View Full Version : Older FW experimental rules

06-08-2011, 12:12 PM
I am wondering if anyone has any older pdfs. of forgeworld experimental rules that are not currently on the website saved to their computer? I have been looking at the newer Eldar FW units and their rules interest me. I am thinking about buying a forgeworld armor book and I would like to see examples of the rules of models in each book so I can choose a book that includes units compatible with my armies. I know that there are more units in the book than the experimental pdfs. so I don't really see my request as a horrible breach of IP because I intend to make a purchase but can't really see an example of what I am buying.

If this is an abuse of the forum I apologize and please don't feel the need to bar me from the site.

06-08-2011, 12:39 PM
I am wondering if anyone has any older pdfs. of forgeworld experimental rules that are not currently on the website saved to their computer? I have been looking at the newer Eldar FW units and their rules interest me. I am thinking about buying a forgeworld armor book and I would like to see examples of the rules of models in each book so I can choose a book that includes units compatible with my armies. I know that there are more units in the book than the experimental pdfs. so I don't really see my request as a horrible breach of IP because I intend to make a purchase but can't really see an example of what I am buying.

If this is an abuse of the forum I apologize and please don't feel the need to bar me from the site.

send me an email at [email protected]

06-08-2011, 12:44 PM
If you use Google you can find what you're looking for pretty easily. Imo there is nothing wrong with using PDF files to see which book(s) you'd like to purchase. It's basically the same as flipping through the book in the store before committing to buy it.

06-08-2011, 01:42 PM
There are previews of the FW books on their site and most have the index page included. That will give you a list of what models have rules in each book.

The Apoc books also have a large collection of rules taken from several IA volumes.

06-08-2011, 02:09 PM
You know what I would find useful? If Forge World would list what book or books the rules for a particular unit are located in. It's kind of annoying to see some cool tank but not have a clue which book you would need to purchase so you would have the rules for it.

06-08-2011, 04:45 PM
If you use Google you can find what you're looking for pretty easily. Imo there is nothing wrong with using PDF files to see which book(s) you'd like to purchase. It's basically the same as flipping through the book in the store before committing to buy it.

I think Forge World removed some of the rule sets from their site but you are right. I found some interesting things.

06-08-2011, 07:40 PM
You know what I would find useful? If Forge World would list what book or books the rules for a particular unit are located in. It's kind of annoying to see some cool tank but not have a clue which book you would need to purchase so you would have the rules for it.

There's a pretty comprehensive list in Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2 (Seriously, this book has everything. It's Apocalypse 5th edition).

06-08-2011, 07:54 PM
Also, if you use Army Builder or have access to it when you select the Imperial Armour and non-codex material options if you select a FW unit the program tells you which book to reference. It also will give you the unit stats and such so you can get a better idea.