View Full Version : BoLS Sister / Necron rumors

06-05-2011, 12:05 AM
>>BOLS Sisters/Necrons Rumor Page<< (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=15657)

Sisters soon and Necrons to follow....


My naughty bits are getting all tingly!!! :D

06-05-2011, 12:27 AM
Yep, most of the reliable rumourmongers on Warseer say it is not going to be a WD release though, that seems to be something BoK came up with.

beyond the grave
06-05-2011, 12:44 AM
thank god. I just wish that Stick Monkey could say something to give a little more clarity on the Sisters situation.

06-05-2011, 02:25 AM
A WD release doesn't make much sense when plastic models are so clearly needed. The only way I can see a WD release is if all they are going to do is replace the old inquisition rules in line with the new GKs so that they are consistent for assassins, henchmen, hereticus inquisitors etc.

06-05-2011, 04:28 AM
I seriously cannot see a WD release. The sisters have been neglected for years and GW have currently shown a real desire to go to town on similarly neglected races (DE anyone?). To go to the effort of releasing new models without a new codex would be nonsensical, and to just post an update in WD would equally be a waste of time when they could simply post an FAQ on the website. A WD release would basically be saying that they simply don't care about sisters and would effectively consign them to the Chaos Dwarfs shelf of the studio. And why would less popular races like GK and DE get the full treatment but not Sisters?

06-05-2011, 04:41 AM
When it was leaked that the DH and WH codices would be put up on the website some people misinterprted it as meaning they would be given WD codices with pdfs going up later. This latest BoK WD codex thing is an evolution of that in my opinion. It didn't happen for GK I would be very surprised if it happened for SoB. Hell there were people who 'expected' GW to do it for DE, if they weren't squatted entirely. Remind me how that worked out? Oh right, a new book and one of the finest miniature ranges on the market.:rolleyes:

06-05-2011, 05:55 AM
for the sisters this could be another BA pre release
ie. re do a codex in white dwarf as a stop gap ommitting the shiny new toys (like storm raven and librarian dread) that will come with the proper release in 2012

not heard anything about new miniatures so they could be in final stages of production and not ready in time?

06-05-2011, 06:01 AM
Stopgap measure makes no sense. GW don't have to release anything until they are good and ready, they have no deadline to meet. If this were not the case then we would have seen a DE stopgap measure around 2006/7 when the new range started being worked on.

SoB models seem to be nearing completion, ghost21 on Warseer has seen sprues. Other rumourmongers have said they will definitely be getting a book. Not to forget that a few years ago there was an interview with Jervis or someone where they said they would never be doing WD codices again as it caused all kinds of problems.

06-05-2011, 06:14 AM
for the sisters this could be another BA pre release
ie. re do a codex in white dwarf as a stop gap ommitting the shiny new toys (like storm raven and librarian dread) that will come with the proper release in 2012

not heard anything about new miniatures so they could be in final stages of production and not ready in time?

Except that the BA 'Stop-gap' dex came out three years before the final product.

06-05-2011, 06:18 AM
Except that the BA 'Stop-gap' dex came out three years before the final product.

And GW has said that it was an utter failure and they would never, ever do a PDF/White Dwarf codex release again.

06-05-2011, 08:06 AM
Necrons being pushed back again? :mad:
Don't get me wrong people, sisters DO deserve an update (and not just a WD one (GW if your going to release something instead of necrons, do it PROPERLY:mad: )) but it is such a slap in the face for my necron army and everyone elses necrons for that matter.
The only way GW can make this worthwhile is if necrons completley nerf mech. lists (take THAT 5th edition) when they FINALLY release them...

06-05-2011, 08:09 AM
I understand your frustration, but would you rather GW put out a Necron codex and miniatures that they don't think are good enough? Because that is really the only alternative.:(

06-05-2011, 09:09 AM
Necrons being pushed back again? :mad:
Don't get me wrong people, sisters DO deserve an update (and not just a WD one (GW if your going to release something instead of necrons, do it PROPERLY:mad: )) but it is such a slap in the face for my necron army and everyone elses necrons for that matter.
The only way GW can make this worthwhile is if necrons completley nerf mech. lists (take THAT 5th edition) when they FINALLY release them...

We'll finally have a codex for 5e, and all the necron players will spend a lot of money for 8-10 months getting and painting the new stuff and then 6e will hit us with the nerf bat!! BT and the new Tau will put us in the meh to crap tier again. We'll get 'Tyranided'. Between DE and GK, Tyranids will have a really tough go until they get a new codex. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened to Necrons. At least the fluff might get fleshed out more and could be cool. Who is writing the codex again? ;D

Brass Scorpion
06-05-2011, 10:08 AM
I understand your frustration, but would you rather GW put out a Necron codex and miniatures that they don't think are good enough? Because that is really the only alternative.:(Necrons are done and have been for some time. It's a matter of when they are releasing them at this point, not how long they are taking to be finished. In general all GW products are done many months, often more than a year before release. Release scheduling is then left up to the marketing brains at the company.

