View Full Version : Tau List 2000

06-08-2011, 05:43 PM
I'm looking to make a mobile 2000 point Tau list. Lately I've been worked over by high speed close combat armies so I'm hoping this list can provide me the maneuverability and firepower I need to be more than a speedbump against meq, while remaining versatile enough to deal with other armies.

Shas'O: 162
Fusion Blaster, Plasma Rifle
Shield Generator
Hard-Wired Multitracker, Hard-Wired Drone Controller and 2 shield drones

Shas'El: 87
Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Multitracker

Bodyguard Team: 144
Both with Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Multitracker

2 Fireknife Teams: 196 each
Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Multi-tracker.
WithTeam Leader, and Bonding Knife

Firestorm team 160
Burst Cannon, Missile Pod, Multi-tracker
WithTeam Leader, and Bonding Knife

2 Fire Warrior Teams 145 each
6 man fire warrior team
Devilfish w/ Disruption Pod

Fast Attack
Pathfinder Team 185
5 man pathfinder team
3 rail rifles
Devilfish w/ Disruption Pod and a Seeker Missile

Heavy Support
3 man Broadside Team 250
With Team Leader, Bonding Knife, and Hard-Wired Drone Controller w/ 2 shield drones

2 Hammerheads 165 each
Railgun, Burst Cannons, Disuption pod and Multi-Tracker
Total: 2000

I try to keep my hammerheads and suits ready to move to cover different lanes of fire while my pathfinders and broadsides and fire warriors form a kill field I try to funnel enemy units into, then hammer them from one side on the approach. The Shas'O I often deepstrike to threaten tanks in the back field or pick off stragglers.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Any input appreciated, thanks.