View Full Version : Kabalite Trueborn WIP

06-15-2011, 11:19 AM
My new project on the side...my Trueborn!


Finally managed to acrue enough bits and spare...across 3 warriors box, 2 scourges, 4 reavers and a Dark Elf corsair kit for the capes they live!

Still wasn't enough blasters though, so some are Shredders, with the front end cut off and blaster ends from the Reavers sets on the front.

06-15-2011, 12:53 PM
like them a lot, what kinda paint scheme are you going to use on them?

06-15-2011, 01:18 PM
Awesome, I was going to do basically the same thing with the visor helmets but I'm going to utilize the ones from the Wych frame instead. Is there much converting needed for the Corsair's bodies?

06-15-2011, 02:49 PM
Looks awesome so far!

Uncle Nutsy
06-15-2011, 10:17 PM
I really like how you put the masked heads on them all. makes them look mysterious.

06-16-2011, 12:54 AM
I did something similar a while back, but I copied my idea off of someone else :)


Good call with the blasters, as the linked article shows, something similar is possible using disintegrator parts :).

06-16-2011, 02:06 AM
Thanks for all the comments guys, these guys will meet the brush after I get everything currently on my painting board cleared....which could be a while

. Is there much converting needed for the Corsair's bodies?

Its not too much but you have to be sensible


The bits in red circles (the back torso) need removing. I did it with clippers, and you can do it in 6 cuts. You don't have to be too neat, although the "head" hole might need filing back a bit to get the heads to fit. Any messyness is covered by the spare parts you put on. Then just attatch the front of the Kabalite Warriors chest and your away! Don't worry about the back of the torso...add them to your bitz box.

Same goes with the legs. Only use the front component (the actual legs) the bum/belt back part of the legs will not fit, and since you can't see it its ok

However when building them be careful. Pair all the torsos up with capes first, and while that's drying glue legs to bases. Don't glue any upper half to any lower half until your sure they will all match up. Some of the capes block some of the parts of the legs. You might need to trim the knee blades down a bit to get them to fit. Also some of the capes are longer than some of the legs are tall, so they might need to stand on a rock, or stick out over the back of the base a little