View Full Version : Infinity Defections

06-03-2011, 08:12 AM
I really hope others are not encountering this...but five out of the eight hard-core 40k players I know are switching over to a Spanish company's skirmish game called "Infinity." These same guys have been saying for years that they were going to switch to a new gaming system every time GW raised their prices. They were just blowing steam in the past, but now, they finally seem to be doing it! I'm a bit alarmed at this, and yet not entirely surprised either. I really can't blame them when I see what has happened to GW prices over the last few years.

Are other 40k players seeing this, or planning to switch over? I forgot to search previous posts for earlier discussions on this topic, so apologies in advance if this topic has been beaten to death.

06-03-2011, 08:14 AM
I want to start playing but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the rule books at the minute.
I'm still gonna be into GW though. They were my first love and that means something.

06-03-2011, 09:08 AM
I think this is kinda funny, as the two games are in no way, shape, or form simliar. I think I like Infinity, but damned if it isn't a chore to play sometimes. Lots of bookkeeping and rulebook checking...

06-03-2011, 09:22 AM
I think this is kinda funny, as the two games are in no way, shape, or form simliar. I think I like Infinity, but damned if it isn't a chore to play sometimes. Lots of bookkeeping and rulebook checking...

I love the game too but reading the rulebook is that hardest part of that game. They really need to pay for better translations into English.

I'm hoping they release a revised rulebook at some point that offers newly translated text as well as reorganized rules. I had to print off some shortcut cards in order to be able to find certain rules quickly and efficiently while I learned the game.

Still, great game once you get past the steep learning curve.

I haven't noticed any trend in this area to migrate over to Infinity though. Right now it's hard enough to find places that even sell the game. I know of a single store in the entire metro area and they only offer it through their web-service.

I agree with Wittdooley though, the game really doesn't have much in common with 40k. A better comparison would be Necromunda except using special forces units instead of gangs.

06-03-2011, 09:29 AM
Infinity has some neat models, but I haven't heard good things about the rules.

06-03-2011, 10:06 AM
I realy don't see the appeal in infinity or why some people praise the models. I find none of them look interesting, and many have a VERY bland/generic sci-fi look to them. I just don't see the appeal to that. What visually makes this distinctive from any other Anime-Inspired Sci-Fi Setting?


As for them switching over from 40k. I say good on them to put their money were their mouth is and switch over to something eals! As long as they don't get a stick up thier butt about how much more "superior" their war-game is to 40k. This is a issue I've found locally with Flames of war that "Turn me off" from that game.

I my self have started getting into Brushfire and trying to get others into it. Just tried out the quick start rules. Very fun/interesting mechanics, simple to learn rules(Even more so then 5th ed), and visually interesting models to assemble and paint. These are many of the things that got me into 40k to begin with.

I am still going to play with my current 40k armies. But for hobby related war game modeling I will be turning to other games.

06-03-2011, 10:18 AM
Short answer - no.

Please send a linky when their armies get on ebay though, unless they are painted using the 'Lil Timmy's 19 shades of brown' method.

Count Fenring
06-03-2011, 10:32 AM
I found the rules quite simple, but not well presented due to language barriers. Once you pick up what they are trying to say, the game is very exciting. There is just a continuous turn, it really means you have to pay attention while the opponent moves his models as you may shoot the instant one of them breaks cover. Very dynamic rule set.

The game is much more fun with cover, you need it, as the rules for weapons are devastating, more akin to real life.

Another thing I like about the rules is the movements. If you have a model that can take advantage of cover, you can simply move him multiple times in a row (you have a certain amount of "action orders" per side). This is very handy if you have a CC oriented model.

It is a very tactical game. I have more fun playing it vs. 40k. The story is just ok and that is why I still like 40k. One thing I don't like as a yank, is how the game story likes to take pokes at the U.S. and of course includes the fall of the U.S. in it. I don't really mind even that, but taking that much pleasure with ridicule in their story line is counter productive to selling models to U.S. players.;)

06-03-2011, 10:43 AM
To be honest this is the first time i've even heard of Infinity. I do my gaming (albeit rarely these days) at my local GW so it's not really surprising that i've not heard anyone talk of Infinity or other games. I guess if i had an independent gaming store or club nearby it would be different maybe.

Regardless i tend not to let the behavior of others affect me. If they prefer Infinity more power to them and i hope they have a good time. I'm happy enough with 40k and Fantasy and the occasional Privateer Press mini to paint if they look cool.

Mick A
06-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Now Mantic have announced they will be doing a sci-fi game expect even more people to jump ship! Or maybe they will get back into 40k but use Mantics cheaper figures...


06-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Out of the dozens of 40k players around here none of them are switching or even talking about it.

It seems a little silly to switch to me over prices, because you are then basically throwing away the hundreds of dollars you already invested in the game in protest of having to spend money. Which you could actually just not do by not buying new models and continuing to play.

06-03-2011, 12:41 PM
Now Mantic have announced they will be doing a sci-fi game expect even more people to jump ship! Or maybe they will get back into 40k but use Mantics cheaper figures...


