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09-02-2009, 11:35 PM
Good day to you.

Necromunda was/is arguably one of the better systems GW has developed, a good mix of rpg with a balance of speed and complexity. It's a game that I've never really sopped playing and when i happened upon my current work place a couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to find a few people with fond memories of it (and one a dab hand at making funky terrain...)

So I've been playing it a lot recently (my Van Saar gang has been beating up some girls). All I really want, now, is multi part plastic gangs. But then, I also want to win the lottery...

09-04-2009, 05:33 AM
Although Necomunda was a good game when released it has now been seriuosly outdated by other much much better sci-fi-skrimish games. For example, Infinity (http://www.infinitythegame.com/) - a fast and easy-to-learn game which outshines Necromunda in every aspect. Also way better sculpts :)

09-04-2009, 09:34 PM
Infinity is pretty good, But necromunda just has an awsome flavour to it. Ratskins, Arbites, and Scavies really are unique to the necromundaverse. Mchawkeye, where are you at? I am trying too organize a group around the DFW area, and if you are around here send me a PM and we will hook up and get our gang fight on!

09-04-2009, 09:55 PM
Good day to you.

Necromunda was/is arguably one of the better systems GW has developed, a good mix of rpg with a balance of speed and complexity. It's a game that I've never really sopped playing and when i happened upon my current work place a couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to find a few people with fond memories of it (and one a dab hand at making funky terrain...)

So I've been playing it a lot recently (my Van Saar gang has been beating up some girls). All I really want, now, is multi part plastic gangs. But then, I also want to win the lottery...

I've got a House Cawdor gang that I just stripped down for repainting (I was a horrible painter at 18), and I'm looking to play again soon.

In Chicago, if anyone is out there.

09-04-2009, 11:41 PM
Haven't played any games yet, but I have read through the rules and my buddies are interested, so we will be starting soon enough. I've picked delaque, and instead of buying the Delaque box, I am thinking of just kit bashing and converting to make the guys in the picture in the Dark Heresy Rulebook, on pg12. ( the guys in trench coats with ski masks, goggles, and shotguns.)

09-05-2009, 01:59 AM
I'm not so sure about the better sculpts thing; some of those necromunda minis are arguably the best GW has done (and osme of the nicest I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot...). those Escher gals and the Ratskins, for example, are fantastic. And while there probably are better skirmish games oput there, Necromunda adds some much needed individual depth to the 40k universe. I mean, there are plenty of good SF/f games out there, but people still play 40k/FB. And the current FB is crap, so It must be the cohesive universe GW put togther.

Springsteen, I appreciate the offer, but sadly I'm on the other side of the pond in London. Thankfully I go to a club where there are lots of willing victims...

Not only have I just ordered another gang (to make a total of three, uh, 'proper ones' and one Necron style experiment in the works) but we have just about started a huge campaign. There is a lot of positive feeling about the game, which is good. Some might claim that that's reason enough for GW to update it, Spacehulk style...

09-07-2009, 10:01 AM
Spoke to Jarvis Johnson at the last UK games day and he said there were no plans to update necromunder in the next few years, however if space hulk is a success that could change things........so go out and buy it quick

09-10-2009, 07:29 PM
I'm lucky to have a group of gaming pals I lured into Necromunda... currently I'm working on some Eschers and Solar Cultists (using the Redemptionist rules, inspired by a John Blanche sketch).

09-15-2009, 02:59 PM
Went to a wargames Show last Saturday called Colours, and the dear old bring and buy offered me nine Ratskins for a paltry sum of nine pounds.


And that brings the gang count to four and a bit....

09-17-2009, 02:47 AM
Love the game,me and a buddy played it a few times before 5th Ed. 40k came out. As far as a space hulk like redo, not a chance.There is no way for Games-Workshop to make you buy $450 worth of additional stuff.Unless they could sell gang box sets for $200,then they may consider it.

10-12-2009, 05:02 AM
I had completely forgotten about Necromunda, I'm going to go find my Escher gang and maybe repaint it. It was such a good game.

Love the game,me and a buddy played it a few times before 5th Ed. 40k came out. As far as a space hulk like redo, not a chance.There is no way for Games-Workshop to make you buy $450 worth of additional stuff.Unless they could sell gang box sets for $200,then they may consider it.

I disagree, a Necromunda box set like the original with lots of quality terrain they could easily sell for sixty to one hundred pounds if they did a good job of it, then extra scenary and possibly new gang sculpt packs.

10-12-2009, 09:42 AM
Loved Necromunda and loved the Perry Bros. minis for it (esp. the Ratskins) ... think it had some of the best backstory of all the GW games.

