View Full Version : Another Grey Knights Question

06-10-2011, 03:26 PM
The wording of the rule in question:

The chosen unit is removed from the tabletop and immediatly placed anywhere within 6" of the librarian using the deep strike rules.

I don't see why everyone thinks you have to scatter when using 'The Summoning'. Scattering is used when you deep strike to determine where the models will be placed, however summoning already declares where the model is to be placed which means scattering isn't neccesary. I read it as those that were summoned acted as if they had... 'deeply struck' so counted as moving, couldn't assualt, etc. and that "using the rules for deep strike" just meant how the models were formed up around each other - all the other nuances that the deep strike rules have. In short, the placing of The Summoning supercedes the scatter, then the models follow the rules for deep strike.

Conversly, if they wanted units to scatter while using The Summoning, they just would have said "the chosen unit can be immediatly removed from the tabletop and deep strike within 6" of the librarian".

Also, units being chosen by The Summoning can't actually deep strike becuase they were never placed into reserve. This is important becuase if the "using the Deep Strike rules" would apply to their placement and they would scatter, there would be no way to place them back into reserve given a 5-6 result on the mishap chart.

I know this counts for nothing, but I would hope this would have been RAI as quite a few things in the GK army can deep strike which has it's own possabilities for mishap but when you factor this in, if you did have to scatter, it would set a scale for mishaps that even the Orks would find tragic.

06-10-2011, 04:49 PM
Something your missing is that the Codex: Space marine pyshic power Gate of infinity has the same exact wording. So yes you scatter.

06-10-2011, 05:11 PM
Something your missing is that the Codex: Space marine pyshic power Gate of infinity has the same exact wording. So yes you scatter.

You have incredably depressed me, lol. Not just for the rule clarification, rules are rules and I agree with what you said even though I don't think it makes much sense especially given the mishap chart problem. No, I'm really depressed becuase I checked out the SM book to verify what you had said and realized that the two Librarians have almost exactly the same set of psychic powers.

Given that each FOC type has the same set of Grey Knights aside from one or two minors options and the most psycic imperial force has mostly the same powers as the vanilla marines, is this just the most unimaginative codex ever made?

06-10-2011, 05:33 PM
No idea what you're talking about, Grey Knight powers are considerably better. Initiative 10? +1 strength? Shrouding? Warp Rift?

06-10-2011, 06:47 PM
Don't forget that Grey Knight librarians can take teleport homers.

06-10-2011, 08:06 PM
No idea what you're talking about, Grey Knight powers are considerably better. Initiative 10? +1 strength? Shrouding? Warp Rift?

They have Initiative 10 too, but they also get fleet. Might is better than GK as you get S6 without needing to use hammerhand to do it. Really though, even having four similiar abilities for a faction known more for it's psychic prowess is kinda deameaning but then just adding a minor tweak to one unit and then selling it as four different FOC choices is really unoriginal and rather weak to base an entire codex upon Anyway, the rule question has been answered, thanks all!

06-10-2011, 10:21 PM
Ive always found the various powers/wargear that remove stuff from the board and bring it back via Deep Strike rules to be stupid as well. Its the main reason I dont use Veil of Darkness with my necrons. Most games we have a lot of terrain, and there is a very good chance my unit will mishap.

Let arriving from reserves have mishaps, not models that are already on the table.

06-10-2011, 10:54 PM
Except the Initiative 10 for Grey Knights can be given to a unit and the Initiative ten for marines, last time I checked, was just the librarian.

06-11-2011, 02:00 AM
Ive always found the various powers/wargear that remove stuff from the board and bring it back via Deep Strike rules to be stupid as well. Its the main reason I dont use Veil of Darkness with my necrons. Most games we have a lot of terrain, and there is a very good chance my unit will mishap.

Let arriving from reserves have mishaps, not models that are already on the table.

I agree entirely, espeically since you can't place them back in reserves given the 5-6 result on the mishap table becuase they were never IN reserves.

Broken Wing <--- Not near the codex right now but I think your right. I still would have preferred a whole new list of power befitting such an experienced psychic army. SW and BA had some variety didn't they, or am I completly off?

And one template unit for four choices is just cheap and unimaginative - when you put interceptors and a strike squad side by side and see it's just one piece of wargear that makes a difference...it just makes me sad :(

06-11-2011, 02:03 AM
As a SW player, yes, Rune Priest powers are quite different.