View Full Version : New direction for White Dwarf

06-16-2011, 09:01 AM
Well, its seems to be official that GW are wanting to turn White Dwarf back into a news an hobby magazine rather than just an ad brochure. From Dakkadakka:

I only have the German version of the GW newsletter, so someone else can post the English version please.

The newsletter describes the new direction that GW wants to take with White Dwarf starting with the July issue.
GW wants to make the White Dwarf the central and first medium for everyone to get first hand information on new GW releases, that's right: before internet forums or sales staff get to know about the stuff. It also wants to put more serious content into the WD like in old times (we know that the WD Codex Sororitas and the new Vampire monster rules are part of this direction). At the same time, the WD will be released several days later than usual, closer to or after the release date of the month. This is another step to regain full control on information flow on new releases, obviously pointed at fighting early leaks.

I will post my comment later.

While I would argue this is what it should have been all along, I'm still pleased to hear this. I just hope this is accurate and if it is, GW actually pull it off well (quality rules etc.)

06-16-2011, 09:09 AM
It should have been, but if it does go back all the better. It's certainly better than leaving it an ad brochure.

06-16-2011, 09:14 AM
See I dn't understand where all the hatred for WD comes from.

Maybe its because I wasn't around in the "old times". But the mag is still very good. Developer commentary on how new models were designed and the codexes were written, professional painters showcases, battle reports, black libriary preview pages, painting guides

Yes theres "selling pages". Yes theres a list of stores, and new models coming out, and old models on advance orders you might be interested in...but its no where near as bad as every makes it out to be

06-16-2011, 09:18 AM
I don't hate it, but it used to be so full of stuff like modelling articles, rules for new units, stories etc. that I really looked forward to getting every issue even if it didn't focus on my armies. Now I tend to just read the ones which do focus on my armies and ignore the rest, because it is mostly marketing talk about the latest release. Used to be my six brothers and I all had our own subscriptions because we all wanted to read it over and over. Now we just share the one subscription.

Don't misunderstand though, I know marketing is an important part of WD, but I just feel it could achieve it better by marketing the products through the hobbyist articles rather than instead of. If that makes sense? I'm a little drunk.:rolleyes:

I really miss the articles they had on players armies and terrain too, I remember many years ago there was a really fantastic 3d space hulk model, I want more things like that.

What does annoy me is how many people on Dakkadakka were complaining about the announcement. You complain when WD has no content, then when they say are going to add more, you complain about that? And people wonder why I'm glad GW don't take notice of the online communities.

06-16-2011, 09:22 AM
I think the GW blog, something that obviously didn't use to exist does a wonderful job of covering user submitted work.

And yes you stil make sense while drunk

Wish I was drunk...my PhD office would be much more fun...

06-16-2011, 09:28 AM
True enough, but they do seem to limit the pictures and the size. It would be nice to see some of the better armies given a couple of pages in a WD every now and then.

06-16-2011, 09:36 AM
There is no doubt that White Dwarf used to be fantastic and that it currently is not.
Not every issue was gold of course. It has always had it's good issues and bad issues, same as everything. But we used to get so much brilliant and interesting content that I feel is lacking in the issues of today. I remember watching it slowly change from having useful and fun rules or additions to games, or stories etc to seeming like it was just trying to sell me more models and nothing else. I could skim it and not stop on any pages.
It has been a long, long time since I bought a White Dwarf and a long, long, long time since I have had a subscription.

If they do go back to the old ways then maybe they could count me back in. I hope they can.

06-16-2011, 09:39 AM
What better way to start going down the hobby magazine route than with a new Codex inside the magazine- will this be timed to happen with the Sisters codex? It'd be good synergy.

06-16-2011, 09:40 AM
New direction for WD eh? I wonder if that will mean no more pointless LOTR articles then? Is it finally time to stop floggig that dead horse?:D At least until the new movie comes out.

Seriously though, I would love to see WD back to how it used to be. Free models, free mini games (brewhouse bash anyone?) and new rules. I remember when they actually used WD to get the community to playtest the rules for Mordheim. That's what WD should be about, alongside the developer commentaries and pictures of shiny new things.

That said, I still don't think it should be a substitute for releasing a proper codex.

06-16-2011, 09:54 AM
If this is done properly its great news.

WD has ebbed and flowed over the years. As a comparison, during the renaissance period of Paul Sawyer (and to a lesser extent Guy Hayley) editing the mag, I'd be dipping in and out of the articles for about a week. and even then returning to back issues months later to re-read the juicy bits. these days, its all over in an hour or two with absolutely no re-reading.

