idea that a person has to declare no less than three times per post so people identify her gender is so base that I find it horribly offensive. Even more so that it's related to a forum where gender isn't even an issue. It's the equivalint to someone chick walking in our game store dressed like a hooker simply so guys will look at her - get your feminine attention somewhere else. Sure, you have that right. Sure, you can be proud your a woman. But if thats really the epitome of what your proud of, something so simple as how you were born, something you had absolutly no part in actually achieving, then I find it offensive in how someone can be so...for lack of a better term, stupid. That's like being proud that of the amount of air that you breath, it's just inane and pointless and if someone was proud of something like that I wouldn't be the only one that would judge their lack of character (among other things).
That comment, specifically, was writen in order to achieve a point you missed becuase you were too busy being offended by the content...I guess my American humor doesn't translate well to Brits. Bassicly, the comment that "if you don't like it, ignore it" is a silly one especially on a forum that, by deifnition, is a gathering place for public discussion. I agree it was profane and not the least bit appealing to think about, but it said in such a way to drive the point home to those that gave it the thought - that just becuase you turn a blind eye towards something doesn't mean it isn't any less nagative for existing in the first place.
".....WTF?!?! How in god's name is a picture and a work on an internet page, that you have the ability to close mind you, the same as some person taking a sh*t on your chest?! I just can't fathom how that is even remotly alike.
I don't want to derail further. I disagree with everything you've said, but that's niether here nor there (nor do you probably care, understandably). I would like to, out of respect, explain what I said.
The idea that a person has to declare no less than three times per post so people identify her gender is so base that I find it horribly offensive. Even more so that it's related to a forum where gender isn't even an issue. It's the equivalint to someone chick walking in our game store dressed like a hooker simply so guys will look at her - get your feminine attention somewhere else. Sure, you have that right. Sure, you can be proud your a woman. But if thats really the epitome of what your proud of, something so simple as how you were born, something you had absolutly no part in actually achieving, then I find it offensive in how someone can be so...for lack of a better term, stupid. That's like being proud that of the amount of air that you breath, it's just inane and pointless and if someone was proud of something like that I wouldn't be the only one that would judge their lack of character (among other things).
do you perhaps think she might be doing this deliberately, because of this exact reason?
Who cares, in my opinion it's pathetic either way becuase it results in the same thing.
No it wasn't designed to draw sexual attention and your "proof" is simply people with the same sense of humor having a laugh and calling Eldargal's bluff.
And my comments are also designed to call her bluff. You don't find it funny?
Hahahahaha...... Realy? go look in a mirror, you have only been here a few weeks and have already started several arguments and pissed people off.
Your point? Troll be Trollin', it's ok for you to call me out but if I insult him I get jumped on? Sure must be nice to have those onconditional friends.
06-18-2011, 06:30 PM
That comment, specifically, was writen in order to achieve a point you missed becuase you were too busy being offended by the content...I guess my American humor doesn't translate well to Brits. Bassicly, the comment that "if you don't like it, ignore it" is a silly one especially on a forum that, by deifnition, is a gathering place for public discussion. I agree it was profane and not the least bit appealing to think about, but it said in such a way to drive the point home to those that gave it the thought - that just becuase you turn a blind eye towards something doesn't mean it isn't any less nagative for existing in the first place.
I would like to note at first is that I am not british. I am american, proud of it, and am currently deployed serving our great country so you can spout half respectful crap. I was understanding your standpoint and was going to compliment you on your respectful response and that I can understand where you are coming from with that response. But then you accuse me of twisting your words because it achieves my goal. I said no such thing. You stated what you stated. If you are that revolted at her stating that she's a woman, and that this is a public area, then fine, do it in a way that doesn't suggest someone is taking a sh*t on your chest.
NOTE: I'm not saying I dislike british people. I think everyone from every country is equal, I am just proud of where I come from, and dislike ignorant people assuming things.
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 06:31 PM
I don't want to derail further.
Yes you do, and you have.
Kovnik Obama
06-18-2011, 06:33 PM
I'm a half baked insulter if you like. Thats better in my book than being a nitpicker biatchy little critic.
Weird. You say this, and yet you don't die from epistemological failure? I guess logic engines quality requirements aren't the same in the Old World...
06-18-2011, 06:38 PM
assuming anyone here still remembers that the discussion is about cosplay
I think the costumes were very well done, I loved the Sisters and the inquisitor but all in all they were all very good.
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 06:39 PM
Your point? Troll be Trollin', it's ok for you to call me out but if I insult him I get jumped on? Sure must be nice to have those onconditional friends.
Hey Denzark my "New unconditional friend" how are you doing down there in the land where mustard comes from?
If you're not from England you won't get this, hell if you are from England you still might not get this.
06-18-2011, 06:48 PM
I would like to note at first is that I am not british. I am american, proud of it, and am currently deployed serving our great country so you can spout half respectful crap. I was understanding your standpoint and was going to compliment you on your respectful response and that I can understand where you are coming from with that response. But then you accuse me of twisting your words because it achieves my goal. I said no such thing. You stated what you stated. If you are that revolted at her stating that she's a woman, and that this is a public area, then fine, do it in a way that doesn't suggest someone is taking a sh*t on your chest.
NOTE: I'm not saying I dislike british people. I think everyone from every country is equal, I am just proud of where I come from, and dislike ignorant people assuming things.
I do owe you an apology. The way I wrote it, you could clearly assume I was saying you were twisting my words cuase of the british thing. I didn't really mean it like that, but take responsability for it. I was really just drawing a parallel between all these posts saying Americans don't understand British humor and how stupid of an excuse that is.
Now, before I sound too nice, I could give two craps about any military your serving in. If you have to go around spouting your service on forums as a measure to get resepct, your really no better than she is and the only person your serving is yourself. I didn't make you sign up, so do your job and quit demanding my respect for it.
Yes you do, and you have.
No I didn't, but I did. I really, really did. The sad part is, she doesn't really deserve any of this. God knows I'm angry and disgusted by it, but so what? I'm one person, and only said what I did becuase of the comment she made. It was just my opinion, as valid a one as those that seemed to get off at the mere mention of the idea of a 'woman' in cosplay. it could have easily just gone by, no big deal, but then annual meeting of 'Those that Fanaticly Defend Boobies Whereever they may Appear' (T.F.D.B.W.A.) showed up and thought I wanted her burned at a stake. I tried to clarify, and again just got flamed for it, and thats what led to here.
Shes been nothing but an asset to any forum shes been on from what I can tell (I see her from time to time on warseer too). To my credit, what little there is I'm sure, I have really tried to move this topic back somewhere contructive. But your right, I am human, have seemed to only have derailed it further.
06-18-2011, 06:48 PM
So you criticize the conclusions of my observations, only to then criticize my character in formulating said observations, in the event that they are right? Theres a sophism in there, but its quite a refined one, congratulations.
Assumptions? Like you assumed the lack of wit in my post was a negative factor? I voiced a negative opinion of the few interactions I've had with a person over the internet. I was not aware I had the obligation to insert humour in it. That would've been bad taste.
Kovnik the voicing negative opinion is bad manners. Your lack of manners explains why you find bad taste unacceptable but bad manners not.
Also, you assume that my voicing of said opinion will not, in fact, lead her to reevaluate her character and, like you said, 'bring a low person higher'. Since you have such a negative outlook on life, I would posit that YOU are in fact the 'some sort of psycho'.
I am running an assumption based on your arrival followed by bad manners that your motivation for commenting was not altruistic. You yourself called it a 'negative' opinion so I guess it bears out. I say assumption it is more of an estimate. If this is psychosis then you could be right.
Weird. You say this, and yet you don't die from epistemological failure? I guess logic engines quality requirements aren't the same in the Old World...
I like you kovnik. 200 years ago I would have spent a farthing to come into your asylum and watch you fling dung through the cage door. Tonight you have taught me 2 words and for that I thank you - I do however wonder that you claimed not to know wit applies to humour and knowledge both,when you clearly have a USEFUL VOCABULARY.
BTW yes I appreciate the irony that I have descended to deplorably bad manners in order to combat other peoples bad manners. I am sorry it has come to this and hopefully warseer's servers will be up again soon and they can disappear up the fundament from which they came.
Back to cosplay, as long as it doesn't hurt children or scare the horses who cares what people wear to conventions. After all one shouldn't comment on other people's appearance (in real life or on the internetz...)
06-18-2011, 06:50 PM
Hey Denzark my "New unconditional friend" how are you doing down there in the land where mustard comes from?
Mr MD all is good how is the 'Newkie broon' up there?
