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View Full Version : Natural Progression with Protectorate?

06-10-2011, 05:38 PM
So I decided to pick up the Protectorate box set and I have a few questions:

Roughly how many points do I get out of the starter box?

From what I've read the Choir is usually the next unit added, is this true?

I recently read a tiered list for Legion ranging from 15pts and up, is there a progression chart for Protectorate? I think I saw the list in a recent issue of No Quarter 35. Is there an issue that centers around them as well?

06-10-2011, 07:30 PM
The Protectorate Box, with Kreoss (a bang solid caster) and the Crusader, Repentor & Revenger you are at 11 points. Which is equal to the Cygnar and Khadoran starter boxes. The Cryxian Box gets you 12 points.

I don't know of a single Menoth player who doesn't love the Choir. They're just so useful!

After that, it's up to whatever kind of play style you want. The beauty of WM/H is that you can easily create different styles of forces within the same faction.

06-11-2011, 11:40 AM
I personally piked up a Choir and a Vassal, that takes you up to the 15 points that most people start with.

06-13-2011, 10:27 AM
I personally piked up a Choir and a Vassal, that takes you up to the 15 points that most people start with.

Very solid base for your army. The most likely next Jack you would go for is either the 3-jack plastic kit or a Reckoner as you will use them the most. Both boxes give you an 8 point jack. You also can't really go wrong with the Avatar (11 Points)

After Choir and Vassal, the Covenant of Menoth (2 pts) is a great addition. It is a problem solver and works well with any caster. Visgoth Rhoven and Honor Guard are a magnificently spent 4 points as they solve problems as well as kick a decent amount of tail.

After that, whichever infantry you choose usually comes down to personal preference. I like Basitions and Cinerators myself, but the Exemplar Errants are as good as there is when it comes to infantry in Warmachine.

As far as which caster to try out after Kreoss (the next logical question), I'd wait to play him into the ground and get comfortable with both the rules and the ins and outs of Menoth synergy. Once you have that nailed down, again, caster choice is personal preference. I'm a huge fan of prime Severius and Vindictus.

Kovnik Obama
06-17-2011, 04:32 PM
at 15 pts, you will most likely face Mangled Metal battles, which is a nice way of saying a 'Caster & Jack' only force. Thus, no Choir and no Vassal. Nothing prevents you from playing 15 pts wihtout those restrictions, but just be aware that you should plan on meeting people who prefer MM for 15pts. It balances some of the potential support unit abuse you could get out of some factions.

On top of things, the Vassal doesn't exactly pair up perfectly to the PoM battlebox. You usually pair him up to a Reckoner or a Vanquisher, since those are our good shooting options, and anything that give us additionnal shoots are completly golden in this game.

In non MM games, I'd go for Nicia (once she's released) and Wracks. In MM games, I think you'll need to swap a jack for some other options. The Covenant is great for its utility, and for blocking charge lanes, but at such a low level game, I don't like fielding anything that isn't offensive, or offensive support. You could also look at the Seneschal (both of them).

Errants are awesome, with the Senny, they become our own little deathstar, but one needs to be aware they block a few of our ''tricks'', like they don't generate soul tokens, and they don't trigger anything that is triggered by 'enemy damage'. If you want to expand with Sanctifiers or the High Reclaimer, then they are slightly sub-par.

I would not own Cinerators if my favourite caster wasn't Reznik. That might change with our new love, Thyra.

06-19-2011, 02:51 PM
Stevedave--if you haven't picked up your Menoth starter yet--I'd advise to wait and get the bundle starter (Khador & Menoth) and not only have 2 armies in one fell swoop, but also get amazing price savings to boot.

07-09-2011, 02:50 AM
Would the choir be your first choice after the starter box?

07-09-2011, 07:57 AM
Heck yeah... Even if your opponent has no plans of shooting or magic'ing your jacks, the +2 attack and damage rolls are worth it all by themselves.

After that, its a 2 point solo of your choice to get you to 15 points. Either another support peice, like Vassal of Menoth, or something else to up your offensive capabilities, like a Paladin or something.

07-10-2011, 01:13 PM
Puritan- Would the Choir & a Solo be the first 2 purchases you would make to bring the 20pt 2 Player Starter Box Army up to 25?

Kovnik Obama
07-11-2011, 01:50 PM
Puritan- Would the Choir & a Solo be the first 2 purchases you would make to bring the 20pt 2 Player Starter Box Army up to 25?

Yes. The Choir is the closest thing to an auto-include we have. Fluffwise, they are the menite equivalent of the Journeyman warcaster, and sometimes, the highest authority on the field (for exemple, Reznik and Kreoss would defer to them).

I haven't done the pointing, but if you can get Nicia in there, you'll add a new victory condition altogether. Otherwise, look at Eyriss.