Does go to show though that there is nothing new under the sun. I'm pretty sure I remember reading a very similar press release when Sawyer took over at the end of the Red Period. Wonder if they'll bring back Thrudd and Gobbledigook.



06-16-2011, 10:03 AM
Well, if this new is fully confirmed, not only on the German newsletter... We should be proud old WD is sort of back...

Maybe GW is rethinking some of their errors??

06-16-2011, 10:10 AM
Yay possibly a reason to buy it again (and please have a 40k model as the suscription please! and one that isnt a useless collecters bit)

oh and please replace the 1/2 of the mag that is LOTR with a 'specialist games section' cycleing between LOTR, EPIC, Warmaster, =][=m BFG and and the expasnsions for games!)!!

oh and more freebies would be nice!

See I dn't understand where all the hatred for WD comes from.
..., painting guidese

we hate WD because its a brochure: for beginners, no advanced tacticas, no USEFUL PAINTING GUIDES (the last masterclass was way back, no i dont need a guide on how to basecoat > wash > highlight)

and frankly its see through, batreps are with the new army winning, nice full color spreads of new stuff ect

and Ģ5 for a medicore small magazine is far too much IHMO , especially since there is not enogh diffrent stuff or stuff that makes me go WOW!

06-16-2011, 10:35 AM
To little to late,I doubt there will be much of a difference(other than them making announcements & pictures available first).Even if they did make sweeping changes,I'm not paying $10 for it.My white dwarf collection starts @120 & ends @353.From 200 up you would have to cut & paste 4 to 8 issues together to come up with a $10 magazine. GW's battle cry of giving you much less & still charging top dollar hasn't changed for a decade & I doubt it will start now.The announcement that white dwarf is going to be what it was always supposed to be is ridiculous & a perfect example of how out of touch this company has become with the people that pay their bills.The next announcement will be all the changes & how great its going to be & it'll only cost $14.I doubt there will be any real substance to this because the games themselves are no longer their primary concern.Following their train of thought I've come up with their next announcement, "boxes will now have the contents to build the options in the codex"

06-16-2011, 10:57 AM
GW is not really out of touch with their audience, they're out of touch with the oldest part of their audience. The teenagers new to the game or with less than 5 years of gaming under their belt are key to their policy as they seemingly always fall for the new thing (failcast, the next big monster or gunship).
As part of the oldest segment, I buy WD from time to time to find some inspiration without booting the computer

06-16-2011, 11:34 AM
I'd like to point out that they said this a while ago when Rick Priestly was taking over WD - his changes lasted about a month, then the higher-ups crushed them, and shortly after that he left.

I'll believe it when I see it, consistently.

06-16-2011, 11:42 AM
As part of the oldest segment, I buy WD from time to time to find some inspiration without booting the computer

TBH, I think the "oldest segment" is part of the problem. The are the keys to all the innane and unrealistic bytching and moaning that goes on. Sorry to tell you, but it isn't 1985. No one cares about your illogical attachment to metal when they've released what can be considered from most objective viewpoints a superior product.

I have a WD sub. Some articles get more face time with me than others. But guess what? The online content GW has been putting out almost daily is usually of really great quality. I certainly think at this point in the game that No Quarter is a superior magazine, but I'd argue that GWs online content blows PPs out of the water.

@Captain Spagnolo - See: Blood Angels Death Co Box, Space Wolves Troop Box, or Grey Knights Strike Squad Box. Everything needed. Try to know what you're talking about before trying to be clever.

@Fuzz - While I would LOVE for the exclusive figure to be a usuable 40k figure, you and I both know how epic the uproar would be if they put a "usable" model as the subscription model. Plus...the magazine is called White Dwarf....not White Plastic Obliterator Kit :D And I completely agree about the LotR stuff, despite the fact that I LOOOOOOOVE LotR and WotR. I'd love to see that section more devoted to specialist games, as LotR is essentially one.

06-16-2011, 11:44 AM
@Captain Spagnolo - See: Blood Angels Death Co Box, Space Wolves Troop Box, or Grey Knights Strike Squad Box. Everything needed. Try to know what you're talking about before trying to be clever.

Don't forget all the DE stuff - they're loaded with weapon options. :)

06-16-2011, 11:49 AM
Don't forget all the DE stuff - they're loaded with weapon options. :)

Thank you,k Kawauso. I forget about the non-Imperial stuff sometimes because I am the Emperor's dog.

06-16-2011, 12:00 PM
Last time I had a WDsub it came with a usable MK6 SM, I can't remember the last time I flicked throught he mag after reading it once these day's,
I used to always re-read it.
Even standard bearer isn't what it used to be, and has turned into a plug the next big thing,
it would be nice to go back to when it was a magazine wit a catalogue not a catalogue disguised as a magazine...