06-18-2011, 06:50 PM
I am running an assumption based on your arrival followed by bad manners that your motivation for commenting was not altruistic. You yourself called it a 'negative' opinion so I guess it bears out. I say assumption it is more of an estimate. If this is psychosis then you could be right.
I like you kovnik. 200 years ago I would have spent a farthing to come into your asylum and watch you fling dung through the cage door. Tonight you have taught me 2 words and for that I thank you - I do however wonder that you claimed not to know wit applies to humour and knowledge both,when you clearly have a USEFUL VOCABULARY.
BTW yes I appreciate the irony that I have descended to deplorably bad manners in order to combat other peoples bad manners. I am sorry it has come to this and hopefully warseer's servers will be up again soon and they can disappear up the fundament from which they came.
Back to cosplay, as long as it doesn't hurt children or scare the horses who cares what people wear to conventions. After all one shouldn't comment on other people's appearance (in real life or on the internetz...)
"Denzark, who do you choose to defend your trollishness?"
"I choose you Morgan-choo!"
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 06:59 PM
Mr MD all is good how is the 'Newkie broon' up there?
it's ganns doon a treat like :) "but i secretly prefer Guinness" :eek:
"Denzark, who do you choose to defend your trollishness?""I choose you Morgan-choo!"
i'll just go paint myself yellow... Ooh does that mean we're back on topic?
06-18-2011, 07:03 PM
it's ganns doon a treat like :) "but i secretly prefer Guinness" :eek:
i'll just go paint myself yellow... Ooh does that mean we're back on topic?
Lets hope not, dangerously too close to furries and a different kid of cosplay :P
06-18-2011, 07:04 PM
it's ganns doon a treat like :) "but i secretly prefer Guinness" :eek:
can't you be arrested for that in Newcastle? :D
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 07:07 PM
can't you be arrested for that in Newcastle? :D
Only if the Beer police catch you! :D
Lets hope not, dangerously too close to furries and a different kid of cosplay :P
06-18-2011, 07:08 PM
[QUOTE=C.of.N.finity;145248]Now, before I sound too nice, I could give two craps about any military your serving in. If you ahve to go around expounding your service on forums as a measure to get resepct, your really no better than she is and the only person your serving is yourself. I didn't make you sign up, so do your job and quit demanding my respect for it.[QUOTE]
There are so many things I could say. But I won't. All I will state is that all of us serving never demand your respect. We lay our lives on the line so you can think whatever you want. Support us if you want, or deem us demons and hate us for what we do. But whatever the case know that I will never demand you or anyone else's respect. For anyone of any profession to think they have that right is absurd.
I will end this argument by saying that I respect you and your beliefs. I may not agree, but you have every right to hold them. I cannot take that away from you, nor will I try.
EDIT: Bit of a SNAFU with the quote service...its late and I'm tired lol
Morgan Darkstar
06-18-2011, 07:11 PM
There are so many things I could say. But I won't. All I will state is that all of us serving never demand your respect. We lay our lives on the line so you can think whatever you want. Support us if you want, or deem us demons and hate us for what we do. But whatever the case know that I will never demand you or anyone else's respect. For anyone of any profession to think they have that right is absurd.
I will end this argument by saying that I respect you and your beliefs. I may not agree, but you have every right to hold them. I cannot take that away from you, nor will I try.
well said sir, well said.
06-18-2011, 07:21 PM
There are so many things I could say. But I won't. All I will state is that all of us serving never demand your respect. We lay our lives on the line so you can think whatever you want. Support us if you want, or deem us demons and hate us for what we do. But whatever the case know that I will never demand you or anyone else's respect. For anyone of any profession to think they have that right is absurd.
I will end this argument by saying that I respect you and your beliefs. I may not agree, but you have every right to hold them. I cannot take that away from you, nor will I try.
We're all soldiers. You signed up for the gun and camo, I signed up for the ball and chain. Both of us would die to protect that which we love and care about. You won't believe what I'm about to say but it's nonetheless true; if we were together and hell came for us I would do my utmost to protect you and I don't even know you. I believe any man that is a man is a soldier, even if called to duties uncharacteristic of one.
I have tremendous respect for soldiers of all kinds of all duties, so forgive my earlier outburt but you must understand that all too common is the sight of a coward waiving the title of soldier and thinking it a club that warrents benifits from me and that, much like the title, doesn't just apply to the military.
Kovnik Obama
06-18-2011, 07:28 PM
Voicing negative opinions is bad manners? Do you live in My little Pony world? Does saying 'the economy is bad right now' is bad manners?
Also, please explain me how one can have bad manners, but not accept bad taste? You seem to face a conundrum there, since bad manners should normally be distateful.
I would also like to posit that since manners are a social construct based on the necessity to avoid violent outburst caused by interactions that reveal a lack of moral (or social) parrallelism, and that the Internet provides us with such a media that such outbursts are now quasi-impossible, that 'manners' serve little purpose here. Not knowing which 'mannerism' will be applied by the reader invalidate the necessity for mannerism.
Which explains de facto why the Internet isn't the place for proper, 'mannered' conversation.
I do however wonder that you claimed not to know wit applies to humour and knowledge both,when you clearly have a USEFUL VOCABULARY.
Because in my understanding, they are both required to form wit. I might have red some humouristic post from EG, or some brilliant post, but no brilliant humouristic remarks.
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
06-18-2011, 10:46 PM
You haven't seen my Witch Elf costume.
Lose 60 pounds and then I'll take a peek. ;)
06-19-2011, 02:01 AM
I don't want to wear my Witch Elf costume weighing only sixty pounds, ribs are icky.:p
Lose 60 pounds and then I'll take a peek. ;)
As amusing has this has been, a few points:
I have myself in my avatar because I am comfortable enough on BoLs Lounge to do so, precisely because things like this do not happen often. Or before, in fact. I would not have myself in my avatar on Warseer. The signature line is from someone on the BoLS blog who referred to me as an 'actual (alleged) girl' which I thought was so amusing I put it in my signature. The comment was just a silly joke. Though I do have a Witch Elf costume.
Now, I will post whatever I damn well want. I think I contribute enough to this forum to be allowed to make the odd silly remark, I also challenge anyone to provide proof that I am constantly referring to my gender, because I do not. I mention it sometimes, perhaps a joke or perhaps in a thread where it is warranted such as one on girl gamers or what have you.
As for my femininity, I do not need ot imply it or make reference to it. Every man/woman on this forum could be convinced I am 300lb Bob, but that doesn't make me so and in all honesty I wouldn't care. I'm not 300lb Bob (as amusing as that would be), and my opinions and posts are not predicated on my gender. I am here as a gamer, that I am female is irrelevent.
But, to get back to my second point, I will post whatever I want and if I feel like posting a silly, flirty or girly remark I will do so. I should be able to express my femininity without being censured for it.
06-19-2011, 02:04 AM
You spent all that time typing that up, and my sandwich is, where? :confused:
06-19-2011, 02:07 AM
300lb Bob stole it.
You spent all that time typing that up, and my sandwich is, where? :confused:
06-19-2011, 05:29 AM
Some people having fun playing dress up, in societies that are less inhibited about people masking or assuming other identities.
06-19-2011, 06:41 AM
Please, it was not my will to make this thread a discussion about Eldargal or an ego competition...
Can we get back to the videos I uploaded here??
06-19-2011, 06:57 AM
Pfft, no, I'm much more interesting. Apparently.:rolleyes:
06-19-2011, 07:21 AM
Pfft, no, I'm much more interesting. Apparently.:rolleyes:
Your posts are at least :),
I do enjoy it when these posts get heated and posters resort to the dictionary to quantify the validity of their opinionated points of view and justify to everyone their heightened intellectual prowess to use words to win an argument. (you see what I did here)
Cut to the chase fellas and stop trying to baffle with bulls*hit.
As for the OT, my position stands. I don't like dress up :).
06-19-2011, 08:04 AM
So. Just to change the topic a little, this is quite a nice little gallery
It includes some really impressive bits (there is a girl that dresses as a sister of battle who looks amazing... shes a poser but it pays off. Also all our little toy soldier are posers too....), if you want to rant about someone there is some very very attention seeking daemonettes (I remember seeing Paul Sawyer surrounded by witch elves at my first Games Day, I thought they were sassy at the time. Sorry Eldargal, as provocative a joke as your post may have been- intentionally or not- these daemonette girls, unlike you, have no shame*), theres some bad attempts that deserve a laugh and some amazing ones that deserve a hooray.
Also, if you don't like cosplay, dont follow the link. Its on a different website. I deliberately didnt post my favorites here so you didn't have to look at them.
