View Full Version : Scourges. Can they fit in a competitive DE list?

06-03-2011, 09:06 PM
Hey all. My question is the same as my topic.

The Scourges are finally out, and I love the models. I really want to include them in my army, but are they worth it? They're a tad on the expensive side, but they have access to some options that few other models do. Their armor is better than most other models in the army (4+/6++) and they can move faster than most with a 12" jump. They also have access to Haywire Blasters and Heat Lances, which few other things can take.

The option I've been hearing is to take 5 Scourges with 2 Haywire Blasters for tank suppression.

Does it work?

06-04-2011, 03:19 AM
Mathematically, the Scourges are the best option in the game for toting along Heat Lances. As the only AP1 anti-tank in the codex, that's a pretty important distinction. And mind you, it costs a mere 2 points more per weapon than the Haywire blaster. Average roll for this weapon is going to penetrate AV12+ though you are incapable of harming Monoliths and Black Templar Landraiders, so watch out for those.

06-04-2011, 04:31 AM
but you have to be at least 9" from the vehicle to use it, placing yourself in charge range most of the time. Waywire Blasters are the way to go. Fire all your dark lances first and shoot with blasters to the vehicle(s) you dont want to receive fire from in the next round.

Reaver jetbikes are better heatlance carriers than scourges becouse they can move 6" into a cover (or just away) in the assault phase.

06-04-2011, 07:26 AM
but you have to be at least 9" from the vehicle to use it, placing yourself in charge range most of the time. Waywire Blasters are the way to go. Fire all your dark lances first and shoot with blasters to the vehicle(s) you dont want to receive fire from in the next round.

Reaver jetbikes are better heatlance carriers than scourges becouse they can move 6" into a cover (or just away) in the assault phase.

The option I've been hearing is to take 5 Scourges with 2 Haywire Blasters for tank suppression.

Does it work?

Yes it dose, if hou have points think about taking blasters...

06-04-2011, 08:40 AM
Depending on your local meta, haywire blasters will suck against GK mech. Another thing that Scourges have going for them is it only takes 5 models to unlock 2 weapon upgrades as opposed to 6 for Reavers. Scourges work well in MSU armies (the opponent will have so many potential threats to deal with that Scourges can be overlooked) or in tandem with assault units. In this scenario, the scourges pop the transport and a nearby assault unit can get at the soft stuff inside. This tactic works best against elite armies where they don't have a lot of units on the table.

At the end of the day Scourges are good, but will have good and bad matchups no matter what weapon they have. This is true for every DE unit, the key is to come up with a list to try to deal with all comers and Scourges definitely can play a role in such a list.

They are cool minis, so I would say 'get them'.

06-04-2011, 08:58 AM
To be honest, I just like them as a rapid response anti-infantry counter/defense unit. Shardcarbine equipped Jump Infantry are pretty much win without any upgrades.

06-04-2011, 11:27 AM
Malton you have a great point, except that every unit that isn't bringing along a darklance equipped Raider or a grab-bag full of haywire grenades is one more unit with little to no ability to reliably deal with mech. I believe that given the options you have, there is no infantry or jump infantry unit in the book, excepting Incubi and Hellions, which is a good bet if it doesn't pack along an anti-tank weapon. So while scourges w/ just the carbines will do wonders against a lot of stuff, they won't help you drop that Blood Angels/Black Templars vindicator, Hammerhead or Leman Russ tank that has threat range over the entire board.

06-05-2011, 02:07 PM
2 squads of 5 with 2 HB are win. Great for keeping heavy tanks busy while your DL take care of transports.

06-05-2011, 03:33 PM
I would take haywire blasters on this squad over standard blasters for a simple reason: haywire get a damaging effect on vehicles far more often than blasters do, especially against av12+. If your objective is silencing the big guns for a few turns, then haywire is more reliable, just dont expect many explosions.

06-06-2011, 12:27 PM
Exactly what's been stated above. 2 Haywire blasters is the best option for these guys I believe. Heat lances are FAR better on jetbikes. Like above, the jump move negates the having ot be within 9 in rule. Couple that with skilled rider and you can be in and out of terrain all day! I love that they have skilled rider. I hardly ever turbo boost and slice and dice with these guys unless it is absolutely beneficial at the time.

I have been waiting for the new models to come out so I can finally use them.(too lazy to convert them up! lol) I already have them assembled and they look AMAZING! Also the kits for them are sweet! You get all kinds of extra wargear in the kits, which is pretty frakkin sweet!

Against Gk mech, not as good yea but against everyone else they are!

06-06-2011, 12:43 PM
Duplicate Post.

06-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Competitively, I run two squads of five scourges with haywire blasters. With my Darklight Storm and the combined haywires, I'm able to stun-lock vehicles into worthlessness, if not out right destroy them. I don't want my scourges to be close, as they have to be with heat lances, due to their point cost and fragility.

06-09-2011, 03:52 PM
I think you can fit them in. The haywire blaster is a very underrated weapon, in the right hands it can be very useful in terms of keeping key opposing units on the back foot.

06-18-2011, 05:59 AM
I personally like haywire blasters, but it depends on how you're using them, deep-striking or coming out of a webway portal with heat lances might work too.

I say go for it, that's the beauty of the Dark Eldar codex, all of the models are awesome, they all have cool backstory, and they're all viable for use in battle, except maybe the poor Harlequins and Drahzar who for some reason didn't get fixed in this otherwise close to perfect codex!