06-16-2011, 12:01 PM
TBH, I think the "oldest segment" is part of the problem. The are the keys to all the innane and unrealistic bytching and moaning that goes on. Sorry to tell you, but it isn't 1985. No one cares about your illogical attachment to metal when they've released what can be considered from most objective viewpoints a superior product.

I have no illogical attachment to metal but I'm rather objective and polite ( know what I mean ?). GW did some great stuff and still does but bandwagonning to release" superior" and overpriced - a point you forgot to mention - products (you fell for PR communication apparently) is not innovation from my point of view. Bigger plastic models is, as is "all options boxes".
and, by the way I know it's not 1985 anymore (no offence taken) but miniature gaming didn't start with you. A lot of changes in the hobby occured because of marketing or financial decisions not gaming ones

06-16-2011, 12:16 PM
Metal sucks. There's no dodging that. It's an absolutely horrible material to work with, at least for us end users.

06-16-2011, 12:19 PM
It's great if they are going to start putting better articles and rules back in to WD, but I've liked not buying it for the last few years. Space in my house is at a premium so I got nowhere to put them even if I wanted to start buying them again. Would much rather them put all the articles on their site so we can just download them and then they don't take up space. I know that would never happen as they wouldn't make as much money, but it would be my preference.

06-16-2011, 02:14 PM
I have no illogical attachment to metal but I'm rather objective and polite ( know what I mean ?). GW did some great stuff and still does but bandwagonning to release" superior" and overpriced - a point you forgot to mention - products (you fell for PR communication apparently) is not innovation from my point of view. Bigger plastic models is, as is "all options boxes".
and, by the way I know it's not 1985 anymore (no offence taken) but miniature gaming didn't start with you. A lot of changes in the hobby occured because of marketing or financial decisions not gaming ones

I have no idea what any of what you said means, and I don't particularly care about your politeness dig.

I was alluding to the "older generations'" attachment to metal vs. Finecast because you pointed out that you thought GW was disassociating with the "older generation." Despite start-up problems with it, Finecast is superior to metal for the hobbyist, yet it seems to only be the old-school, played-since-rogue-trader neckbeards that are sad to see metal go. I'd pee my pants with excitement if Privateer got rid of their metals. It would make conversion of their multitude of static poses so much easier.

What are they overpriced in reference to? You think they're overpriced? Don't buy them.

06-16-2011, 02:39 PM
Hell I'm an old-school played since Rogue Trader type and I'm overjoyed to see metal go. It's ok for character minis like Reaper, Hasslefree etc produce, but for squads or anything where there's likely to be converting (ie HQ choices) metal sucks the big one frankly.

On topic with White Dwarf - if the new rules are actually good I'll buy it. By that I mean things like release a new mini and put its rules in as they did with the Doomweaver or Kustom Stompa, or new sub-lists or niche lists (Galadrhim, Kroot Mercs). If it's missions and Apoc datasheet type stuff I'm going to pass nine times out of ten.

06-16-2011, 03:06 PM
I'd love to have a WD codex update every summer, and new rules for existing codices released in WD ala the Eldar vehicle that was added a while back. Anything that lets GW update their rules more often makes me happy.

06-16-2011, 03:45 PM
Just came back from reading Dakka Dakka was going to post here but see Eldargal beat me to it. :P.

So some people want to start collecting WD again because of this news? Well after reading all the pages from Dakka Dakka, WD will be realeased a few days later and people will not be getting them early as they use to so if anything you will be getting your WD a few days later now.

So most likely you will be paying more (when has GW not increased prices for anything?) and now you will be getting them later as well. The rumour on Dakka Dakka is that WD is suppose to give us our rumours and new stuff coming out now. I can't see this increasing the WD sales because who ever is the first one to buy it, will just come to the fourms and say what is in them anyways so it will be a moot point anyways trying not to give the internet the news.

Funny instead of GW embracing the Internet to give previews and what not, they are trying to stop it (impossible will never happen) and have their own print do all the work. I guess the GW logic is charge your customers everything that is releated to GW. That seems to include rumours as well.

I can see it now. GW will charge us to breathe their air when in a GW store soon.

06-16-2011, 04:27 PM
I can see it now. GW will charge us to breathe their air when in a GW store soon.

They'll need to start enforcing good customer hygiene if they want air that's worth selling. ;)

06-16-2011, 04:43 PM
I'd love to have a WD codex update every summer, and new rules for existing codices released in WD ala the Eldar vehicle that was added a while back. Anything that lets GW update their rules more often makes me happy.