*as a disclaimer, incase of misreading, I have not insulted eldargal. She speaks more sense than most of us on here.
06-19-2011, 08:26 AM
I think that is probably the best SoB costume I've seen (I've seen it before too), and I agree those Daemonettes are just awful. No problem with showing skin in the name of a good costume, but those are just really bad costumes.:rolleyes:
The problem I have with cosplay is that the costumes are often made of cheap materials, so they look cheap. Nothing wrong with this if you jsut want to have fun, my problem is I want to look perfect. If I dress like a Witch Elf I want to look like I just stepped out of Har Ganeth. For example, my costume is based on the Witfh Elf in the foreground of this:
(picture found on Dakkadakka and shamelessly outlinked)
All the metal work is real bronze, the breast cups have the correct incised detail, the groin guard and other bone/stoney bits are cast out of a heavy resin thing and then painted. It is all linked together buy heavy duty chains and hooks. The boots are leather, the necklace has venetian glass, the loincloth is heavy velvet and the weapons real metal with a 2mm rounded edge so as not to hurt anyone accidentall. The result is when I wear it I look absolutely right, it doesn't look like a costume (it also helps I actually look a bit like the Witch Elf on the cover:rolleyes:). Oh and not to forget the hair extensions. Of course it cost me five hundred pounds for the metalwork and another couple of hundred for everything else. So, expensive. But it look fantastic. Most cosplay doesn't because the people lack the budget, or the skill to make it themself. There is nothing wrong with this, they are having fun its all lovely. But it isn't good enough for me and as result a lot of cosplay makes me cringe.
06-19-2011, 08:36 AM
But do you have the hat?
Tiara of Khorne; 15pts
Causes nerdrage in units of fluffbunnies.
This seems to be the high-standard cosplay that is amazing. If you ever wield a heavy bolter make sure the straps are up to the task though, and you havn't blown your budget on just the aesthetics.
I know design in film tends to start off as a finder- someone whose job it is to find very specific things for the costume department or other more scenery buildy/ scene settingy departments.
06-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Yep I have the hat, it is metal, with the pointy bit at the bottom slightly rounded after I spiked myself with it.:rolleyes: Enamelled red with an electroplated gold Khaine symbol.
06-19-2011, 09:36 AM
Yep I have the hat, it is metal, with the pointy bit at the bottom slightly rounded after I spiked myself with it.:rolleyes: Enamelled red with an electroplated gold Khaine symbol.
But do any pictures of you, dressed in that, exist in a form you are willing to share?
06-19-2011, 09:47 AM
Sadly no, and after all the fuss my joking remark started I'm not sure I should make an effort toget any either.:rolleyes:
06-19-2011, 09:52 AM
a shame really, I for one would love to see it even laid out flat because it sounds like it is beautiful.
a least some of us appreciated your humour even if others didn't quite get it :p
do you use your own hair styled or do you have a wig?
06-19-2011, 10:00 AM
My own hair with extensions, then gelled and powdered to make it stick out properly without looking gelled and cover up any differences in colour. So sort of half wig, half my hair.
06-19-2011, 10:29 AM
Finally was able to watch those videos as work interntz doesn't allow the youtube. And I have to say while they looked cheap in a couple cases the costumes were amazing, and though they'll never know, those cosplayers get huge bravo from me. I loved the chaplain from the first vid, even though they lacked the helmet it was still badass. Not so sure about a singing inquisition member (the second vid) as that kind of ruins the whole bad*ss "we will kill you for being a heretic" vibe, but that one was neat too.Loved the pics from the other link. That BT guy was cool and the SoB costumes were done well.
Lastly I would like to apologize to the good folks on the forum for getting involved in the hullabaloo earlier. That was not acceptable internet or not. I felt ashamed when I woke up and read what I had posted. But talking about regrets does nothing, one can only forge forward and attempt to make up for the past by doing better in the future.
Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 11:36 AM
I do enjoy it when these posts get heated and posters resort to the dictionary to quantify the validity of their opinionated points of view and justify to everyone their heightened intellectual prowess to use words to win an argument. (you see what I did here)
I do see what you did there. You made a mistake. One can only qualify something as valid, not quantify. Validity refers to the possibility of inference of truth from a particular propositionnal structure from the truth of each atomic propositions that structure possesses. While truth can sometimes be seen as something else than an absolute, and thus be quantified (like half-truth), validity is entirely objective.
For exemple, in the sentence 'If it rains, and it's summer, then there must be something wrong with the weather' a number of things can be true or false. But the validity of the statement rest solely on the use of the logical connector ''and'' (conjonction). If the logical validity conditions (called in modern logic ''verifunctionnability') for ''and'' are met, then the statement is valid. Note that a statement can be entirely valid, and yet entirely false.
See what I did there?
Lose 60 pounds and then I'll take a peek.
See, Denzark? THAT is bad manners AND bad taste.
06-19-2011, 12:10 PM
Bah who farted the dictionary again :p
06-19-2011, 12:18 PM
Bah who farted the dictionary again :p
I think someone just likes p---ing in the wind lol
Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 12:21 PM
Bah who farted the dictionary again
I think someone just likes p---ing in the wind lol
Funny, you say this, but all I read is '' I tried to engage you on your terms, failed miserably, and now I will resort to stupid senseless remarks.''
But it's okay. I do have a rather good education, so you shouldn't feel shame from being my intellectual inferior. ;)
06-19-2011, 12:53 PM
Funny, you say this, but all I read is '' I tried to engage you on your terms, failed miserably, and now I will resort to stupid senseless remarks.''
But it's okay. I do have a rather good education, so you shouldn't feel shame from being my intellectual inferior. ;)
you really do misunderstand then, this is a thread about 40K cosplay in China, I for one don't care about your opinions because they has been shown to be baseless. If you have nothing to contribute to the actual discussion, why do you come here unless you are starved for attention.
06-19-2011, 01:33 PM
Now, I will post whatever I damn well want. I think I contribute enough to this forum to be allowed to make the odd silly remark, I also challenge anyone to provide proof that I am constantly referring to my gender, because I do not. I mention it sometimes, perhaps a joke or perhaps in a thread where it is warranted such as one on girl gamers or what have you.
I didn't tell you not to post anything, just that while posting if you could stop trying to convince people of your gender by referencing it s often just becuase it brings you attention, that would be great.
As for my femininity, I do not need ot imply it or make reference to it. Every man/woman on this forum could be convinced I am 300lb Bob, but that doesn't make me so and in all honesty I wouldn't care. I'm not 300lb Bob (as amusing as that would be), and my opinions and posts are not predicated on my gender. I am here as a gamer, that I am female is irrelevent.
Yes you care, or else you wouldn't reference it so often. It's pretty much your internet identity isn't it,that one girl that posts stuff? You claim they have nothing to do with gender yet you splash it everywhere.
But, to get back to my second point, I will post whatever I want and if I feel like posting a silly, flirty or girly remark I will do so. I should be able to express my femininity without being censured for it.
And so will I. Your a guy, plain and simple. Not that it matters, but only a guy would try so hard to convince others he's not a guy. I don't really care either outside of the 'girly flirty remarks' but if you can make those and still beg the attention the way you do, then I can make my remarks as well.
And I'm not against women posting or any of that nonsense, theres other women that post on these forums, they just don't hold up a banner (or three) demanding attention for it. You would be the equavilant of a half dressed tramp wondering into a game store and then, when people tell you to please cover it up that your drawing attention to yourself, proudly declare you'll wear whatever (or as little) as you want becuase your proud of your femininity.
you really do misunderstand then, this is a thread about 40K cosplay in China, I for one don't care about your opinions because they has been shown to be baseless. If you have nothing to contribute to the actual discussion, why do you come here unless you are starved for attention.
Honestly, your topic is crap and no one cares at this point. It's turned into eldergal getting lavished on by men with the minds of twelve year old boys (and after all that fuss, no pictures of him in his witch elf outfit, shame). Of course he's catering to all the 12 year old boys now, thats thats two parts of it. The other is really just people slamming each other and then adding small remarks like "i don't like dressing up" to pretend their still on topic. Your topic died about 5 pages ago.
Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 02:04 PM
Honestly, your topic is crap and no one cares at this point.
To quote Nietzsche's Oroboros (totally out of context) ; 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'
you really do misunderstand then, this is a thread about 40K cosplay in China, I for one don't care about your opinions because they has been shown to be baseless. If you have nothing to contribute to the actual discussion, why do you come here unless you are starved for attention.
If I am the basis of my opinions, and am assured of my own existence (through the Cogito), how can my opinions be baseless?