Can say that i agree with the comment i heard on a podcast that Necromunda must have a fully 3D enviro to be playable (vice a flat tabletop for 40k).

as to supporting the game, my guess is that because there are discrete sizes to the forces - as there are with BB, BFG, and SH - then GW will not support it in a robust sense. i think we could see new minis once in a great while, but that's about it.

Your comment about your Escher gang says it all - you can strip them and repaint them -- 0 dollars / pounds into the GW coffers.

10-12-2009, 07:36 PM
You are assuming I wouldn't go out and buy new sculpts if they were released (and of similar quality). I would buy a new boxed set of Necromunda in a heartbeat, and new gangs/scenery etc.
Part of Necromunda's great charm is the verticality of the terrain.

Loved Necromunda and loved the Perry Bros. minis for it (esp. the Ratskins) ... think it had some of the best backstory of all the GW games.

Can say that i agree with the comment i heard on a podcast that Necromunda must have a fully 3D enviro to be playable (vice a flat tabletop for 40k).

as to supporting the game, my guess is that because there are discrete sizes to the forces - as there are with BB, BFG, and SH - then GW will not support it in a robust sense. i think we could see new minis once in a great while, but that's about it.

Your comment about your Escher gang says it all - you can strip them and repaint them -- 0 dollars / pounds into the GW coffers.

10-28-2009, 12:57 PM
Ahhh, my old van Saars would love to come out and play as something other than Guardsmen or Frateris. Same for my Redemptionists. The Spyrers have been in their box for far too long, though. I remember my van Saars were a terror once they got tech'ed out with Armorers, Weaponsmiths and an auto-repair machine (forgot the name). I never worried about ammo tests too much anymore. I rolled up a One in a Million Flamer and had no need for it so I sold it to another gang for their assistance in a team gang fight and something like 100 credits. That guy was the only one in any of our gangs with a lascannon and I remember everyone telling him it was a waste of points. When he got into a mission where he had to destroy an another gang's watter tank (I think it was a water tank) he easily completed the objective and at range, to boot. The other guy just stared at the table for a moment as he realized that he had just lost even if he did beat the other gang.

I am not entirely positive but I think I had the only gang with two Heavies, an autocannon and a plasma cannon. I know I was the only one who used an autocannon and was quite happy with that strength 8 monster. Good times. We had one player who never upgraded his gang's weapons and only used lasguns until he had enough credits to equip the entire gang how he wanted. One game they were using flashlights and the next weekend, they all had bolters. And we only had one Escher gang but they were very, very nasty close-in.

I would love to get our group back into Necromunda, and Blood Bowl for that matter, but all of our terrain is more suited for 40k than a hive city. Speaking of terrain, I miss the old GW card and bulkhead terrain pieces. Light, easy to store, somewhat modular and as long as no one is too abusive, it worked and lasted a long time. Our local game store had broken open boxes for store copies and play and that terrain is still in the store. The shop has sold and changed hands a time or two, had who knows how many 40k and Necromunda and Warmachine games played on it and most of it is still in the shop and getting use.

11-17-2009, 07:31 AM
I just finished converting an Arbites force to use and I am trying to get my gaming group interested. One of the guys plays Skaven, so we were talking about trying to incorporate them into Necromunda(giant skaven city below Necromunda, so the whole place is like a giant diamond). I'm also thinking of making some rules for part of a genestealer cult(with a single GS as the leader and hybrids as the heavies) but no one seems interested in playing one (besides myself).

11-17-2009, 09:22 AM
We played Necromunda a lot up until 4 years ago. The shop where we played closed, and no one seems to have the correct terrain for it now. Low hills and an occasional ruined building just don't cut it...we have tried. I love the system...especially the advancement/campaign system.

12-07-2009, 09:40 PM
agreed re: going out and buying new minins vice stripping them ...but when you start a new gang, you only need 8-10 models

honestly THIS is the system (and mordheim too) that should have been done in 54mm ... not Inquisitor ...

04-05-2010, 01:17 PM
It is a great game, but can be really brutal. I play in my group which has a few veteran necro players. That is not easy to do. But the game system does allow to retreat before too much damage has been done. I am not sure other games systems that have that. The injury chart can ruin good characters though. and can be a bummer if you get a string of bad rolls. I just restarted my gang because of that.

Edwin Heapy
09-13-2014, 11:20 AM
Been playing a new campaign over the last few weeks, using some of the Inquisimunda tweeks. Their are a lot of very nice skirmish models out there. I have found some lovely models from Foundry that I am using for my gang. Picking up the game again does not have to be expensive. One of the things for me that makes it such a good game is the campaign system, I have not found anything that gives me the same enthusiasm for my next game as this.

04-05-2016, 11:34 AM
Avid Necromunda and Inquisimunda player here. We have an active group of player in Los Angeles. Greatly looking forward to the upcoming re-release of Necromunda, as well as the Inq tie-ins with the Blanchitsu community