View Full Version : Discussion on how to build your terminato/ Paladin squads

06-14-2011, 11:36 AM
So with the new FAQ out there is a beefy new edge to Grey Knight builds: The same psychic power can be cast on a single unit and it stacks!!!

This, as most people have figured out, means Hammerhand stacks and is insane!

As it stands my current terminator squad tends to have a GM, a Libby, and 7 termies (1psycannon, 1Daemon Hammer, 1Brotherhood Banner, and 5 Halbreds). I am now probably going to beef up this unit big time. Probably make them all Paladins and go for a 10 man squad, grab 4 psycannons, drop the daemon hammer, and I am heavily debating the need for the Brotherhood Banner since I think it is now more worth it to just forget activating my force weapons and instead get everyone up to Str 8!... granted an additional attack each would still be nice.

I mean this would give me a squad of 10: WS 5, Str 8, I6, 2 wound models with 2 attacks base (3 if I keep the BB) +1 on a charge, all with force weapons!.... that is vicious!

I think I will keep the Brotherhood Banner just for the additional attack. Then its just drop these guys in DS style with a servo skull to assist and destroy everything.

Add in the benefit of Psykotorke, and rad grenades (-1 toughness to units you assault) and bye bye Thunder Wolf Calvary!

06-14-2011, 03:00 PM
Dropping the Brotherhood Banner just because you can reach str 8 doesn't make any sense. You're relying on repeatedly passing psychic tests to get to that level, and if you fail a single one you can't get there. You increase your chance of Perils, and it's easy for a hood to stop at least 1/4 of your powers.

Plus, str 8 isn't that big a deal. You'll usually only need str 6, and then if you need to ID something there is no reason to force yourself to take 2 unnecessary psychic tests to do so.

And that's just taking the auto-FW into account. The extra attacks alone in that large a squad is worth it. Force weapons are just a bonus.

Anyways, equipping Terminators is easy.
1. Max out psycannons.
2. All Halberds, 1-2 Hammers depending on squad size.
3. Buy as many bodies as possible.
4. Once those conditions are satisfied, buy a Brotherhood Banner.
5. Psybolts.

And done.

For Paladins, it's slightly trickier, as you need to take advantage of wound allocation.
1. Max out psycannons.
2. All Halberds, 1-2 Hammers depending on squad size.
3. Buy as many bodies as possible.
4. Go back and master craft weapons as appropriate in order to maximize wound allocation.
5. Once those conditions are satisfied, buy a Brotherhood Banner if you have enough Paladins in the unit to justify it.
6. Mastercraft your psycannons.

06-14-2011, 03:43 PM
That's just it though I don't think it is necessary to have that many hammer anymore. Maybe one ... maybe.

06-14-2011, 06:30 PM
I'd still keep one hammer, since Might of Titans can only be used in your player turn. You could still kill a Dreadnought with str 7, but retaining that reliability is important. I could see only one hammer, though.

06-14-2011, 09:06 PM
Yeah one hammer is good for those just in case situations. Other then that its all about the I6 baby !!

06-17-2011, 04:55 PM
I play 330 point five man paladin squads:

Storm Bolter / McHammer
Storm Bolter / Halberd
Storm Bolter / Sword
McPsycannon / Halberd
McPsycannon / Sword

They're all unique, I like having the range of weapons and the mastercrafting on the hammer. In retrospect, I think perhaps:

Storm Bolter / Hammer
Storm Bolter / Halberd
Storm Bolter / Sword
McPsycannon / Halberd
McPsycannon / Hammer

Would have been better, though. 325 points. Not getting two hammers in each terminator box makes this more difficult--not sure I want to bits-order hammers.

At ten guys, I think I'm basically looking at:

Storm Bolter / McHammer
Storm Bolter / McHalberd
Storm Bolter / McSword
Storm Bolter / Halberd
Storm Bolter / Sword
Storm Bolter / Hammer
McPsycannon / Halberd
McPsycannon / Sword
McPsycannon / Hammer
McPsycannon / Brotherhood Banner

for, if I count correctly, 690 points.