View Full Version : Pro Tip: Resin + Car

06-17-2011, 01:05 PM
Hot car = melted dudes.

Most people using resin probably already know this but for the firsties like me you don't want to learn the hard way.

06-17-2011, 01:18 PM
Are you surprised? Hot car + almost anything = bad out come (usually).
I mean come one... Hot car plus unattended child? How many times do you see this in the news?
But then again, its a bit unreasonable to expect us to take our toy soldiers out and about in a stroller when we have errands to run on a game day. :O

Archon Charybdis
06-17-2011, 01:30 PM
Do you have any pics?

06-17-2011, 01:31 PM
I smoke....a lot.....last spring the liquor store I buy my Pall Malls at started giving away free lighters with every carton. By June I had probably 20 of them in the little console in my car. One fine day...it was about 85 degrees, I went to hop into my car. I noticed through the window all this colorful plastic all over my friggin seats. EVERY single lighter had popped it's top. I am still picking little bits of plastic up a year later lol.

06-17-2011, 02:13 PM
Do you have any pics?

No but basically its like a plant that hasn't been watered in weeks. Things that were once straight (impaler thing that succubus have in left hand) now are sadly bent and twisted.

To repair I will need to reheat most likely

06-17-2011, 02:37 PM
hot water fixes that.

06-17-2011, 03:34 PM
So this is a true story.

When I was 14, we went on holiday to Clacton during a long, hot, English summer. We travelled in a converted van with all mod cons: fridge, cooker, etc... It was great. Wherever we pulled up, we could stop and have a cup of tea and a cool sandwich.

One day, we went to the beach for three hours. My father was worried about robbery, so he ket the windows closed.

We came back, opened the rear doors and got hit in the face by a blast of heat like a furnace; it literally felt like a punch it was so powerful. We could barely get into the van it was so hot.

That was when we saw it.

The fridge had melted.

I kid you not, the plastic venting round the back of the fridge had literally melted and run like wax. It was insane.


Hot cars melt stuff, kids :)

06-17-2011, 03:49 PM
Hot car plus unattended child?

Or hot car+unattended pet.

It's a gimme for most people (common sense, really). There are a few people who do have to learn the hard way, but them's the breaks. It's bad that it happened to you, but look at the bright side - it could have been me. :D

06-17-2011, 03:57 PM
If you listen to some people around here, this is a clear sign that Finecast is badly made.

Not sure how leaving it in what amounts to an oven = badly made..

06-17-2011, 04:10 PM
Hot car + most anything = badness.

You wouldn't leave your iPhone or laptop in a car on a hot day (or heaven forbid, anything living, as has been mentioned previously)...it's just common sense.

06-17-2011, 04:32 PM
Ive heard of this with forgeworld, was yours finecast ?

06-17-2011, 05:16 PM
Ive heard of this with forgeworld, was yours finecast ?

Finecast succubus model.

I have always left my army pack in my trunk or back seat so I didn't think twice about my new model safely packed away.

By the way this happened at sub 90 degree temperatures. Now I know to keep that resin in a nice cool place.

06-17-2011, 05:32 PM
Can you do me a favour?

If its ruined can you put it in a 40 degree celcius oven? Need to know if fine cast is going to start melting come summer....

06-17-2011, 06:21 PM
Jesus Christ... Don't leave your stuff in a hot, sealed space. It's common sense people.


Don't leave carbonated beverages in your car when it gets really cold.

Don't wipe your butt with your hand.

Don't eat anything the smelly kid in class brought in for his birthday.

Don't stab yourself with sharp objects.

Don't throw your iPod on the ground.

Anyone need any more nuggets?

Uncle Nutsy
06-18-2011, 12:31 AM
If stuff like VHS tapes and CDs melt in a hot car.. of COURSE resin models will melt.

06-18-2011, 02:03 AM
I live in Scotland.
I'm afraid I can't really relate to this topic of "heat" :D

Emerald Rose Widow
06-18-2011, 04:02 AM
This is why I do not leave things important to me in the car

06-18-2011, 05:06 AM
Jesus Christ... Don't leave your stuff in a hot, sealed space. It's common sense people.


Wittdooley mate honestly there is more to the world than north america. In this country it regularly gets ABOVE 105F do you understand what this means?

It means that IF this stuff is that sensitive to heat it doesn't matter WHERE we put finecast unless its a fridge its going not going to melt.

Now I'll wait and see what the thermodynamic properties of this stuff is before I start getting worked up about it, I actually rather like the idea of fincast if not the price. but brushing it of as a simple matter of keeping it out of the heat is literally NOT AN OPTION for some people mate.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-18-2011, 06:18 AM

Wittdooley mate honestly there is more to the world than north america. In this country it regularly gets ABOVE 105F do you understand what this means?

It means that IF this stuff is that sensitive to heat it doesn't matter WHERE we put finecast unless its a fridge its going not going to melt.

Now I'll wait and see what the thermodynamic properties of this stuff is before I start getting worked up about it, I actually rather like the idea of fincast if not the price. but brushing it of as a simple matter of keeping it out of the heat is literally NOT AN OPTION for some people mate.

