View Full Version : Cities of Death update in July White Dwarf

06-13-2011, 08:09 AM
There are some official rules and scenarios for CoD in July's WD along with a Battle Report and a Modelling article.

Thought some might find it interesting.

ok, so it's just an FAQ and errata to the existing book, updated rules (LOS), new missions and race-specific stratagems. They have a batrep for it.

All races get stratagems, including SoB. All SM chapters get a combined Stratagem (so no separate ones for DA, BA etc but GK do get a separate one).

Couple this with a WD codex and it is almost like GW are beginning to think of WD as a hobby magazine. What are they crazy or something?:rolleyes:

06-13-2011, 08:18 AM
Who has enough terrain to play cities of death?

06-13-2011, 08:22 AM
/raises hand.


06-13-2011, 08:30 AM
/raises hand also

How many boards, eldargal? We have enough between me and my boy for about 4 tables worth. I'll set it up sometime and snap a photo.

06-13-2011, 08:32 AM
Oh, god, at our games club probably enough for four boards also (my brothers and I donated 90% of that terrain too) at home, probably enough for another four? Maybe more. My brothers love making terrain, and with six of them it builds up fast.:rolleyes:

06-13-2011, 08:38 AM
with six of them

You must be catholic like me :-P

06-13-2011, 08:44 AM
My father is, mother just has a genetic predisposition towards twins (three sets in her case).:rolleyes:

06-13-2011, 08:51 AM
GW is not that crazy...they just wait for a good moment to kick you of the cliff;)
I love CoD, best games ever.

06-13-2011, 12:01 PM
Well damn. I bought the june white dwarf after not buying a white dwarf for a long time due to the finecast hobby article, only to be disapointed by a 2 page article then the rest adds for GW products. Was convinced white dwarf would never be useful agien.

If July, August, and September are all going to have goodies like this, maby they could turn White dwarf around yet!

06-13-2011, 12:18 PM
WOOO... I like shinny stuff. Can't wait for sisters. Sisters with all those flame weapons and a re-write of the COVER based CoD, while be awesomes ^.^

06-13-2011, 01:20 PM
Well damn. I bought the june white dwarf after not buying a white dwarf for a long time due to the finecast hobby article, only to be disapointed by a 2 page article then the rest adds for GW products. Was convinced white dwarf would never be useful agien.

If July, August, and September are all going to have goodies like this, maby they could turn White dwarf around yet!

I wonder if that is what GW is planning to trick us back into buying subrscritions for WD again.

06-13-2011, 05:02 PM
I hope so. I always thought Spearhead might be a test to see if people are open to WD rules, if so then we might be seeing the fruits of that now.

06-13-2011, 06:47 PM
I wonder if that is what GW is planning to trick us back into buying subrscritions for WD again.

I think it's more GW realising that putting things on their website makes them next to nothing, putting the exact same thing in WD means that they sell twice as many copies of that issue (at a guess- maybe they sell even more?). Can't say I particularly blame them but let's hope they do eventually put these articles up on their website like they did with Spearhead. Not so much that I'm too cheap to buy it but if I have a pdf saved somewhere I'll put it in an organised location with a clear and unambiguous title so that I can find it again, one more White Dwarf on the pile that no longer seems to actually list the contents on the spine is just incredibly annoying when you decide to go back and try some rules again in 12 months time when you can't remember what issue it was in (it's even worse when you want to find the even older stuff like the movie marine rules and you literally have no idea where to even begin in terms of which issue to look in).

06-13-2011, 07:47 PM
couple this with teh death of teh black box, adn no lead time for incoming information, it does appear that GW is makig a push to hvae WD back in the forefront sa a hobby magazine.

Sorry about teh bad spelling. My keyboard on this computer is old, adn half the keys stick because I type so fast...

John M>