View Full Version : A little weekend madness :D

06-05-2011, 10:05 AM
Hey guys, girls and everything inbeetween on BoLS,

Just thought I'd share with you a little of the insanity that has happenned to me this weekend, a 30+K Apocolypse game. This is by no means a battle report (didn't even dare try to keep a good record of what happenned) so don't expect too much :P However i hope you enjoy the pretty pictures :)


Pretty Much everything you see here that isn't a deamon is mine, but by no means all of my collection... in fact it's only about a third of what I brought with me on the day!


Although we had a Warlord and two Deamon Lords, we had more than a match in the form of a full titan maniple!


Both sides lined up and ready for the day... or at least lunch before the game got started :P Those bridges in the middle became hotly contested, until they got blown up.

More pics availible in the usual places. Let me know if you want any.

06-05-2011, 10:25 AM
lol beautiful!

06-05-2011, 11:13 AM
Nice! Just out of curiousity, how much do those Titans weigh?

06-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Everyone in the pics looks a bit hacked-off - jealous of all the walking D weapons?:)

06-05-2011, 12:08 PM
Lmao... Hammer Smash Face anyone?

06-05-2011, 12:16 PM
Well Necron Lord, the grey titans are more or less hollow plasticard, except for all the batteries and electronics that make them light up like a christmas tree and the barrels of their arms spin in displays of sheer awesomeness (sorry, I forgot to get photos/vids of this... just too excited at the time) So they are a few kilos each. The Blue/Bone titan doesn't weight that much at all as it's almost all expanded polystyrene. It's base is about 5kg though to make sure it deffinitely will not tip over on to all the other models lol.

As for your question Denzark, they were mostly hacked off cus I was promised some sub-commanders to help me use my 10k of marines, 7k of IG and 4.5k of Orks, but only one guy turned up (who hadn't played 40k for 5 or 6 years and never in anything over 1500 points), so I was a leeeeeeeeeeeeettle bit slow in our turn and slowed down their turn because i could only concentrate on so many of my units being killed at one time! They may have also been jelous of the many many D templates and 10" Vortex templates flying around the table too.

One thing they were peeved about was when Fateweaver took control of their Warlord. The laser blaster arm took out one of their warhounds, which went apocolyptic and destroyed about a third of their force, including taking the laser blaster arm of the warlord, but only killed a few units of ours, though it did include fateweaver in an odd twist of... well, fate i guess :D

06-05-2011, 12:21 PM
Jeez you're not doing things by half are you...

My last apoc I had my Brass Scorpion killed by a bloody vindicare turbo pentrator... It went boom in a big apocalyptic fashion... We rolled for distance and found about half my force were under the blast - then I remembered it had gone smoke on and luckily we escaped the doom of the sniper...

(Today he turned up in another GK army at 3k - I charged him with a defiler for revenge and tom and jerry style panned him into the ground:)

06-05-2011, 12:28 PM
Well Necron Lord, the grey titans are more or less hollow plasticard, except for all the batteries and electronics that make them light up like a christmas tree and the barrels of their arms spin in displays of sheer awesomeness (sorry, I forgot to get photos/vids of this... just too excited at the time) So they are a few kilos each. The Blue/Bone titan doesn't weight that much at all as it's almost all expanded polystyrene. It's base is about 5kg though to make sure it deffinitely will not tip over on to all the other models lol.

Cool. How fragile are those plasticard models? When it's so big, I would imagine that you would have to be careful about too much weight on the top of the model as well, as the material could bend. I just think of the cardboard boxes I use to store minis on starts sagging after awhile if I've got metal minis on them.

06-05-2011, 12:43 PM
Can't say as they aren't mine, but they didn't seem to be sagging. Being an engineer, I can say a lot of strength comes from the shape of stuff, so I'm guessing there was some internal bracing to help keep the shape.