06-05-2011, 10:20 AM
We'll finally have a codex for 5e, and all the necron players will spend a lot of money for 8-10 months getting and painting the new stuff and then 6e will hit us with the nerf bat again!! BT and the new Tau will put us in the meh to crap tier again. We'll get 'Tyranided'. Between DE and GK, Tyranids will have a really tough go until they get a new codex. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened to Necrons. At least the fluff might get fleshed out more and could be cool. Who is writing the codex again? ;D

I find my Nids are still pretty competitive, providing I know what army I'm playing in advance so I can tailor my forces accordingly. And I'd wait and see what shiny new stuff you actually get in your codex before worrying about being nerfed.

06-05-2011, 10:57 AM
I find my Nids are still pretty competitive, providing I know what army I'm playing in advance so I can tailor my forces accordingly. And I'd wait and see what shiny new stuff you actually get in your codex before worrying about being nerfed.

Yeah, I'm sure they will be fine for casual games. I'm definitely not a hardcore tournament player, so I'll probably be fine with the new codex. However, if your gaming club has people who just play 'hard lists' a lot and frequently, it can pose a problem not having a 'top tier' codex.

I will be happy with new and cool looking minis and not having any units which cost $140 plus tax anymore(hopefully they will be quite cheaper). I am glad that Necrons are getting updated soon, but it HAS been hard on my wallet having my armies get new goodies the last couple of years. It will be nice to then just paint and play with them. ;D

06-05-2011, 12:22 PM
but it is such a slap in the face for my necron army and everyone elses necrons for that matter.

So, would it be a slap in the face to Sisters if Necrons came out first?

GW has several badly outdated codices to update, and it can only do one at a time. Just be happy your on the list, not angry that you're not the very first one.

06-05-2011, 11:41 PM
I dunno, I could see the Necrons as needing it more. Sisters are playable as they are, just seriously limited in variety. Half their stuff is useless, but the other half is actually pretty competitive, winnable with a deft hand. Necrons are in pretty dire straits competition wise, and their codex is a bit older anyway. Still, either way the two armies are the last 3rd Edition armies, and we're looking at them both being updated before the year is out.

06-06-2011, 12:44 AM
Yes but Necrons have plastic troops at 2.05 pounds apiece, Sisters have metal troops at 3.58 pounds apiece, and as GW themselves say they areinto models first, rules second. Which means on that basis I would expect to see a range of SoB plastics and book before Necrons and their extra plastic kits.

06-06-2011, 02:54 AM
So, would it be a slap in the face to Sisters if Necrons came out first?

GW has several badly outdated codices to update, and it can only do one at a time. Just be happy your on the list, not angry that you're not the very first one.

Yeah, sorry about that little rant of mine.:o I suppose it isn't the fact that they are not being put out first that chesses me off, but more the fact that last year it was in summer, then early 2011, then August now its November. The way we're progressing it just seems that GW are going to make 6th edition and release codex space marines before necrons! Just exagurrating of course... but you never know...

06-06-2011, 05:52 AM
Necrons being pushed back again? :mad:

I'm confused, how do you push back something that doesn't have a release date?

06-06-2011, 06:27 AM
At least Necrons have a boxed set for their troops and can build a unit of them for less then 90 dollars US. That is the biggest hurdle for beginning Sisters of Battle.

06-06-2011, 11:01 AM
Yes but Necrons have plastic troops at 2.05 pounds apiece, Sisters have metal troops at 3.58 pounds apiece, and as GW themselves say they areinto models first, rules second. Which means on that basis I would expect to see a range of SoB plastics and book before Necrons and their extra plastic kits.

This is true. In terms of models, Sisters rather desperately need a release.

A consideration I've had now makes me wonder about the format. If Sisters are due for August, then that's roughly two months before GW ships to stores and makes an announcement. Not sure how long it takes, but it seems only a short time ago that the Sisters were in model beta. Sprues are reported, and it seems they're quickly getting packaged up. We've heard some rumors about the codex as well, though the only real thing we've heard is that "Faith powers are nerfed" and some vague notions that Repentia are like Sisters scouts now.

I guess I just find it interesting that we've heard a lot about the Sisters model wise but relatively little rules wise, while the Necrons we've already heard tons of stuff of their rules, assuming it's accurate. However at this point the Sisters codex must be either already printed or the final version is at the printer now. My concern is this: Does this indicate evidence that it really will be a PDF release?