And what type of contribution to this discussion would be more valuable than what I offered? ''OH MY GOD THATS A TERMY WOWOWOW'' ?!?!? You shouldn't be ashamed that I am your intellectual superior, but you should be ashamed to beleive that your interest in ''40K cosplay in China'' supercede your interest in logical argumentation.
06-19-2011, 02:22 PM
To quote Nietzsche's Oroboros (totally out of context) ; 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'
If I am the basis of my opinions, and am assured of my own existence (through the Cogito), how can my opinions be baseless?
And what type of contribution to this discussion would be more valuable than what I offered? ''OH MY GOD THATS A TERMY WOWOWOW'' ?!?!? You shouldn't be ashamed that I am your intellectual superior, but you should be ashamed to beleive that your interest in ''40K cosplay in China'' supercede your interest in logical argumentation.
You may indeed be my intellectual superior and the intellectual superior of many people. But you are my social inferior, you chopsy little mujik you. I think it more like that kovnik is another identity of finity than EG is a bloke.
06-19-2011, 02:34 PM
This is a shame really because I do appreciate cosplay due to the time and talent it takes to put together a proper costume, as much as I appreciate the time and talent it takes to paint a quality army for tabletop games.
As I personally lack the skills to do either as well as I would like, I applaud those who do.
It seems to me though, the only people hung up on Eldergal are those critical of her for her posts, the rest of us seem to appreciate her brand of wit and humour for what it is.
perhaps they should ask themselves why they appear to be so afraid of confident women?
Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 02:45 PM
You may indeed be my intellectual superior and the intellectual superior of many people. But you are my social inferior, you chopsy little mujik you. I think it more like that kovnik is another identity of finity than EG is a bloke.
I do really appreciate the creativity you put into the insults you throw at me. If 'half baked insulter' refers to your capacity to insult, and not your drug consumption, then I hereby promote you to 'fully baked insulter'.
I also don't really doubt that EG is a gal. I guess maybe I'm naĩve.
Also, what value do you use to affirm your social superiority? Income? Degrees? Number of girls we boned? Greatest number of orgazms given to said boned gals? Number of Facebook friends? I should warn you, as a university student living in Montreal, I feel pretty comfortable with all of the above, with the exception of Income. That'll have to wait until I get my professorat :(
(seriously BOLS, censuring 'orgazms' ?!?! How the hell is that a dirty word??? IT'S LIKE THE MOST MARVELOUS WORD IN THE DICTIONNARY, frakking frustrated geeks....)
06-19-2011, 03:17 PM
perhaps they should ask themselves why they appear to be so afraid of confident women?
Disrespect does not equal afraid, and sluttly does not equal confident. You really are a child. Given his reaction to my post and the abundance by which he tries to convince everyone he's a she, I'd say he's not a very confident anything.
I had an argument like this recently about Game of Thrones. Each episode (especially the first few) just had so much pointless nudity in it. I was like, "I really could understand this part without having to see her entirely naked" or "they could just leave this part of them f**king out as it really doesn't add anything". The point was that it detracted from the rest of the series which was really good otherwise.
Of course, the defenders of boobies interjected and was "You must be gay!" or "har har, you must be a religous nut becuase sex offends you" or some other crap.
The first point is a minor one and it's class, something that really is lacking from GoT. Used to be in a movie, you would assume your sex scene (least, for the most part) or clothes would drop and you would assume a person is nude without seeing it and it got the point across while still being classy. As 'class' is hard to define, I've had to make a second point that I hold in majority and that is excess.
Just like this dude claiming he's a girl three times in every post, excess detracts more than it adds. I can't use nudity as it makes me sound like a puritan pilgrim to idiots whose mind can't handle broad concepts, so I'll use blood and gore instead. Take something otherwise realistic (least, as far as Hollywood goes) and then a guy gets his arm or head chopped, like in Last Samurai or Braveheart or something. If that guy randomly exploded or a fountain of blood shot 10ft from the wound, that would detract from those individual movies due to excess.
The perils of excess are usually readly appearent to those with minds enough to grasp it. The problem is that when 'sex' and 'excess' are mentioned, it's usually defended by people unfamiliar with both (especially simultaneously) so they don't grasp the concept becuase they're not exactly 'thinking'. Thats where Defenders of Boobies come from, those that defend tits utilizing c**k first, mouth second, brain last (if at all).
Denzark would be a perfect example of this, attacking my wit which wasn't even in question after I only mentioned the excessive use of gender identiiers with no (at that time) insult meant. Theres many more examples here too.
06-19-2011, 05:14 PM
I do really appreciate the creativity you put into the insults you throw at me. If 'half baked insulter' refers to your capacity to insult, and not your drug consumption, then I hereby promote you to 'fully baked insulter'.
Thank you Sirrah, too kind.
I also don't really doubt that EG is a gal. I guess maybe I'm naĩve.
Good there maybe a chance that you are not Finity (which does move you up the cosmic scale slightly or that if you are you are schizophrenic. But hey, you'll never be alone.
Also, what value do you use to affirm your social superiority? Income? Degrees? Number of girls we boned? Greatest number of orgazms given to said boned gals? Number of Facebook friends? I should warn you, as a university student living in Montreal, I feel pretty comfortable with all of the above, with the exception of Income. That'll have to wait until I get my professorat :(
This is a bit difficult and I'll concede, almost impossible to prove via this medium. A small indication is your even considering discussing affairs of the bedroom as a parameter to establish superiority - no true gentleman would even air such thoughts and so, with your previous lack of manners this is illustration enough by my reckoning - which is the social class structure of the UK.
Suffice to say I have had to on several occasions wait on and even dine with, blood relatives of your Head of State.
May I also say, again, I thank you for teaching me new words. I don't know what a professorat is. Worryingly, neither does, my fall back when I don't have my COD or Collins with me. However googling it takes me through to French Wikipedia pages. Mon Dieu. Vous n'est pas un Quebecois Monsieur? Because if so whilst I concede to the intellectual superiority of a proffessor to me, it is totally impossible for a Frenchman to be of higher social standing than an English Gentleman. Full stop (period for the colonials).
(seriously BOLS, censuring 'orgazms' ?!?! How the hell is that a dirty word??? IT'S LIKE THE MOST MARVELOUS WORD IN THE DICTIONNARY, frakking frustrated geeks....)
I agree with your comment on the auto-censor it is nearly as harsh as the Duke bolter of doom.
Can I just say I regret getting into a tete a tete with you monsewer. You are moderately amusing although I still think you shouldn't have dived in with Finity - I respect your pov just not how you expressed it. Finity is merely chuntering for attention like a neglected child who sets things on fire. If I have caused you any offence I humbly apologise.
Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 06:05 PM
You certainly did not cause me any distress, and as with all internet discussion (excluding those I have on I seriously hate some of those waste of skins), one should check at all time is own emotionnal pressure gauge and react accordingly. No need for apologies, but your offer does mark you as a true gent.
And I am certainly Québécois, and would have to remind you that by the British Citizenship Act of 1948, all differences between the citizenship of UK and colonies have been abolished. Also, by some constitutionnal conundrum I have a hard time justifying, while recognizing a Queen or King as our Head of State, our Constitution makes illegal the possession of a title (or the use of the title for any priviledges) while on canadian territory.
I would also like to point out that since I'm a direct descendant of Louis Riel's general, Ambroise-Dydime Lépine ( ), our Head of State will remain as such only until I get my hands on the neck that binds it to its abdomen. Such are the harsh demands of honour and blood. :rolleyes:
A small indication is your even considering discussing affairs of the bedroom as a parameter to establish superiority - no true gentleman would even air such thoughts and so, with your previous lack of manners this is illustration enough by my reckoning - which is the social class structure of the UK.
Ah! And then they wonder why we claim to be a distinctive nation!
Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-19-2011, 07:42 PM
C.of.N.finity seriously get over yourself, are you just trolling here to upset everyone with your wittless opinions, are you here to just just prove your one of those types of guys, you know they ones that think woman should'nt be in this hobby?
So far, that's all you seem to be, all your aguements over Eldagal, just seems to me, you despise woman, and think that it's a mans hobby..i feel sad for you now :(
Eldargal, seriously don't let this one troll let you need to respond to his critisim. If she wants to have Eldargal in her name (referring to that she loves Eldar), she clearly is proud to be a woman in this game, and if she wants to say so in threads, well guess whats thats her opinions, and stop derailing this into a sexist rant of your objections to woman.
As for others, can we get back and just discuss the cosplay, i don't C.of.N.finity or anyone has the right for anyone to prove there sex on here, or question that either, or finally i find it extremely offensive that someone who provides lack of anything constructive, unlike Eldargal has the right either.
