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View Full Version : Lindargo's 1000pt Chaos

09-03-2009, 07:49 AM
Heres the List:

Damon Prince:

10 Chaos Marines:
-Icon of Khorne
-Power Fist

10 Chaos Marines:
-Power Fist

-Heavy Bolter Sponsons
-Extra armour

1 Obliterator

-Twin Linked Lascannon

Ive been told to drop the Defilers Twin lascannon, because its pointless. But where else could i get a decent tank hunting unit? 2 more Obliterators and drop the Defiler altogether?

And just a quick question, if i give a marine a Meltagun and then upgrade him to a champion, does he still have a melta gun (and i can give him a powerfist?). I know that i can give both my Khorne Icon and the Flamer to one Marine.