View Full Version : GK Terminators

06-06-2011, 02:42 PM
So I've been working on my various Circles (read: Companies) as I begin restructuring my loyalist marine army to fully reflect their illegal use of multiple strains of geneseed. Several Circles use the Grey Knight Codex, several use the Space Wolf codex. I have been focusing my latest efforts on the higher Circles which make use of the Grey Knight Codex, because I already have several lower Circle lists with Space Wolves.

The Purifier and Airbone lists I posted recently reflect this. The airbone list will likely represent a combined arms strike of 9th Circle and 10th Circle units. The Purifier list I posted is not a circle, but the rare event of the Purifiers gathering to really purify some corrupt souls with the holy flames of the Emperor.

This following list is an attempt to make a reasonable 2,000 point 10th Circle list, by far the hardest of the Circles to make function in less than 3,000 points. The 10th Circle is made up entirely of Terminators, with the elite guard of the 10th Circle wearing Pre-Heresy Terminator armor with Paladin rules representing the superior quality of the armor.

First Draft:


Carriorn Mourn, Lord of the 10th Circle (Librarian): Mastery Level 3 (Most powerful psyker in the Chapter), Warding Stave, Three Servo Skulls, Quicksilver, Might of Titan, Sanctuary, Shrouding, The Summoning- 225


7 Veteran 10th Circle Guard (paladins): 2 Psycannons, 2 Daemon Hammers, 5 Halberds, PSybolt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner- 450


10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

8 10th Circle Guard (Treminators) 1 Psycannon, 2 Daemon Hammers, 6 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 365


20 Points left to spend, not really sure where to put it. I think the difficulty this list will face is pretty obvious, but I want to get my ideas down and viewable before trying to make them perfect. Will post another shortly.

06-06-2011, 03:17 PM
I would drop the Warding Stave and Psychic Mastry 3 on the Librarian and use the points to fill out your last Terminator squad. You might need to drop a psybolt ammo or two. Alternatively, I would try and max out the Paladin squad to get the full 10 guys and 4 psycannons. Combined with the Librarian and the BBanner, they're a massive pain for your opponent to deal with, especially when you have so many Terminators.

06-06-2011, 03:22 PM
If I drop the mastery it can't be Carrion Mourn, but that's fine, there are other 10th Circle Librarians (or it wouldn't be a circle, it would just be the one guy and some people that guard him) and I can always field Mourn in bigger games. I think I might go with your second idea, 10 Paladins sounds beautiful.

Of course...then I need to find the parts to do all the conversions. *shudder*

06-06-2011, 10:20 PM
First Draft:


Valsigor Mourn, Librarian of the 10th Circle: Three Servo Skulls, Quicksilver, Might of Titan, Sanctuary, Shrouding, The Summoning- 140


7 Veteran 10th Circle Guard (paladins): 2 Psycannons, 2 Daemon Hammers, 5 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner- 450


10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

10 10th Circle Guard (Treminators) 2 Psycannon, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470


06-07-2011, 01:08 PM
First Draft:
Valsigor Mourn, Librarian of the 10th Circle: Three Servo Skulls, Quicksilver, Might of Titan, Sanctuary, Shrouding, The Summoning- 140

I thought this was 190, also in your first post, your mastery 3 libby is more than 225, as libby mastery 3 without powers is 200, 5 powers is 25, and the warding stave is 35, three skulls at 15, that's 275?

So yeah, you may find you're a little over in the points department, sorry.

06-07-2011, 01:16 PM
That's fine, I thought that came out wrong, I just hadn't gotten back to it yet today.

06-07-2011, 01:17 PM
Yeah you know what? I looked at the points cost for the entry above the Librarian for some reason.

06-07-2011, 01:34 PM

Valsigor Mourn, Librarian of the 10th Circle: Three Servo Skulls, Quicksilver, Might of Titan, Sanctuary, Shrouding, The Summoning- 190


7 Veteran 10th Circle Guard (paladins): 2 Psycannons, 2 Daemon Hammers, 5 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner- 450


10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

9 10th Circle Guard (Treminators) 1 Psycannon, 3 Daemon Hammers, 6 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 405


15 points to spend with no idea what to spend it on.

06-07-2011, 01:34 PM
Fyi, the two Mourns are brothers.

06-07-2011, 01:39 PM

Valsigor Mourn, Librarian of the 10th Circle: Three Servo Skulls, Quicksilver, Might of Titan, Sanctuary, Shrouding, The Summoning- 190


7 Veteran 10th Circle Guard (paladins): 2 Psycannons, 2 Daemon Hammers, 5 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner- 450


10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

10 10th Circle Guard (Terminators): 2 Psycannons, 3 Daemon Hammers, 7 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 470

9 10th Circle Guard (Treminators) 1 Psycannon, 3 Daemon Hammers, 6 Halberds, Psybolt Ammo- 405


15 points to spend with no idea what to spend it on.

You should really better-optimize those squads to bring more psycannons. Drop a Paladin, and you can bring a tenth Terminator and a Second Psycannon in that third Terminator Squad. That's definitely something you should do. Alternatively, you could drop the Psybolt Ammo and the Brotherhood banner on the Paladin squad along with one power on the Librarian to squeeze in that extra terminator and psycannon.

06-07-2011, 01:45 PM
I tried to get 10 Paladins and thus 4 Psycannons, but my calculator exploded it cost so many points.

I'll tinker some more with it later, I would certainly like to bring the 9 to 10 with another psycannon. Would expect a modification by later tonight, have a game of Fantasy to play in a bit.

06-07-2011, 03:53 PM
You know, after thinking about it, I might just take forty Terminators if your goal is really to play a list full of Terminators. 40 Terminators with 8 psycannons and no other frills comes to 1800 points, which leaves you plenty of room to add on to your Librarian.

That would be a very stylish army. I'm not sure that the Paladins really make it that much better.