The thoughts on the cosplay for are that yes it looks cheesy, cheap, but i applaud them for trying, That terminator chaplain looks well done, the SoB are amazing to me. I dare anyone to be proud enough in your hobby to prove it like they did.
They put to shame a lot of cosplayers, especially from what i have seen in the 40k cosplay scene so far. Don't forget Japan and China lead the world in cosplay outfits.
I would love personnally to see those outfits at a convention, that is TRUE creativity, and showing how you love your hobby to me. It's not all about turning up with your army and winning.
Eldargal, personnally i think you would look amazing in a cosplay, don't let any troll tell you otherwise. Don't blame you after that abuse from C.of.N.finity , and other drooling males with no commen morals, why you wouldn't show your cosplay.
Final note, we believe you, and i think i speak for more than a few of your fans on her that your all woman. Trolls and sexists not included.
C.of.N.finity seriously get over yourself, are you just trolling here to upset everyone with your wittless opinions, are you here to just just prove your one of those types of guys, you know they ones that think woman should'nt be in this hobby?
So far, that's all you seem to be, all your aguements over Eldagal, just seems to me, you despise woman, and think that it's a mans hobby..i feel sad for you now :(
Eldargal, seriously don't let this one troll let you need to respond to his critisim. If she wants to have Eldargal in her name (referring to that she loves Eldar), she clearly is proud to be a woman in this game, and if she wants to say so in threads, well guess whats thats her opinions, and stop derailing this into a sexist rant of your objections to woman.
Dude, the thread has been doing a successful job of ignoring him (for the last 2~3 pages)... until you came along :D
Your a guy, plain and simple.
The question is are you a Guy?
06-19-2011, 09:01 PM
C.of.N.finity seriously get over yourself, are you just trolling here to upset everyone with your wittless opinions
I really think you and quite a few other people don't know what that word actually means. Anyway...
I would just like to say that I didn't start this. There is a record here. There was a comment made about seeing a supposed girl in an assumedly skimpy outfit. So, in context, I made a statement of fact that this supposed girl had no less than three gender identifiers in every post. I then followed this fact with the opinion that this was excessive, not really negative, just an overall statement. Then I went on to appluad the efforts that eldargal has made on this forum and others with her intellegent posts. That was it.
It was everyone else, especially denzark, that started the flames, the name calling, the rudeness, the disregard of any respect. Everyone seems to forget that though becuase I'm not the favorite here or am part of an already established clique. You may not agree with me, but I do give plenty of reasons why I feel the way I do which only gets responses of 'troll' and 'your not witty'.
I really think any type of intellegent commentary is lost on this forum. Sure, it's a global internet problem but it seems idiocy has a permanent home here where good ideas and well thought out points (wither they're agreeable or not) just go above the head of the majority, and replies with flaming comments and misuses of the word 'wit' get the laughs and appluase usually reserved for fart jokes.
Hate me, ignore me, whatever. It's a fact, I was trying as hard as I could to state an opinion without all this happening, and it's you people that F'ed that all up, not me.
I agree those Daemonettes are just awful. No problem with showing skin in the name of a good costume, but those are just really bad costumes.:rolleyes:
I saw some costumes/ booth candy at Gencon one year that made those Daemonettes look tolerable. It was a booth for some vampire game, IIRC a LARP. I've seen strippers go on stage wearing more and looking less trashy. I swear crack whores have more self respect than those girls did.
The problem I have with cosplay is that the costumes are often made of cheap materials, so they look cheap. Nothing wrong with this if you jsut want to have fun, my problem is I want to look perfect. If I dress like a Witch Elf I want to look like I just stepped out of Har Ganeth.
I agree, main reason I've never gone to a Con in costume. Though I could probably do a good job as a Dwarf. Short, old and working on the belly.
One of the best costumes I saw at GenCon was a female Storm Trooper. Sure it was a bit of cheese cake but very well made and tasteful. The woman looked good in the costume as well.
Unfortunately there were a few women wearing Chainmail Bikinis and looked like they had worn the same outfit to GenCon #1.
For example, my costume is based on the Witfh Elf in the foreground of this:
I repeat, Tease!
From your description I would like to see a picture of the costume, without you so I could focus on the detail.
06-19-2011, 11:09 PM
Yes, you did. You said I shouldn't reference my femininity in my posts. I will if I want to, end of story. I don't do it that often anyway.
I do not care, I make reference to it where appropriate. I don't really pay attention to when I reference it, you are making a huge deal out of something which to me is irrelevent. If people give me more attention because I am a girl, that is their problem, not mine. I can't say I have noticed this, but then I don't pay much attention to it.
Did you even read my post? I'm not trying to convince anyone, because I don't give a damn what anyone thinks. As I said, every single person on this forum and every other forum I post on can think I am a boy and it will matter not a jot because it will not change the fact that I am a girl. I'm not here to make peopel think I'm a girl, I'm here to discuss 40k/WFB/etc. I will continue to do so regardless of what anyone thinks I may or may not be.
I'm going to let your fourth paragaph go without comment, except to say it merely reflects your misogynyst thought processes rather than having any basis in my own behaviour or attitude.
C.of.N.finity, the problem isn't with this forum, it is with you. You see gender identifiers and men drooling over women when there is only friendly, lighthearted banter going on between gamers. I suggest you lighten up, because really, even if I were 300lb Bob, what difference does it make to you, if, as you say, my posts are constructive? This whole thing is perverse.:rolleyes:
I didn't tell you not to post anything, just that while posting if you could stop trying to convince people of your gender by referencing it s often just becuase it brings you attention, that would be great.
Yes you care, or else you wouldn't reference it so often. It's pretty much your internet identity isn't it,that one girl that posts stuff? You claim they have nothing to do with gender yet you splash it everywhere.
And so will I. Your a guy, plain and simple. Not that it matters, but only a guy would try so hard to convince others he's not a guy. I don't really care either outside of the 'girly flirty remarks' but if you can make those and still beg the attention the way you do, then I can make my remarks as well.
And I'm not against women posting or any of that nonsense, theres other women that post on these forums, they just don't hold up a banner (or three) demanding attention for it. You would be the equavilant of a half dressed tramp wondering into a game store and then, when people tell you to please cover it up that your drawing attention to yourself, proudly declare you'll wear whatever (or as little) as you want becuase your proud of your femininity.
Honestly, your topic is crap and no one cares at this point. It's turned into eldergal getting lavished on by men with the minds of twelve year old boys (and after all that fuss, no pictures of him in his witch elf outfit, shame). Of course he's catering to all the 12 year old boys now, thats thats two parts of it. The other is really just people slamming each other and then adding small remarks like "i don't like dressing up" to pretend their still on topic. Your topic died about 5 pages ago.
MarneusCalgar, I am sorry my lighthearted comment derailed this thread so comprehensively, please do post anymore cosplay related things you may have.:)
06-19-2011, 11:18 PM
That is rather frightening. I have to say I would like to see a well done damonette outfit, high quality prosthetics, makeup and whatnot.
I really hate the mail bikini things, I get that its almost become a parody of itself but it just looks awful. I'm working on an Empire outfit using parts of one of my gothic plate harnesses where the only skin showing will be my face. Sort of balances out the Witch Elf costume I guess.:rolleyes:
I have a female Imperial Navy captains uniform, I've been tempted to get Storm Trooper gear as well. I've a link somewhere for some high quality made to measure reproductions.
I saw some costumes/ booth candy at Gencon one year that made those Daemonettes look tolerable. It was a booth for some vampire game, IIRC a LARP. I've seen strippers go on stage wearing more and looking less trashy. I swear crack whores have more self respect than those girls did.
I agree, main reason I've never gone to a Con in costume. Though I could probably do a good job as a Dwarf. Short, old and working on the belly.
One of the best costumes I saw at GenCon was a female Storm Trooper. Sure it was a bit of cheese cake but very well made and tasteful. The woman looked good in the costume as well.
Unfortunately there were a few women wearing Chainmail Bikinis and looked like they had worn the same outfit to GenCon #1.
I repeat, Tease!
From your description I would like to see a picture of the costume, without you so I could focus on the detail.
06-20-2011, 12:11 AM
Yes, you did. I didn't.
You said I shouldn't reference my femininity in my posts. I will if I want to, end of story. I don't do it that often anyway.
I never said that. Point out to me where I said specifically that. I'm tired of you retards just making things up. And your femininity is a joke, as well as a lie. It is often, about three times per post becuase your just that desperate.
I do not care, I make reference to it where appropriate. I don't really pay attention to when I reference it, you are making a huge deal out of something which to me is irrelevent.
