View Full Version : Necron Rumor Mill Showdown

06-10-2011, 10:52 PM
Hello everyone.. Time for another survey.

This survey is supposed to be fun. It allows you to vet your feelings about some of the Necron codex rumors that have been circulating around the Internet. I'll allow viewing of the results once we get about 50 responses.

Thanks! Hope you have some fun with this...

Survey Link:

06-11-2011, 02:09 AM
Just completed it. :)

06-11-2011, 02:13 AM
Very in depth, done it :D

Divergent Reality
06-11-2011, 08:43 AM
A neat little survey. Lots of interesting questions.

06-11-2011, 10:22 AM
Just finished it. Looking forward to seeing the results.

06-11-2011, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the responses guys! Glad you liked it!

All, as promised, here are the results.. Note that we have an amazing response level! 99 responses within 12 hours!!

Note that this report does not do any filtering.. :( I'm working on that now. I'm trying to find a way to limit the report to those that play Necrons since I didn't use that as a qualifying question. As you might expect, the responses from non-Necron players are MUCH different from even players that have just played Necrons a few times. I'll find a way to share both results in two different sets (everyone and just Necron players) but it will take me a little while. Stay tuned and bookmark this thread.

Here are the results that show ALL responses.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=XKwBRpQjFzsuMuOgsG48bKM7q3Aozix_2fRbsmy r6MNKk_3d

06-15-2011, 09:11 AM
Thank you for putting together the survey.

I'm looking forward to seeing the responses of the folks who actually play Necrons.

06-15-2011, 10:26 PM
Hello everyone.. Since we are at about 200 responses, I thought I would toss out some interesting results. Note that these are not the final results, but it's fun to share just a few.

When you filter out those that have never played Necrons, here re the interesting facts.

Most players like the following Necron themes:
1) Ancient / Ultratech theme
2) Omnicidal nature
3) Terminator (robotic) theme

Most players want:
1) Generally more unit types
2) More unite customization options
3) More firepower

Over 85% of Necron players say that want lots of teleportation (versus traditional transports) in the 5e codex. 43% say that they ONLY want teleportation.

Over 56% of players would like Necrons Troops to remain MEQ equivalent or better. That said, a large portion of players (28%) want Necron Troops to be less elite than MEQ.

60% of players prefer models that look more like simple robots rather than complex models with lots of "bling".

The most hated rumor related to changes to specific Necron units (chosen by the highest number of "hate it" responses)...
= Destroyers become jump infantry (Yakface)

The most hated rumor related to changes to rule changes...
= Veil of Darkness and Monolith can no longer teleport out of CC (except in special case with one Lord) (Yakface)

The most hated rumor related to fluff/models...
= Necrons become essentially Tomb Kings in space (Yakface)

Sucks to be the messenger, Yakface.

If you look at overall like and dislike of a rumor (calculated by assigning 3 points to the "love it" response, 1 to "like it", -1 to "dislike it", and -3 to "hate it"), you get these results…
1) Several units moving to plastic (MadCowCrazy, Tabitha)
2) Rending option for Flayed Ones and Wraiths
3) Destroyers & Heavy Destroyers redone as one kit (MadCowCrazy, Tabitha)
4) Scarab Swarms have the ability to erode armor value on the units they assault (Yakface)
5) The Doomsday Cannon!! (72", S9, AP1, Heavy 1, large blast, BS4) (Yakface)

69) C'tan are removed from codex (1, 2, 3)
70) Necrons become essentially Tomb Kings in space (5)
71) Gauss weapons lose auto-wound on 6 (Yakface)
72) Destroyers become Jump Infantry (Yakface)
73) Veil of Darkness and Monolith can no longer teleport out of CC (except in special case with one Lord) (Yakface)
(least favorite)

The least believable rumors (across the board)…
1) First army to have resin models (MadCowCrazy)
2) LED kits for vehicles (like the Monolith)
