View Full Version : Fast skin tips?

06-13-2011, 03:46 PM
OK guys, here's the problem I've got myself into DE, and I'm painting up a whole crapload of Hellions, and then probably some Wcyehs after, and then possibly a pilot or four for my new Venom and the three Razorwings. Seriously, we're talking zero to hero here. The problem is that I have, seriously, Two weeks to get all this done. And I. Suck. At. Skin.

I mean that. I can do some semi-passable stuff if I take a long time, but seriously we're talking "showcase" time here. I can put out some awesome DE Warrior armor in ten minutes flat, but getting skin that doesn't look like somebody fell into a mud pit, then got pulled out by clambering up the ugly branch after getting whacked a few times by their rescuers is just beyond me.

I'm looking for lighter skin here, but not the alabaster nearly-white stuff. Just honest, pale human skin will do fine for now.

Any advice at all is greatly appreciated.

06-13-2011, 04:09 PM
My De are mid-human tone (my theory is a kill and soul consuming revuniates them, so they get a little more flushed)

I use a Tallarn Flesh base, Ogyrn Flesh Wash and then build up on top with Elf Flesh. Want it paler, mix elf with bleached bone, want its greyer mix with Space Wolf Grey.

Theres some pictures on the last page or 2 of my thread...http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=8645&page=3

06-13-2011, 05:55 PM
I agree with the good Dr. You could also use a basecoat of tallarn flesh mixed with some astronomicon grey to give them sort of an unearthly look.

06-13-2011, 07:00 PM
It's counterintuitive, but a purple wash does wonders for the "realism" of pale skin. Try a Tallarn/Elf Flesh mix followed by by a diluted purple wash (lightly applied); a simple layer of Elf Flesh, followed by a Skull White/Elf Flesh highlight will do the trick.

With fairly good brush control, you could do the flesh on all of the applicable models in a batch and have the flesh done (and looking really good) pretty quickly.

06-14-2011, 01:30 AM
Thanks doc, Ill give these tips a try come morning.

06-14-2011, 11:15 AM
My technique: elf flesh - flesh wash - super light drybrush of elf flesh going mostly up and down with the brush. I only have one pic in the gallery but that's how I did it.