There are quite a few places here in north america as well as the US that regularly get over 105 as well, so it can get just as bad.

06-18-2011, 07:44 AM
I know, fair enough.

I keep asking this question and all I get is a "friend of mine" or "in a car" type story. it would be very good to get some hard data even if its just on left over sprue.

06-18-2011, 08:02 AM
I'm another Scot....living in Scotland I can't imagine heat; what is it exactly?

06-18-2011, 08:29 AM

Wittdooley mate honestly there is more to the world than north america. In this country it regularly gets ABOVE 105F do you understand what this means?

It means that IF this stuff is that sensitive to heat it doesn't matter WHERE we put finecast unless its a fridge its going not going to melt.

Now I'll wait and see what the thermodynamic properties of this stuff is before I start getting worked up about it, I actually rather like the idea of fincast if not the price. but brushing it of as a simple matter of keeping it out of the heat is literally NOT AN OPTION for some people mate.

You make it sound like you're the only person who lives in Australia. You also seem to like to make the point that it gets pretty hot here. But unless you leave your models outside in direct sunlight then you should be fine. It shouldn't get more then 25 degrees in any well made house in 40 degree heat. If it does, move it to the room with the air conditioner. If you don't have an air conditionair, you suck at living in Australia.

06-18-2011, 09:09 AM
I think so far this year Dunfermline has reached, ooooh maybe 25C. Us Scot's kinda don't get high temps very often. RAIN FTW!

06-18-2011, 11:32 AM
Irish, currently living in London. I was in shorts when the Californian girl living with me was wearing her winter clothes, indoors.

06-18-2011, 01:32 PM
Some of us have to store things in our cars. Previous GW models have done well in hot cars, so it's nice to give people some warning before they try the same thing with resin. No need to be so condescending about it.

06-18-2011, 07:14 PM
You make it sound like you're the only person who lives in Australia. You also seem to like to make the point that it gets pretty hot here. But unless you leave your models outside in direct sunlight then you should be fine. It shouldn't get more then 25 degrees in any well made house in 40 degree heat. If it does, move it to the room with the air conditioner. If you don't have an air conditionair, you suck at living in Australia.

hmm I don't know where to start....


its kinda winter here at the moment (you probably noticed the rain) so its a little hard for someone here to give me a good answer gir. It is a serious design flaw IF this stuff starts to melt in ambient temperature. Your dead wrong about house temps, in 40-45 degrees the typical house is only 5 degrees less inside. And no I don't own an air conditioner I never needed one, maybe you should take a concrete pill....

06-19-2011, 12:19 AM
maybe you should take a concrete pill....

You're the one complaining about toy soldiers melting when it gets a little warm...

Your dead wrong about house temps, in 40-45 degrees the typical house is only 5 degrees less inside

That's why I said a well made house. My rooms sits aorund 18 degrees on a 40 degree day without a fan or air conditioner (Double brick, insulated walls. Doubled insulated roof, extended eaves all around).

06-19-2011, 01:50 AM
Gir, why didn't you tell us you live in a Refrigerator? :D

Kovnik Obama
06-19-2011, 01:51 AM
You're the one complaining about toy soldiers melting when it gets a little warm...

You're the one not understanding that its a normal request that said toy soldiers be able to be transported from place A to place B without melting. You're also obviously not understanding that we do not frakking care about the structure of your house. You finally miss the point that heat is independant of our will and that it is impossible to plan ahead or react accordingly to rapid change of temperature.

06-19-2011, 02:04 AM
No one has had them melt while driving, they melt when left in the car for long periods of time. Also all the cases of Finecast melting have involved small, enclosed environment and the application of heat over a long period, like display cases in GW stores. The chap who had a Finecast melt in his apartment had another Finecast next to it was fine, if I recall correctly. Though there may be other cases I'm not aware of.

06-19-2011, 02:31 AM
No one has had them melt while driving, they melt when left in the car for long periods of time. Also all the cases of Finecast melting have involved small, enclosed environment and the application of heat over a long period, like display cases in GW stores. The chap who had a Finecast melt in his apartment had another Finecast next to it was fine, if I recall correctly. Though there may be other cases I'm not aware of.

Exactly, It was arguably a batch problem combined with his own pinning. That being said I still would like to be SURE of the integrity before I buy the product, hence my original request.

06-19-2011, 03:52 AM
You're the one not understanding that its a normal request that said toy soldiers be able to be transported from place A to place B without melting.

If you can't afford a car with airconditioning and you can't work out how to put stuff in the boot, it's not really GW's fault if it melts.

06-20-2011, 12:52 PM
Nobody is blaming GW. This thread was just to give people a heads up about potential disaster with their new models on the off chance they are not already familiar with the thermal properties of resin.

06-20-2011, 02:53 PM
You aren't blaming GW, but trust me, I've seen other people do it.

06-20-2011, 05:00 PM
Nobody is blaming GW. This thread was just to give people a heads up about potential disaster with their new models on the off chance they are not already familiar with the thermal properties of resin.

Yeah, sorry bro, that definitely was not aimed at you.