View Full Version : Inquisitor Questions

06-03-2011, 09:07 AM
Moved into the house I'm restoring,enough to unpack my game room & found some old models I really like. I'm a Dark Angels player(since 2nd. Ed.), that never really used Deathwing or Ravenwing. I recently built Ravenwing/Green Marine 1500pt & 1750pt armies & will probably get to play one this weekend. I'll put that list up when I find out how many pts & who I'm playing & what you all think.
My side project is an Inquisitor I found,I want to slowly start building an army around him & had a few questions (never used one). Does any new codexs have iquisitor in them? How do you arm & what unit do you put them in? The inquisitor is 75% finished, but I can change the weapons & I want to know what people feel will be the best way to arm him. My Inquisitor is ready, now what weapons should I put in his hands?

06-06-2011, 12:52 PM
If you want to use him with your Dark Angels you'd have to consult the Witch Hunters codex as it still allows allies. Grey Knights can use Inquisitors, but I've found my old termy Inquisitor is no longer WYSIWYG.

06-06-2011, 01:47 PM
How friendly are people in your area? You could use the Daemon Hunter Inquisitor from Forge World if you wanted a Daemon Hunter one. He has some pretty nice rules, but is far from over powered. I use him to represent Inquisitor Lord Broken Wing.

06-10-2011, 06:34 AM
Malleus, Herecticus or Xenos? if the people you play with are flexible you can get creative with a xenos inquisitor and whack on a railgun, agoniser or whatever...otherwise go with the grey knights codex, the inquisitors have a variety of options that are great for converting eg. Xenos inquisitor with conversion beamer etc if you don't like grey knights then you can go Sisters of battle or death watch (marines rules or grey knight rules. I'm sure in the next year or so the new Sisters codex should be released (fingers crossed) and the inquisitor options should be the same as the ones in the grey knight codex.

06-10-2011, 11:22 AM
Hereticus don't have any good options. Xenos can get said Conversion Beamers, and even better they can get Rad/Psy grenades. Malleus can take a Psycannon.

That's pretty much it for Inquisitors who actually do something themselves.

06-11-2011, 02:36 AM
Darklink has it right, but he forgot the daemonblade which is not only fun to convert but has great potential. Namely when you roll both the vampyre option(every unsaved wound your inquisitor inflicts gives your inquisitor a extra wound to a max of 10 and the eternal warrior roll, which is potent. Downside is the randomness of the weapon but all the rolls are good).

Herecticus the least attractive ordo can however be a very effective anti psyker tool (psyocculum, null rod, condemnor boltgun) but can quickly become a point sink.

Put your inquisitor in the unit where he'll optimize the squad, if your guy is a close combat specialist put in a like minded squad, hammer hand and/or rad grenades with deathcultists is a treat or if you have a beamer then maybe a retinue of plasma cannon armed servitors might be worth a thought.

Hope you got some ideas, make sure you let us know what you go with and maybe post a pic (if you've done a cool conversion :))