You reference it all the time, three time a post. I didn't make a big deal out of it, just mentioned it, it was your 12 year old fanboys with wet underwear that made a big deal out of it.
If people give me more attention because I am a girl, that is their problem, not mine. I can't say I have noticed this, but then I don't pay much attention to it.
Uh huh, never noticed it or payed attention to it but make stupid attention drawing comments based upon it?
I'm going to let your fourth paragaph go without comment, except to say it merely reflects your misogynyst thought processes rather than having any basis in my own behaviour or attitude.
misogynist? Research what it means, then tell me how at all I did anything like it. Then again, you somehow thought i said you could never reference your femininity either. I respect women, especially enough to know that they don't have to remind themselves or others of their gender on every post. I only thought a little discretion might be in order. I'm bassicly taking someone with their tits hanging out, trying to offer the advice that a shirt might be a decent idea, and getting told I must hate women becuase I don't appreciate a pair of tits hanging out.
I suggest you lighten up, because really, even if I were 300lb Bob, what difference does it make to you, if, as you say, my posts are constructive? This whole thing is perverse
When I smell BS, I call BS. I think a lot of people, including you, read too much into my comments. Misogynyst? Really? That alone proves you have no idea what I've posted and are all the dumber for trying to actually reply to it. Just do what your 12 year fanbase is doing - ignore me as I make too much sense. I just hope that one day, in your real life, you can find something in your life to replace whatever sad pathetic emptyness you have that cuases you to pretend so desperatly here.
If I want to to have an intellgent conversation, I'll take it to another forum where your kinda crap would get scoffed at if you tried it. If I have any really good fart jokes for the kiddies, I'll post them here.
06-20-2011, 12:12 AM
See, Denzark? THAT is bad manners AND bad taste.
See, people on the internet? That is the classical "taking something said out of context to prove a non-point."
06-20-2011, 12:34 AM
shut the hell up!
We don't care what your personal opinions are regarding whether or not someone on the forum is or isn't female, nor do we care if they continue to refrence their gender, at least eldargal's posts relate to the topic yours haven't contributed to the discussion at all.
so please stop trying to prove your right, we don't care if you are or not move on get over it and stop de-railing topics with your own opinion about unrelated topics of discussion or your red neck outlook on life.
06-20-2011, 12:35 AM
No offense, as I have nothing but respect for your posts, but any one referencing that they are a girl no less than three times per every post (one in name, one in picture, once in signature) on a forum dominated by men on the internet where gender means nothing doesn't exaclty inspire trust. Especially with comments like these that, as proven by the 3-4 posts already qouting it, seem to be catered toward garnering attention from the male-dominated board.
for the fun of it and use discretion, it can't be that bad?
C.of.N.finity this was your 1st post on the subject, can't you see that you did derail the OP by this one simple statement which set the argument rolling, we had 2 pages of cosplay and now 8 pages of unpleasantness. I won't single you out and say it's all your fault lol, but matey you do have a knack for stirring the hornets nest in a quite unpleasant way sometimes. Other topics included.
I'm not sure I agree. I don't think there's anything really wrong with enjoying different aspects of the hobby and just having fun with it. Course, theres those that ruin everything; the fot slob dressed as a commisar, the whore-y chick dressed like a slaanesh icon, etc. But I'm sure for those that dress up just
However you did then edit you post to include the above statement to at least include the whole cosplay topic. And in reply "yes to me dress up is all bad lol"
However I would lastly like to thank you, I was expecting quite a lot of flack for my comments on my complete irrational hatred of warhammer / 40k costumes. But you Eldar Girl gender post really took the bullit for me lol.
As I don't doubt Eldar girl your a woman, neither to be honset do I care. I enjoy reading your posts and in a forum that's what counts ?
. I'm working on an Empire outfit using parts of one of my gothic plate harnesses where the only skin showing will be my face.
I have a female Imperial Navy captains uniform, I've been tempted to get Storm Trooper gear as well. I've a link somewhere for some high quality made to measure reproductions.
We need pictures of some of these, Inspiration for those of us that like quality costumes.
Recently met a guy that makes HALO armor, from what I hear good quality. He said he also makes some other costume armors. IIRC mostly fiberglass construction. I've heard there is at least one other local making costume armor and can check with a local FLGS owner to get their contact info.
I plan on making a Bolt Pistol but have some problems with the design. I'm hampered by an understanding of basic firearm and mechanical design and it hakes my head hurt designing something so impractical. Of course the Bolter design does explain it's ridiculously short range. I would like to make a highly decorated (master crafted) version but would need help on the engraving and low relief sculpture bits. Making a semi functioning magazine could be a problem as well.
06-20-2011, 12:47 AM
C.of.N.finity this was your 1st post on the subject, can't you see that you did derail the OP by this one simple statement which set the argument rolling, we had 2 pages of cosplay and now 8 pages of unpleasantness. I won't single you out and say it's all your fault lol, but matey you do have a knack for stirring the hornets nest in a quite unpleasant way sometimes. Other topics included.
*sigh* Yeah,lol, ok, I think this is a fair thing to say. And a fair way to get things back on topic or, at least, away from this one. Thanks for that.
06-20-2011, 01:09 AM
We need pictures of some of these, Inspiration for those of us that like quality costumes.
Recently met a guy that makes HALO armor, from what I hear good quality. He said he also makes some other costume armors. IIRC mostly fiberglass construction. I've heard there is at least one other local making costume armor and can check with a local FLGS owner to get their contact info.
I plan on making a Bolt Pistol but have some problems with the design. I'm hampered by an understanding of basic firearm and mechanical design and it hakes my head hurt designing something so impractical. Of course the Bolter design does explain it's ridiculously short range. I would like to make a highly decorated (master crafted) version but would need help on the engraving and low relief sculpture bits. Making a semi functioning magazine could be a problem as well.
HALO Armour, now I look a hypocrite. That I would buy. Doubtful I could wear it though I'm properly just too big :(
06-20-2011, 01:18 AM
Misogyny may have been too strong, but your posts have been extremely sexist, and here is why:
If a male member here had his nickname as his username, a picture of himself as his avatar and a signature saying "They call me Bigman!', you would not be having a hissy fit at him for have three gender indicators in every post and relying on his masculunity to get attention. The whole basis of argument rests on the premise that it is bad a for a woman to be unselfconsciously female on an internet forum. If abovementioned Bigman said 'You haven't seen my Catachan jungle fighter outfit' you wouldnt be making posts telling him to knock it off.
This whole fuss you have created stems from the fact you do not like me referencing the factthat I am a woman. You then compound your bigotry by dismissing any just criticism of your indefensible position by dismissing it as the actions of hormone driven twelve year olds. I didn't.
I never said that. Point out to me where I said specifically that. I'm tired of you retards just making things up. And your femininity is a joke, as well as a lie. It is often, about three times per post becuase your just that desperate.
You reference it all the time, three time a post. I didn't make a big deal out of it, just mentioned it, it was your 12 year old fanboys with wet underwear that made a big deal out of it.
Uh huh, never noticed it or payed attention to it but make stupid attention drawing comments based upon it?
misogynist? Research what it means, then tell me how at all I did anything like it. Then again, you somehow thought i said you could never reference your femininity either. I respect women, especially enough to know that they don't have to remind themselves or others of their gender on every post. I only thought a little discretion might be in order. I'm bassicly taking someone with their tits hanging out, trying to offer the advice that a shirt might be a decent idea, and getting told I must hate women becuase I don't appreciate a pair of tits hanging out.
When I smell BS, I call BS. I think a lot of people, including you, read too much into my comments. Misogynyst? Really? That alone proves you have no idea what I've posted and are all the dumber for trying to actually reply to it. Just do what your 12 year fanbase is doing - ignore me as I make too much sense. I just hope that one day, in your real life, you can find something in your life to replace whatever sad pathetic emptyness you have that cuases you to pretend so desperatly here.
If I want to to have an intellgent conversation, I'll take it to another forum where your kinda crap would get scoffed at if you tried it. If I have any really good fart jokes for the kiddies, I'll post them here.
06-20-2011, 01:22 AM
Fibreglass is too shiny for my taste, I prefer these resin/plastic/rubber stuff they often make futuristic costumes out of for films and whatnot. Its cast, hard, durable and light plus it looks heavier than fibreglass. On the downside it is very expensive, when I made inquiries about having a Howling Banshee costume made (skintight leotard under resin plates) it was going to cost an awful lot.:rolleyes: I thought about getting a Farseer helmet, gauntlets and pauldrons done so I can cover the rest with robes.
We need pictures of some of these, Inspiration for those of us that like quality costumes.