That's what made WD so great years ago. If someone at GW came up with some cool new unit or vehicle it didn't have to sit around for years waiting for the next codex update, they just put it in WD and people could use it. Then when GW had enough 40K material from WD, they would put it all in a book so it would be available to those who didn't have all the WD issues that all the new stuff came from. And of course the book would always have a couple of exclusive things so even those with all the WD issues would usually end up buying the book as well.

06-16-2011, 05:16 PM
seems really strange why GW continues to use and archaic business plan that seems to completely ignore the existence of the internet.

Companies like Apple and Microsoft all reveal upcoming product MONTHS in advance because they know that leaks are inevitable, there sales don't suffer because of this and the "hype" is arguable greater.

06-16-2011, 06:12 PM
@ wittdooley That wide variety of 7 boxes than spans 2 races took them a shade under 30 years. Maybe you should heed your own advice.

06-16-2011, 06:22 PM
I don't see whats wrong with the plastic in the tactical squad boxes. Finecast isn't a shove off to old gamers, its a way to get people who don't know any better to pay forgeworld price for the same models made of cheaper materials.

06-16-2011, 06:28 PM
I must say that I find it fascinating that there are still comments that claim that LOTR has taken up half the magazine over the last few years when there was one short battle report and a one page shot of (a pretty cool) armies on parade dwarf army in the last issue, nothing (from memory) in the issue before and no more than a few pages of LOTR at most in many months. Really I think it's been conclusively proven of late that it's not LOTR that is making the magazione unpopular- either it's just crap fullstop even if it's got little or no LOTR content in it, or most of the haters haven't picked up an issue in so long they have no idea what they're talking about and just criticise it anyway. Don't get me wrong I didn't care for the LOTR overload issues of many years ago but it hasn't been like that in quite a while and really I am more than happy to see the LOTR players get an article or two (much like I would like to see with specialist games). What I find particulalry ironic is despite the hate it is the few LOTR articles that have actually been the type of content people keep asking for- new scenarios, new rules (particualrly for using the WOTR stuff in the strategy battle game), etc...

Nevertheless I'm kinda meh... about the changes... I'll probably buy it anyway and add it to the other 200 or so issues on the pile but really- putting more stuff in White Dwarf is only going to mean less stuff put online for free. It's already annoying going back and trying to find apocalypse datasheets and so forth from old White Dwarf issues (yay for not listing the contents on the spines anymore). God help us if we go back to the idiocy of the chapter approved days- "oh no terminators now have an invul save- no they don't it's not in the codex- yeah but it was in White Dwarf- can you show it to me- no I didn't bring it with me- what issue was it in- I don't know- *applies forehead to gaming table repeatedly until the rage fades*.

Unzuul the Lascivious
06-17-2011, 04:11 AM
Obligatory note on Finecast: - It's not superior to metal until they produce a miniature you don't have to take back 6-7 times or have the GW guy open every clampack to find a decent one without excessive and/or detail obscuring bubbling. Product not perfected yet? Don't release it. Finally got a decent Castellan after 3 returns and 17 clampacks opened...looking forward to Finecast-specific molds though. P.S. Just because Apple/Microsoft release stuff that is flawed, doesn't mean everyone else can by default...

Right, that's that bollocks over with. WHITE DWARF! Yes, it has been pants for some time. I am desperate for more painting articles to be included - my favourites are the tutorials on specific miniatures, because not only can you have a good stab at reproducing 'Eavy Metal quality paintjobs on the latest model (still wanna attempt the Sanguinator NMM even though I have no Blood Angels!) but a lot of the techniques and colour schemes were transferable to other miniatures. I learnt A LOT from these articles and treasure them. Recently, they have been really half-assed inserts in other articles. They go a bit overboard with the 'sticking your miniatures together' articles - I especially find no use for double page spreads of pictures of the entire sprue painted up - what am I supposed to do with that? Pointless filler. A really decent campaign of 40K and Warhammer Bat Reps would be brilliant, and YES to Advanced Tactica, especially counter measures to common spam combos would be nice!

Personally, I don't find the yabbing on about the design of a new set of miniatures for 5-6 pages very interesting - this again to me is filler.

Anyway, I do look forward to seeing change in WD, let's all hope it's a positive change.

06-17-2011, 09:44 AM
I find it funny that people crap on LotR in WD and too me, it was LotR that was the best part of WD magazine. So if you are crapping on LotR, you really are crapping on 40K and Fantasy becuase it was way much worse in my eyes.

