View Full Version : wargamescon list review

06-14-2011, 11:18 PM
so I'm trying to chose a list to take to war games con and i have it down to two list wich do You think is the better list
Grand master-psychotoroke grenades, rad grenades, blind grenades- 210
Libranain- warding stave ,might of titans, shrouding, warp rift- 200
Purifier SQ x8- x4 halberds,x2 incinerators, hammer, warding stave- 230
Purifier SQ x8- x4 halberds,x2 incinerators, hammer, warding stave- 230
Strike SQ x10- hammer,x2 psycannons, psy ammo-250
Strike SQ x10- x2 psycannons, psy ammo-240
Dreadnought- 115
Dreadnought- 115
2000 pts
the idle is to put the two purifier sq's in the stormravens with the two HQ's and leave the two strike sq at home base for support fire.
list 2
Draigo- 275
Libranain- warding stave ,might of titans, shrouding, vortex of doom- 200
Paladins x10- x4 master crafted psycannons, warding stave- 675
Paladins x5- x2 master crafted psycannons, warding stave-350
Strike SQ x10- hammer,x2 psycannons, psy ammo-250
Strike SQ x10- hammer,x2 psycannons, psy ammo-250
in this army the paladins will most likely combat squad so i have an even 2 psycannons in each squad and all of the paladins will be armed defiantly for wound allocation. the idle is to close slowly with the enemy and let the psycannons do their job to the enemy transports and just post up the strike squads in cover or maybe combat squad them and just leave the psycannons in cover and let the other haft lend a little extra weight in HtH.

06-15-2011, 07:31 AM
Why no TLACs on the dreads?
Or if they ride in the SR = give them a HF w/ ammo upgrade.

06-15-2011, 04:21 PM
The job of the deads is close anti-tank and weak troop dispersal. yes they go in the stormraven