Recently met a guy that makes HALO armor, from what I hear good quality. He said he also makes some other costume armors. IIRC mostly fiberglass construction. I've heard there is at least one other local making costume armor and can check with a local FLGS owner to get their contact info.
I plan on making a Bolt Pistol but have some problems with the design. I'm hampered by an understanding of basic firearm and mechanical design and it hakes my head hurt designing something so impractical. Of course the Bolter design does explain it's ridiculously short range. I would like to make a highly decorated (master crafted) version but would need help on the engraving and low relief sculpture bits. Making a semi functioning magazine could be a problem as well.
06-20-2011, 01:23 AM
I'd just drop it eldargirl, be the bigger man (pun intended) no one is taking him seriously and your not going to change his mind.
06-20-2011, 01:30 AM
I shall do so, I've used my last post to point out why he is a bigot and I'll leave it there and hope he learns from the experience, though I know better than to expect it.:rolleyes:
Getting back to cosplay, I always wanted to be a Twi'lek but I could never figure out how to do the tentacles realistically.
06-20-2011, 01:30 AM
Misogyny may have been too strong, but your posts have been extremely sexist, and here is why:
If a male member here had his nickname as his username, a picture of himself as his avatar and a signature saying "They call me Bigman!'.
I thought I already covered that base with a name like Deadlift lol, changed my avatar too. Oh and no im not the little girl, thats my daughter :D. I also have the nickname "daddy pig" but thats another story.
06-20-2011, 01:47 AM
Getting back to cosplay, I always wanted to be a Twi'lek but I could never figure out how to do the tentacles realistically.
High quality cosmetics?
honestly those things are so hard their probably one of the reasons lucas changed 'em to CGI in the prequals....a cop out if you ask me, that and the man seems to have a fetish for CGI.
I'd even suggest that shaving your head would be the first step to replicating the effect.
06-20-2011, 01:57 AM
I was thinking along the lines of a latex tentacle head sock to put my hair into, then cover it with prosthetics and then cosmetics. Under no circumstances will I shave my head.:p
Getting back to GW cosplay, I do hope people will continue to post their favourite outfits here. One BoLS member made his sun a titan (I think?) costume which was adorable.
Edit: Going away from 40k cosplay again, one of my favourite cosplay costimes I've seen in ages is this ( Decent, heavy looking material with lots of small studs requiring a lot of effort, result fantastic piece of Dragon Age cosplay. Compare to this (, while nice the 'leather' looks very cheap and the fewer, larger studs make it look much more costumey, in my opinion. The more effort/expense you go to, the better a costume looks, and this is where most cosplay falls down as I said earlier.
HALO Armour, now I look a hypocrite. That I would buy. Doubtful I could wear it though I'm properly just too big :(
Not sure how he does sizing, it could semi custom fit.
Cost is the real problem, IIRC about $3k for a suit.
Fibreglass is too shiny for my taste, I prefer these resin/plastic/rubber stuff they often make futuristic costumes out of for films and whatnot. Its cast, hard, durable and light plus it looks heavier than fibreglass.
Fiberglass can be done with a variety of surface finishes, depends on the gel coat and mold used. It also has the advantage of being stronger than most resins. The resin pieces probably look heavier because they are thicker.
Getting back to cosplay, I always wanted to be a Twi'lek but I could never figure out how to do the tentacles realistically.
I was thinking along the lines of a latex tentacle head sock to put my hair into, then cover it with prosthetics and then cosmetics. Under no circumstances will I shave my head
IIRC you would make a plaster mold of your head (with a sock over your hair) and use that to sculpt the tentacle onto. That would ensure a proper fit to your skin. Then make a mold and either slush cast latex or use a latex foam. You could also use a silicone RTV like Dragonskin but would cost a lot more even for a hollow casting.
06-20-2011, 02:20 AM
Dragonskin! That was the stuff the chap was going to make the Howling Banshee plates out of, could never remember the name, or what it was exactly.:rolleyes: I didn't know about the different surfaces of Fibreglass, all the samples we got were shiny and they never mentioned different finishes.
Dragonskin! That was the stuff the chap was going to make the Howling Banshee plates out of,
No wonder it was expensive. Dragonskin is a platinum cure silicone RTV made for molds and FX use. It's about $184 for a 16 lb kit. Not sure why he wanted to use it for armor plates though, it's fairly soft and flexible. I would use a harder urethane rubber.
I didn't know about the different surfaces of Fibreglass, all the samples we got were shiny and they never mentioned different finishes.
A good quality fiberglass product will have a thin layer of what they call a gel coat over the structural part. The gel coat is a mix of resin, a filler and sometimes pigment and creates a cosmetic surface layer. Most of the time it is polished after casting but could be left slightly uneven (from the mold release) or with the right mold you could add a surface texture. Most people use a smooth surface because it is easier and far cheaper. Toe get a surface texture you would generally need an RTV mold and the master would have to be perfect since any flaws would be reproduced. Both factors add a lot to cost.
Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-20-2011, 03:04 AM
I found this one:
I think for me id go as a Powered armoured Salamander (bit of boot polish to tone my skin from white).
I know a guy who makes replica helmets (just finished a cylon helmet) and even does full replica star wars characters like R2-D2. Expensive yes but worth it.
Hey if i could get him to build me a full size SoB Canoness armour to put on a manequin to sit in my corner now that would make my year.
Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-20-2011, 03:05 AM
Just realise that they are not naked that is body stockings and paintwork....
06-20-2011, 03:09 AM
That was probably my fault, I said it had to be flexible enough for me to do gymnastics in it, to replicate teh fluff which has them in highly flexible armour cartwheeling into battle and whatnot.:)
No wonder it was expensive. Dragonskin is a platinum cure silicone RTV made for molds and FX use. It's about $184 for a 16 lb kit. Not sure why he wanted to use it for armor plates though, it's fairly soft and flexible. I would use a harder urethane rubber.
A good quality fiberglass product will have a thin layer of what they call a gel coat over the structural part. The gel coat is a mix of resin, a filler and sometimes pigment and creates a cosmetic surface layer. Most of the time it is polished after casting but could be left slightly uneven (from the mold release) or with the right mold you could add a surface texture. Most people use a smooth surface because it is easier and far cheaper. Toe get a surface texture you would generally need an RTV mold and the master would have to be perfect since any flaws would be reproduced. Both factors add a lot to cost.
06-20-2011, 04:35 AM
I have no interest in Cosplay per se, and even less in LARP. A RPG character profile reflects what that character does. The reality is that a quivering pile of fat squeezed into faux-leather with a chainmail coif suffocating them, could not take me out even if his character was the Blood God himself.
However I have a lot of respect for people who make the time and effort to carry out constructing a good costume. I have less repsect (but there is some) for the crappier efforts out there).
One element of Cosplay that pees me off is those 501st chaps. Happy with the costumes, ecstatic with the 'its for chariddy mate' piece. What I find frustrating is that they will not on their website give links or discuss what and where the best armour is supposedly due to it being a lucasfilm copyright. Seems to be quibbling to me.
I would love an awesome suit of stormtrooper armour but guessing that what you purchase on ebay will be de rigeur is hard.
Still at least my Panzer Captain's Blacks with Iron Cross and Panzer Assault Badge are kosher (so to speak).
06-20-2011, 04:55 AM
Cosplay - cool
40k cosplay - very cool
An Inquisitor singing within temptation - priceless
06-20-2011, 07:28 AM
Not sure how he does sizing, it could semi custom fit.
Cost is the real problem, IIRC about $3k for a suit.
Hmmm I can see how this would play out at home :)
" well kids the holiday is cancelled this year because your father has spent our holiday fund on a master chief set of armour" "no your dad can't wear it because it won't fit" " oh and he is moving out too"
Yeah I best stick to the little action figure I have on my shelf :p
06-20-2011, 06:34 PM
<* Looks around, anxiously *>
I'm sorry, did I somehow get misdirected to Warseer?
Even if EG turned out to be a 30 stone trucker called Bob with a beard a grizzly would be proud of, he/she would still be far wittier than you.
Ok, now THAT's funny. You don't mind if we call you "Bob" from now on, do you Bob? (JK)
cosplay is serious business for those who are into it :)
Indeed it is. There are some cosplayers make a living at it, as models for game illustrators and graphic novel artists.
I've been told I have an excellent Emperor Palpatine costume. 'Kinda pisses me off, though, since I've never once dressed up. ;)
Actually, if my wife would let me, I would SSSOOOO love to play around with making my own Storm Trooper and/or Mandalorian armor (see, mostly because I'm a tinkerer and the process completely intrigues me.