06-17-2011, 10:59 AM
Nah the specialist games segments pre-LOTR were a far better use of the space.
They should have done something separate for the LOTR fanboys.

06-18-2011, 06:39 AM
I love the hate for LOTR has anyone ever actually played more than a couple games of it? If not well then its actually well written rules for the most part, works well in tournaments and is cheap compared to 40k or fantasy.

Nice to see a change in WD

06-18-2011, 09:13 AM
Again, 40K is not the problem at all. There needs to be better Articles for 40K and Fantasy. When I had WD I spent most of my time in the LotR section. Yes I only did 40K and LotR but 40K more, but I still skimmed the 40K section, Fantasy did nothing to keep me interested and LotR had the better written articles.

So basically if LotR was eliminated like most people want, then WD would even be crappier with more garbage to take it's place.

So instead of saying LotR is at fault, say exactly what the problem is. So by saying the problem is LotR that means GW should continue doing what they do in 40K and Fantasy then. Come on people give your head a shake. You still want the same 40K and Fantasy articles we have now?

If GW eliminated LotR, all that would mean is less pages for WD, but same content we have now for 40K and Fantasy.

So I guess people want the same old same old as it is now, but 90 pages instead of 100 pages. Yeah that will make WD better. *rolls eyes*.

06-18-2011, 09:23 AM
Again, 40K is not the problem at all. There needs to be better Articles for 40K and Fantasy. When I had WD I spent most of my time in the LotR section. Yes I only did 40K and LotR but 40K more, but I still skimmed the 40K section, Fantasy did nothing to keep me interested and LotR had the better written articles.

So basically if LotR was eliminated like most people want, then WD would even be crappier with more garbage to take it's place.

So instead of saying LotR is at fault, say exactly what the problem is. So by saying the problem is LotR that means GW should continue doing what they do in 40K and Fantasy then. Come on people give your head a shake. You still want the same 40K and Fantasy articles we have now?

If GW eliminated LotR, all that would mean is less pages for WD, but same content we have now for 40K and Fantasy.

So I guess people want the same old same old as it is now, but 90 pages instead of 100 pages. Yeah that will make WD better. *rolls eyes*.

Totally agree some of the articles for LOTR are great fun. Anyone remember battle companies for LOTR's? i doubt it because everyone thinks LOTR is rubbish. However these rules would be great and could be moved other to 40k or fantasy.

These rules started off with a group of the basic models for an army then they gathered experience and could become the elite versions for that army. So imagine Marines you could have a unit of scouts and they could upgrade to tactical marines, assault marines, devastators, then they could become veterans. See how simple that would be but how much fun.

06-18-2011, 09:25 AM
I'm a big Tolkien fan, love the books, love LOTR even, never got into LOTR as a game though I have some of the models. I was pretty grumpy with it when I was told the bubble in sales it produced nearly crippled GW when it burst but apparently its more complex than that.

Anyway, the problem isn't LOTR articles in WD, the problem is a lack of content in general. In fact the LOTR articles sometimes seem to have mroe content than the 40k/WFB articles.

I forget what my point was.:rolleyes:

06-18-2011, 09:53 AM
If GW eliminated LotR, all that would mean is less pages for WD, but same content we have now for 40K and Fantasy.

lul,wut? I think most people assumed they would give thows pages to specialist games, or more useful content for WHFB and WH40k. Not just rip the pages physically out of the book.

But yah. When white dwarf starts haveing hobby articles about painting, converting, and terrain making. Then I will buy a subscription. Other wise I'll just pass.


06-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Well, even if they donīt dedicate pages to LotR... The mag will be as crap as always even if they only maintain it as an advertising mag...

Brass Scorpion
06-23-2011, 10:51 PM
From http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=16900014a

White Dwarf Notice

In order to align product releases globally, White Dwarf will be on sale on the last Saturday of each month (ie White Dwarf August will be for sale on July 30th). In-store subscribers will also be able to pick up their magazine at the store on that Saturday.

In-home subscriptions will be shipped on the last Saturday of each month (ie White Dwarf August will ship on July 30th). You can expect to see your copy of White Dwarf within ten days from shipment.

If you have any questions or don't receive your White Dwarf within ten days from the last Saturday of the month, please call Customer Service at 1-800-394-4263 or email [email protected].

This will go into effect for August's White Dwarf #379.
I've been a subscriber for about 2 decades, but if this is the way we're to be treated then when my current subscription ends that may be the end of that relationship for the foreseeable future. The subscribers are the people who give GW money up front for EVERY issue and as such we should be getting premium service, not shoddy, get-it later-than-everyone-else treatment.

