View Full Version : Lash of Submission and charging

06-13-2011, 10:59 AM
Im a little confused by the wording with Lash of Submission. If you use it against a squad, do you have to charge the squad you use it on?

Argument for no:
The new FAQ update for Psychic powers for the main Rulebook says that a Psychic power is a shooting attack if it has the profile of shooting attack, which Lash of Submission doesnt (and it doesnt need to roll to hit. you just make a psychic check and it just happens). And under the Lash of Submission entry in the Chaos Codex doesnt specifically state that it is a shooting attack.

So am I right in my assumption or am I way off?

06-13-2011, 11:03 AM
If it's not a shooting attack, it doesn't limit your charge options.

06-13-2011, 11:03 AM
All assaults are bound by the stipulations in the rulebook, unless the codex explicitly states otherwise--- in other words, if lash is stated as a shooting attack, and the rulebook states that you must assault what you shot, then if you want to assault, you must assault the unit you lashed.

06-13-2011, 11:09 AM
All assaults are bound by the stipulations in the rulebook, unless the codex explicitly states otherwise--- in other words, if lash is stated as a shooting attack, and the rulebook states that you must assault what you shot, then if you want to assault, you must assault the unit you lashed.

So I guess my question is Lash of submission considered a shooting attack.

06-13-2011, 12:13 PM
No, it's not. The rulebook 1.3 FAQ clarifies that a power is not a shooting attack unless it has a "full" ranged profile (range, strength, and AP) or specifically state that it is a psychic shooting attack. Thus, although lash of submission takes the place of a shooting attack, it is not technically a shooting attack itself.

06-13-2011, 12:45 PM
So by extension, would that mean that Mind War is no longer a shooting attack? And would therefore no longer allow for cover saves?

06-13-2011, 12:57 PM
If not for the Eldar FAQ that specifically states that Mind War is a psychic shooting attack, it would.