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View Full Version : Vampire Counts Escalation League Help

06-11-2011, 11:05 AM
My local gaming club is doing a WH Fantasy escalation league starting at 500 points. I'm an avid 40K player, but I've never played Fantasy. I don't know much at all about the rules, armies, etc.

I'd like to do a Vampire Counts army and I'd like to get some advice and suggestions about building up a Vampire Counts army up from 500 points.

From poking around on the internet, it seems that a common suggestion at 500 points is a vampire with summon ghouls and a couple magic items combined with two x10 or so blocks of ghouls and either a varghulf or a unit of cairn wraiths.

How does a VC army tend to function in terms of strategy on the table top?

Would a list like the one above both function well at 500 points and serve as a good base to build up to 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500?

If I was doing a 40K escalation league, I'd know just where to start, but not knowing anything about Warhammer Fantasy, I need some help about how to approach list building.

06-11-2011, 10:15 PM
The Cairn Wraiths are just devious at 500 points. At that point level many armies will lack magic attacks except maybe a magic weapon on their general.

Yes, an army like the one you described will work at 500 points. I have not worked out the exact point cost for all of that but as long as you can fit it in 500 points, then you are golden. Vampire Counts work pretty well at low point levels, unlike many other armies, due to magic that let's them raise dead models and create new units of zombies.

Your main problem will be due to low model count at 500 points. You either have one decent unit that can be outmaneuvered (provided the campaign ignores the unit minimums for choosing an army) or two units with little rank bonus. That said, ghouls are a pretty strong combat unit.