06-24-2011, 12:39 AM
From http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=16900014a

I've been a subscriber for about 2 decades, but if this is the way we're to be treated then when my current subscription ends that may be the end of that relationship for the foreseeable future. The subscribers are the people who give GW money up front for EVERY issue and as such we should be getting premium service, not shoddy, get-it later-than-everyone-else treatment.

Agreed, I just can't see what tangible benefit GW is expecting to get from their new policies in exchange for aggravating their loyal customers. A lot of my full price impulse buys are from the advance orders on the GW site (no longer available).

I don't really think too much about whether I'm getting value from my WD subscription as it shows up before the issue is available. Now I'll have time to think about whether it's worth it and maybe I'll do what most do and just buy the ones that really interest (not that many based on the last 12 months).

06-24-2011, 02:53 AM
Thats ridiculous!

I can finally see what some people say about GW going down the crapper...

Brits can probably expect their subscription on the following Monday-Tuesday hopefully. Its internationals who have a problem.

Also the contact phone number is US only. Is there any selfish hope that this only affects our cross-pond bretheren?

06-24-2011, 03:16 AM
Thatīs why I never suscribed... I always go to a press store, look at that monthīs WD and decide if itīs worth buying it or not...

This is a stab on the heart of the suscribers... What are then the advantages of suscribing if you are getting the mag later??

06-24-2011, 06:20 AM
I have just cancelled my subscription over the phone, however I spent 10 minutes in the GW phone queue even though I was next in line just to get the phone number for white dwarf subscriptions.

so if you pay via direct debit here in the uk, don't waste your time trying to phone GW as I found out.

Here is the number if any of you guys need it

01778 392083.

Not dismissing the (sometimes) quality of the magazine and sometimes its a good read as long as its not full of LOTR crap, but I prefer to get it same day as opposed to maybe 10 days later. And at least I can now decide which one to buy issue by issue.

06-24-2011, 06:29 AM
It does seem bizarre, they want WD to be the source for news and whatnot, so they delay the posting of subscription copies?

They better make it a proper hobby magazine again with lots of good content or they will be losing a lot of subscribers.

06-24-2011, 07:33 AM
It does seem bizarre, they want WD to be the source for news and whatnot, so they delay the posting of subscription copies?

Obviously you don't understand GW logic.

But then, neither do I.

06-24-2011, 07:37 AM
Actually usually there is a good reason for what they do, even if it isn't a reason the community likes or their action is not necessarily the best response to the reason. But in this case, its just plain odd.

Morgan Darkstar
06-24-2011, 07:46 AM
Personaly I am beginning to think there is a Lemming at the helm of GW's PR division.

06-24-2011, 08:38 AM
I have just cancelled my subscription over the phone, however I spent 10 minutes in the GW phone queue even though I was next in line just to get the phone number for white dwarf subscriptions.

so if you pay via direct debit here in the uk, don't waste your time trying to phone GW as I found out.

Here is the number if any of you guys need it

01778 392083.

Not dismissing the (sometimes) quality of the magazine and sometimes its a good read as long as its not full of LOTR crap, but I prefer to get it same day as opposed to maybe 10 days later. And at least I can now decide which one to buy issue by issue.

I have a strange feeling they will be shrink wrapping these just to prevent people from doing this. Sounds like something that would fit with this new policy.

06-24-2011, 08:51 AM
Sounds like they really, really want everyone to go to the stores to me. The only way to get a White Dwarf first is to buy it in the store or subscribe in store and pick it up, either way it means the only way to get it on the day is to go into a store. Where their salesman can presumably try to sell the customer something, or the customer can buy himself something by thinking "Oh, since I'm here..."

I would suggest that the White Dwarf improvement is partially to do with this, making it an incentive for people to stop by the stores every last Saturday, the only source of official new release info, and the only way to get it first is to buy it on that Saturday. If they succeed then the Internet actually helps them, as people who go to the store post hype on the forums about what the new White Dwarf contains, possibly getting some people excited and wanting to go to the store to check it out if they're impatient. Then to cap it off, the only way to get new releases on release day is, again, to stop by the store. Meanwhile Games Workshop has more or less forcibly terminated all official new release data on their website.

The only common thread is that they want to force people to use the stores.

Why? I... I don't know. The only part that seems like it would boost sales is if the people wanting to check out the White Dwarf buy a couple things while they're there, but this will hurt internet sales, as well as ship-to-home White Dwarf subscriptions and a lot of older players. I guess the internet store is just going to be more targeted at models that stores don't carry.

