View Full Version : Necrons Model Revamp List (What is there?)

06-03-2011, 11:38 AM
So what is getting revamped models or recut sprues etc? Are the Necron Warriors getting new models or weapon options (including scarabs)?

I'm aware there will be new units but I'm curious for insight on current units that will either recieve new models or be recast into Finecast.

Thanks Guys!!!


06-03-2011, 11:46 AM
If their hasn't been any rumors posted here in the necron rumor topic, then their are no rumors to really share sadly. (Unless someone here is holding out on us. lol)

I would just suggest to wait and find out when we find out.

06-03-2011, 11:56 AM
I was just curious as I was unsure if I should buy any Necron models if they are going to change. I'd like to get a head start on painting.

06-03-2011, 11:57 AM
Immortals, destroyers and spiders are the ones I've seen rumoured more than once for the plastic treatment, warrior rumours are highly variable.

Lords almost certain to be finecast and I'd guess flayed ones and wraiths too. Pariahs also subject to conflicting rumours.

06-03-2011, 12:02 PM
I'd say you're fine to go with Necron Warriors, Monoliths, Scarab Swarms, and possibly Destroyers (though I'd be very surprised if they didn't have more weapon options in the future). Nothing wrong with painting up a metal Lord either. After that, I'd shy away from the rest of the line.

You could buy a Tomb Stalker from FW. Though it probably won't be in the dex, if you don't have a douchey gaming group they'll probably let you play with it in a game (though, I will warn you, it is a 94-piece nightmare to construct: be prepared to pin. A lot).

06-03-2011, 12:16 PM
94 pieces for that thing? I would never want to pin again! after a few years of pinning as it is I cant stand it!

I have 20 warriors so far and about enough scarabs to make 10 bases. I may go ahead and grab a monolith.

06-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Immortals, destroyers and spiders are the ones I've seen rumoured more than once for the plastic treatment, warrior rumours are highly variable.

Lords almost certain to be finecast and I'd guess flayed ones and wraiths too. Pariahs also subject to conflicting rumours.

Yup, those have been the same kits that appear in pretty much every rumor I've seen for the past 5 or 6 months.

At least the "new" generation of Necron players won't have to deal with metal wraiths. The 9 on my shelf still give me nightmares.

06-03-2011, 12:44 PM
94 pieces for that thing? I would never want to pin again! after a few years of pinning as it is I cant stand it!

I have 20 warriors so far and about enough scarabs to make 10 bases. I may go ahead and grab a monolith.

Yeah. Lots of small pieces. You have to put on each leg individually. It's a bit of a nightmare, especially if you want any kind of dynamic positioning.

06-03-2011, 01:28 PM
Immortals, destroyers and spiders are the ones I've seen rumoured more than once for the plastic treatment, warrior rumours are highly variable.

Lords almost certain to be finecast and I'd guess flayed ones and wraiths too. Pariahs also subject to conflicting rumours.

Destroyers are already 100% plastic. I guess it would make sense for destroyers to be a new kit in the future with a weapon accessory sprue so they don't have to sell the kits separately.

I think warriors, destroyers, monoliths and necron lords are decent buys for the time being. The elites you should definitely stay away from until the new codex comes out as they cost silly money.

06-03-2011, 02:48 PM
I'd say you're fine to go with Necron Warriors, Monoliths, Scarab Swarms, and possibly Destroyers (though I'd be very surprised if they didn't have more weapon options in the future). Nothing wrong with painting up a metal Lord either. After that, I'd shy away from the rest of the line.

You could buy a Tomb Stalker from FW. Though it probably won't be in the dex, if you don't have a douchey gaming group they'll probably let you play with it in a game (though, I will warn you, it is a 94-piece nightmare to construct: be prepared to pin. A lot).

I didn't pin any of mine, maybe I was lucky but it went together just fine with a quality glue.

But as for whats new etc, I have read as most of us have that the necron warriors may get different coloured rods in the box. Nobody knows if this is just for looks or if the different rods will give the rifles different rules etc. But again this too is just a rumour. I would think even the starter box would be a safe bet.

06-03-2011, 08:36 PM
Ive heard that the necrons will get new colour glow sticks, instead of just green. There'll be a dark orange and another colour as well as green.

06-04-2011, 02:05 AM
omg tomb stalker was a b!tc# to put together but no pinning 4 me...& different coloured rods i think sucks if thay give different rules,,, no those 10 green count-as red rods .. flesh is weak,

06-06-2011, 02:34 PM
I just hope they don't redesign the Necron Warrior models themselves, but maybe add a sprue for weapon upgrades etc.

I just don't want outdated minis lol

I'm going to hold off on the destroyers though, for some reason they look as if they could get a partial resculpt at the least...

06-06-2011, 03:05 PM
The rumours for a while have been pointing toward a re-sculpt for all the models on the Immortal chassis. Supposedly Immortals are going to be made bulkier to fit on Terminator bases, and as a result other models that share their bigger-shouldered chassis (Destroyers, Lords, etc.) are rumoured to be getting re-sculpted to be brought into line with this, too.

I think Warriors are going to be fine. Their plastic kit is good for a long time to come - the only thing that's been rumoured is different-coloured rods...and I'd bet those are just for aesthetic purposes.

If that supposed 'leak' for the rules entry for Warriors from the codex was real, though, they might get a new kit to make room for all the weapon options they'd have...

Really, it's pretty hard to say, given how much GW likes to leave people in the dark with rumours (I really hate it, personally. Least they could do is open communication channels up with their customers a little more). That being said, Warriors should be a pretty safe bet. :)

Divergent Reality
06-07-2011, 01:24 PM
As for a list of models we have in metal:
Lord with Orb
Flayed Ones
Tomb Spyders

Hybrid boxes with metal and plastic:
Destroyer Lord
Heavy Destroyer

Full Plastic:
Scarab Swarms

Poor C'tan. No clue what those models will be doing.
The current Lord and Lord with Orb models will probably get recast in the new stuff until a later release with a more 'space undead' independent characters.
If Pariahs go the way of the Squats I wont mind.
Beefier Immortals will be great. They could use it.
Wraiths I think look fine. Switching them to Finecast without a re-sculpt would do just fine. The new material would make them even easier to put into dynamic poses. I just want the damn things to have power weapons.
Tomb Spyders I anticipate being completely redone so they look like a monstrous creature.
If Flayed ones are included as bits in the Warrior box that would be brilliant. Put the Scarabs in a different box or blister. Include a ton of fleshy bits and claws. Put them together as a single boxed option. Even if you don't use the fleshy bits for Flayed Ones you can sure as hell trade all those bits of gore to someone who wants them as decoration for other models.
I can see the Heavy Destroyer bits being included with the Destroyer box for $25-30 USD.
The Destroyer Lord will probably have the same treatment. Simply a recast of the metal bits in the new stuff.

Just a bit of guessing and wishlisting. Do not take any of this as secret information from GW

06-16-2011, 10:34 AM
Hmm, I'm curious if Scarabs will get a new sculpt since they are sort of plain...