06-20-2011, 06:40 PM
I forgot to add ... I was showing these videos to my three year old daughter, and she said the costumes were cool. She even identified the Voystroyans as "shooty guys."
<* Sniffle, Snort *> I'M SO PROUD!!!
06-20-2011, 06:45 PM
I forgot to add ... I was showing these videos to my three year old daughter, and she said the costumes were cool. She even identified the Voystroyans as "shooty guys."
<* Sniffle, Snort *> I'M SO PROUD!!!
spoken like a true Parent, my son got me back into gaming after many years of not by showing an interest in WFB and 40K
true he likes the Tyranids only because they remind him of the Zerg but whatever it takes ha ha
06-20-2011, 07:01 PM
One element of Cosplay that pees me off is those 501st chaps. Happy with the costumes, ecstatic with the 'its for chariddy mate' piece. What I find frustrating is that they will not on their website give links or discuss what and where the best armour is supposedly due to it being a lucasfilm copyright. Seems to be quibbling to me.
It might be quibbling, but the hard costumes (stormtroopers, Mandalorians, etc.) are a Lucasfilm copyright, and I think you could make an argument that even the soft costumes violate Lucasfilm copyright. Obviously Lucasfilm is okay with a certain level of activity from the 501st, but I wouldn't be surprised if at some point Lucasfilm's legal department had told them not to do certain things. The whole arrangement boils down to "We choose not to exercise our rights for now" on Lucasfilm's part, so if the 501st has to quibble to keep doing what they're doing, I say fine with that.
EDIT: I'm not a cosplayer, but I am married to a costume designer, and I have to say that I admire the completeness of cosplay. I like and admire the fact that the cosplay ethos extends not just to costumes but also to props, makeup, hair, carriage, and physical fitness. I see on a daily basis how much work goes into a good theatrical costume, or worse, a good historical reproduction, and I have nothing but respect for those for whom mastering costume construction is only the beginning. Granted, not many cosplayers are masters of the whole hobby, but that's true of all hobbies.
The "nerdiness" of cosplay is not something that bothers me. I don't feel the need to defend my hobby's coolness, for one thing, but more importantly, who am I to tell people what's cool and what's not? And even more importantly, who am I to feel my own coolness is threatened by what other people enjoy?
06-20-2011, 11:24 PM
Hehe, every time someone says 'Bob' I imagine Rowan Atkinson saying it a la Blackadder the Second.:rolleyes:
Ok, now THAT's funny. You don't mind if we call you "Bob" from now on, do you Bob? (JK)
06-20-2011, 11:53 PM
Dragonskin! That was the stuff the chap was going to make the Howling Banshee plates out of,
No wonder it was expensive. Dragonskin is a platinum cure silicone RTV made for molds and FX use. It's about $184 for a 16 lb kit. Not sure why he wanted to use it for armor plates though, it's fairly soft and flexible. I would use a harder urethane rubber.
Interesting. That sounds like the stuff I use for casting miniatures. BJB Enterprises produces a platinum based RTV silicone (TC-5050) that is excellent at capturing fine details, and can operate in temperatures of 600 degrees F (316 C) for extended periods, or at 800 degrees F (427 C) for short periods. In TC-5050, however, the A to B mix ratio is 10:1 by volume instead of 1:1. The stuff I use is also shore 50A hardness, which is like a hard rubber, maybe a little softer. From what I've seen, Dragonskin only goes as high as 30A hardness, which online descriptions suggest is like a soft art eraser.
'Course, the stuff I use is almost twice as expensive as this Dragonskin, so maybe I need to look into it? I wonder what its heat characteristics are.
Interesting. That sounds like the stuff I use for casting miniatures. BJB Enterprises produces a platinum based RTV silicone ( has a bunch of formulations of mold making RTV. Their Tin cure are about $9 per lb in galon kits. and I know they are fairly popular.
I use the GI-1000 RTV from Silicones Inc and have been happy with it. It's a Shore a 25 tin cure. I get mine from I plan on ordering some SI platinum cure RTV once I get the masters for a model I'm designing ready, Since the platinum cure RTV has no shrinkage and the resin has .3% shrinkage I can probably make the master a tight fit in the existing kit rather than worry about shrinkage.
06-23-2011, 05:25 AM
Lane, I know there are quite a few people doing it these days, but you wouldn't happen to be thinking of would you? I know he does commissions for suits of the Mjolnir Halo armor, among other things. He's a friend of a friend, and incredibly awesome. Had a huge booth at this last San Francisco Bay Area's Maker Faire ( that I unfortunately was doubled booked for so I didn't get a chance to go down and help with.
He does a bunch of work, using both resin and vacu-forming. Even has some marine beaky helmets sitting around.
As far as the 501st being a little stingy, they have had their fare share of legal issues involving Lucas Arts. Kind of a shame when companies are rune about protecting their IP, instead of just being business-like and professional. Fortunately I can't think of anybody in the mini's industry who does that... :P
Lane, I know there are quite a few people doing it these days, but you wouldn't happen to be thinking of would you?
No the one I met was from the Houston, TX area.
Your friend does do some beautiful work though, thanks for the link.
I made inquiries about having a Howling Banshee costume made (skintight leotard under resin plates) it was going to cost an awful lot.:rolleyes: I thought about getting a Farseer helmet, gauntlets and pauldrons done so I can cover the rest with robes.
For the Banshee armor you could make the armor plates out of a hard rubber or even normal resin since they are well spaced. The major problem I see with making it is how the plates attach to the suit. There are also some issues with support, you want a light and flexible under layer for flexibility but it needs too hold the weight of the armor without sagging.
The farseer outfit would be cool and easier to make, don't forget about the Wraithbone breastplate.
06-24-2011, 03:09 AM
On the plus side if you happen to be a '300lbs bob' you can always strap a dustbin lid to your stomach and tie an old bed sheet round your waste and go as a Warhammer Ogre.
And whats the chances, someone, somewhere on this wonderfull internet there is someone getting off on the idea of a 300lbs trucker called Bob wearing a Witch Elf costume?
And after the last 12 pages or so i'd like to point out that post was not a pop at Eldargal or anyone else. Your all free to call yourselves watever you like! Infact i am going to change my name to 29yo socially awkward male geek who plays Blood Ravens.
And after the last 12 pages or so i'd like to point out that post was not a pop at Eldargal or anyone else. Your all free to call yourselves watever you like!
I remember back in the 90's there was a survey revealing that the number of internet profiles listed as Female outnumbered the estimated number of internet users and a separate poll showed that over 80% of users were male.
When I first saw Eldargal's name and avatar I was skeptical. However after reading her posts I have determined she is either a female or not much of a man.
Infact i am going to change my name to 29yo socially awkward male geek who plays Blood Ravens.
I'm sure that name could apply to hundreds of others as well.
Not that we care around here, we play with little army men.
06-24-2011, 06:28 PM
... i am going to change my name to 29yo socially awkward male geek who plays Blood Ravens.
Too long for my taste. I'm going to change mine to "God-O-Sex." :D Too bad my wife's changing hers to "Coitus Denegare." :(
06-25-2011, 02:26 AM
Is that like vagina dentata?
06-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Ouch!! No, that's definitely worse.
Luke Licens
06-27-2011, 04:34 PM
Just realise that they are not naked that is body stockings and paintwork....
No, they really are naked. Well, topless, anyway. Or at least, the middle one is. The other two are wearing bras.
And that paint? Directly over the skin. I've seen the 'applying the makeup' photos. There are actually a SLEW of photos of them, on the cosplay group's site. They had a dedicated cameraman. I would link it, but I don't remember it, and you can't go around Googleing 'naked slaaneshi cosplay' at the office. Not if you like staying employed, anyway.
Morgan Darkstar
06-27-2011, 06:43 PM
No, they really are naked. Well, topless, anyway. Or at least, the middle one is. The other two are wearing bras.
And that paint? Directly over the skin. I've seen the 'applying the makeup' photos. There are actually a SLEW of photos of them, on the cosplay group's site. They had a dedicated cameraman. I would link it, but I don't remember it, and you can't go around Googleing 'naked slaaneshi cosplay' at the office. Not if you like staying employed, anyway.
Nude or Not that Guy in the black shirt looks like all his birthdays have come at once. :D
06-28-2011, 03:15 AM
For making Eldar armour, I usually use plasticard as a surface, and sometimes just simple foam underneath as a base for things like the moulded plates on the legs of Craftworlders. I recently made an Archon costume, although I definitely think it needs a lot of trinkets and decorations to make it look more elaborate. In the past I've made a Biel-Tan Warlock and a Dire Avenger which I still haven't gotten around to completely finishing.
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