Anyway, that's my hairbrained and foolish attempt to understand what business logic is in there. Not that I approve. I actually don't like it. Typical magazine policy is to offer it early for subscribers as an incentive to buy, and a thank you for being a loyal subscribing member. I confess though, Games Workshop is in a weird situation where they own White Dwarf as well as a sizable chunk of White Dwarf's media outlets.

Eh. We'll still hear about it first through rumors probably.

06-24-2011, 09:16 AM
Sounds like they really, really want everyone to go to the stores to me. The only way to get a White Dwarf first is to buy it in the store or subscribe in store and pick it up, either way it means the only way to get it on the day is to go into a store. Where their salesman can presumably try to sell the customer something, or the customer can buy himself something by thinking "Oh, since I'm here..."

I would suggest that the White Dwarf improvement is partially to do with this, making it an incentive for people to stop by the stores every last Saturday, the only source of official new release info, and the only way to get it first is to buy it on that Saturday. If they succeed then the Internet actually helps them, as people who go to the store post hype on the forums about what the new White Dwarf contains, possibly getting some people excited and wanting to go to the store to check it out if they're impatient. Then to cap it off, the only way to get new releases on release day is, again, to stop by the store. Meanwhile Games Workshop has more or less forcibly terminated all official new release data on their website.

The only common thread is that they want to force people to use the stores.

Why? I... I don't know. The only part that seems like it would boost sales is if the people wanting to check out the White Dwarf buy a couple things while they're there, but this will hurt internet sales, as well as ship-to-home White Dwarf subscriptions and a lot of older players. I guess the internet store is just going to be more targeted at models that stores don't carry.

Anyway, that's my hairbrained and foolish attempt to understand what business logic is in there. Not that I approve. I actually don't like it. Typical magazine policy is to offer it early for subscribers as an incentive to buy, and a thank you for being a loyal subscribing member. I confess though, Games Workshop is in a weird situation where they own White Dwarf as well as a sizable chunk of White Dwarf's media outlets.

Eh. We'll still hear about it first through rumors probably.

The idea of going to stores seems silly since they can't seem to keep enough stores open. For instance in my corner of the world there are no stores within 100 miles of address at the moment. GW is planning on opening one that is 76 miles away. Thats a day trip almost just to drive to a GW store. Why on Earth would anyone want to do that on a regualr basis. I live in Florida and until that opens there are no stores in Georgia, Mississippi, Albama, South Carolina, Louisiana, or North Carolina. That is a huge area without a store. The nearest one that is open is in Memphis, Tennessee the GW HQ. Thats almost the entire South Eastern US without a store until the oen in Florida opens whenever that happens. Tell me the logic in that.

P.S. I'm not sniping at anyone here in particular just GW.

06-24-2011, 09:19 AM
Here in the UK we can pick WD up at most of the high street magazine and book retailers, W H Smiths springs to mind.

06-24-2011, 09:27 AM
The idea of going to stores seems silly since they can't seem to keep enough stores open. For instance in my corner of the world there are no stores within 100 miles of address at the moment. GW is planning on opening one that is 76 miles away. Thats a day trip almost just to drive to a GW store. Why on Earth would anyone want to do that on a regualr basis. I live in Florida and until that opens there are no stores in Georgia, Mississippi, Albama, South Carolina, Louisiana, or North Carolina. That is a huge area without a store. The nearest one that is open is in Memphis, Tennessee the GW HQ. Thats almost the entire South Eastern US without a store until the oen in Florida opens whenever that happens. Tell me the logic in that.

P.S. I'm not sniping at anyone here in particular just GW.

I know what you mean, I live in the southeast too. I wouldn't be able to drive to do that even if I wanted to. There used to be stores here, but they closed all of them in the economic downturn.

Here in the UK we can pick WD up at most of the high street magazine and book retailers, W H Smiths springs to mind.

Huh. The only place I've ever seen them is in a hobby store. That could support that it only affects international.

06-24-2011, 10:52 AM
Well with all these changes, it looks like GW is finally changing thier selling philosphy now. It looks like GW is not reliying on kids with rich parents anymore and more concentrating on Vetrans now. Other wise, why would they want you to come back into the stores then?

Looks like GW needs to sell more inventory now. Price increases never really helped out with the lower volumes of inventory being sold, so now they are trying an new aprroach.

The one thing I wonder is with more of the WD subscriptions being cancelled or not rewned what is GW going to say or blame then?

Hopefully GW will see the decrease in subrscription renewls and will mail the WD early again like they did last time. I almost got a subrscribtion to WD so I can have the WD early, but I never really seen that to buy that PoS mag anyway. The best thing of WD was for LotR content the rest of the stuff was just regurgitated pics and nothing really interesting in there.

