View Full Version : "V" Shaped Land Raider dozer blades.

06-13-2011, 07:04 AM
Hello all.

A few months ago I came across a LR with twin "V" shaped blades on the front and went hunting for a tutorial for making them. I remember finding one that was really good but now I have gone back to look for it and cannot find it (even googling for over an hour).

the nearest I could find was this article on B&C:

Although it is good it has no real tutorial.

Does anyone know of one or could share one?

I am looking to do something along the lines of this:

Thank you in advance!

06-13-2011, 09:53 AM
for the cmon one i think it is a scratch bulid but to get a similar effect:

sentinel legs: cut down and glued to a IG dozer blade that was cut in quaters and glued at a angle?

__ __ <- regular blade
__:__ < cut at the :
now glue so its > \/ ( but less inclined?)

or if you want something that blocks the assault ramp get 2 ig blades and glue at a angle and then attach via sentinel legs?



it is V shaped :P


06-13-2011, 01:46 PM
The CMoN one looks like an IG dozer blade cut at an angle and re glued.

To cut at an angle you would need some type of support or guide but that could be as simple as a block of sculpy. You could also make a straight cut and sand the matching angles.

06-13-2011, 05:57 PM
You could also PM yellow_one on CMON and ask him how he did it. The worst that could happen is him not answer.

06-14-2011, 01:03 AM
Sweet thanks people! I will be starting the LR this week and as soon as I have finished (or made some significant progress), I will put some pics up!

Thanks again!