No more "how to stuff" no more "trial rules" or what not. I shouldn't have to pay for their advertising and that is WD is now, just advertising their stuff. We should be getting WD for free, but then agian, it seems GW doesn't give out anything for free anymore. So I can't see why getting a WD would be worth it, espically after "up to" 10 days after others have gotten then. I may as well stick to the interent to get all the info, because as soon as someone buys it in the store, we will hear about, maybe even see it on the internet, so now there is really no excuse to get a WD subscription now.

Ah the good old days you can go into a GW store, get a free mini for the kids to paint while you shop. They even stopped that.

06-24-2011, 11:01 AM
The one thing I wonder is with more of the WD subscriptions being cancelled or not rewned what is GW going to say or blame then?

They're probably banking on an increase in White Dwarf issues bought in stores to counter balance the loss of subscriptions.

06-24-2011, 12:52 PM
I know what you mean, I live in the southeast too. I wouldn't be able to drive to do that even if I wanted to. There used to be stores here, but they closed all of them in the economic downturn.

There were none in Florida that I was aware of at least in teh time I have been playing 40K. Admittedly its only been about 3 1/2 years. I know that Atlanta had one in 2009 but that one closed. Honestly GW should save some money and stop opening up stores and support their indie retailers better with special prgrams and buying incentives. If they did that and lowered prices just a bit then might see an upsurge in profits. They could cut out the factor of paying store employees altogether and paying rent on storefronts. I wonder how much sales they actually get from thier own store chains?

06-24-2011, 01:10 PM
The only common thread is that they want to force people to use the stores.

This makes complete sense to me.

GW retail stores presently do not make a profit. - force people into stores

Internet sales hurting direct sales and sold at lower price than desired - reduce time net retailers have to order and advertise new product encouraging people to buy at retail store at full price.

Internet hype/ doubt about new release reduce sale date enthusiasm - make release schedule a secret

develop a new production method that saves 20% on cost - raise price on said product

slowing sales from poor economy - raise prices

Stock Holders ( hedge funds own nearly 50% of GW ) complain that not enough done to maximize profit - increase dividend by 50% from forecast.

Rumors that executives from major toy manufacturer has toured GW - do everything in your power to make share holders happy so you can remain independent.

06-24-2011, 01:19 PM
The subscribers are the people who give GW money up front for EVERY issue and as such we should be getting premium service, not shoddy, get-it later-than-everyone-else treatment.

I subscribed in the early 90's and service was horrible. At the time WD was mailed at the lowest possible cost and delivery times reflected that. Ironically WD was classified as a Catalog for delivery purposes. Is the post mans bin full today? OK we can leave out the catalogs and WD magazines today. Is it full again today, WD has to wait. On average I received my WD subscription a week and a half after the local independent retailer did.

06-24-2011, 02:37 PM
Here in the UK we can pick WD up at most of the high street magazine and book retailers, W H Smiths springs to mind.

Same here, in Spain. You can buy WD at press shops, press retailers on the streets, and in GW stores or indepentant retailers (FLGS)...

So we have many ways to buy WD

06-24-2011, 06:42 PM
If this also goes with an increase of GW store employees harassing me to buy something, I swear I'm gonna snap at them.

06-24-2011, 09:08 PM
The manager of the local store is on vacation this week but someone from corporate is filling in.

I think it's time to go in and work on models but not buy anything.

06-25-2011, 01:28 PM
So WD is available on the website, but has not yet been posted through my door, which has really p***ed me off. So here is my dilemma.

I can a) cancel my subscription and go into store to pick it up, but I'm not so desperate to read it to make a trip into town. b) Just stop getting it altogether, but then I do quite like reading it so I lose out. c) Put up with getting it a week or so late, but then I'd feel like I'm giving into GW in some way.

So what do I do? I guess C is the best option but I'm not happy about it.

On a related issue, several people have mentioned that most all good newsagents in the UK sell it. How are they going to be affected by this? Are they going to have it in stock and on sale on release day, or is GW going to treat them like us and delay it. It would seem pointless to try to force subscribers into store when they can usually go to a more convenient rival retailer. Has anyone seen one onsale in a newsagents today?

06-25-2011, 01:37 PM
I saw it in my local shop yesterday but as I live in Canada it does you no good ;)

06-25-2011, 03:13 PM
In Spain is also for sale now in FLGS and GW stores...

06-26-2011, 03:01 AM
Its the last saturday of the month its released. Meaning it's released anywhere between the 24th-31st of the month (could be as early as 22nd in Febriary)