Yes! Everyone Jump! Just like you did with Kings of War! Go! Hurry! There's only so much room on the boat!

06-03-2011, 12:52 PM
Alot of 40k players at my local have taken Infinity up, certainly its being played more then 40k, but its not replaced it entirely.

Drew da Destroya
06-03-2011, 01:54 PM
Yes! Everyone Jump! Just like you did with Kings of War! Go! Hurry! There's only so much room on the boat!

Are there enough life rafts? Eh, f*** it, I can pass for a child.

06-03-2011, 02:00 PM
Now Mantic have announced they will be doing a sci-fi game expect even more people to jump ship! Or maybe they will get back into 40k but use Mantics cheaper figures...


I think i'll pass on Mantic. Their mini's really don't appeal to me, and the lack of fluff combined with the smugness displayed on Beasts of War last night means i'll be sticking to GW stuff for a while yet.

Mick A
06-03-2011, 02:36 PM
Yes! Everyone Jump! Just like you did with Kings of War! Go! Hurry! There's only so much room on the boat!

They must be doing something right or they wouldn't be able to expand so much so quickly...

I know I have a 2500 point Vampire Counts army made up of Mantic figures with Reaper figures for Lords and heroes. It cost me under half of what it would of cost in GW.


06-03-2011, 08:39 PM
Infinity's aesthetic does not appeal to me at all. And I'm Japanese.

It just looks like a half-assed 'anime' style sci-fi. The models are very well sculpted, but they just don't visually 'click' at all. Not to mention the rulebook being hard to read.

I don't know anybody in the area that plays the game. If I were to quit 40K (which is unlikely) I would probably just end up playing more 3.5/4.0 D&D, Warmachine and maybe even FoW. Hell, maybe even BFG.

06-04-2011, 07:18 AM
GW's models are now too expensive for me to be buying any more, but I'm still gonna play 40K with the models I've got. I like the idea of how you play Infinity with reactions and stuff, but like others have said the rules need simplifying or presenting better.
I'm hoping Mantic's sci-fi range is good. I love how simple their fantasy ruleset looks but I'm not and have never been a fantasy player. If they can do a fun and simple sci-fi game I will definitely be into it. And if the rules suck but the models are decent and cheap I will be getting some to play 40K with.

06-04-2011, 07:34 AM
I switched to Infinity immediately after the trade embargo put in place by GW. The other 500 thousand things GW did wrong over the past few years, especially in the past month, sealed the coffin for GW for me.

I am building an Infinity table, ordered the models and books, and will be trying to get my local gamers into Infinity. I do not want to steal them from GW, but I do want them to play Infinity.

Oh, just fyi....

If anyone here likes the RPG Shadowrun, Infinity is literally a clone of Shadowrun, but as a table top war game. The game has snipers, hackers, street samurais, riggers, etc...

06-04-2011, 07:46 AM
I like some of the Infinity models, prior to the Dark Eldar release they were pretty much the only mass produced female figures of any quality. But I could never get into the rules for some reason, most of my brothers love it however.

06-06-2011, 12:02 PM
Not switching to Infinity but I have just ordered the rule book for warmachine. However as much as I really don't like what Games Workshop have done with prices etc I won't be dropping 40k. I have way too many models that I really loved painting for that and I may not like the company but I do enjoy their game. I may downsize and sell off a couple armies if I like the look of warmachine / hordes to fund the new purchases. So no not giving up on 40k but GW may no longer get quite so much money from me either.

06-06-2011, 01:00 PM
As long as they don't get a stick up thier butt about how much more "superior" their war-game is to 40k..

How would that be any different tha GW players claiming 40k/ Fantasy is superior to other games?

I met one 40k player who stated "I don't care how good ### game , if it's not GW I'm not playing it"

06-06-2011, 02:13 PM
How would that be any different tha GW players claiming 40k/ Fantasy is superior to other games?

I met one 40k player who stated "I don't care how good ### game , if it's not GW I'm not playing it"

I think these are the people we should justifiably call "fanboys." Or idiots for not playing another system because of a brand name.

06-06-2011, 08:51 PM
Oh, for the guys who says the rules are incomprehensible or requires too much rules checking, they do have a better-translated wiki on their site: http://infinitythegame.wikispot.org/Home

Yes. Free rules on the webs, INCLUDING weapon statistics (for the actual army lists you'd still have to buy their rulebooks, sadly). Just type a simple phrase in the "search" box, and you'll know everything there is to know about a certain Rule X...

As for myself, I'm straddled on the fence: I have too much GW models to give up the game of 40k (and I'm not a fan of ebaying all my hard work)... but I like me some Infinity. Especially the game rules themselves: once you iron out the basics, the game tests your tactical mind in very unique ways as compared to 40k.

PS: curiously enough, remember GW's green status markers a while back (little green flag objective markers, oval smoke, Arrowed move, run, triangular shooting, pinned, hexagonal weapon destroyed, immobilized, skulled wounds etc...)?

Retasking them as Infinity Markers makes Infinity WORLDS easier to keep track of everything, surprisingly...

06-06-2011, 09:50 PM
Is it possible you could get into Infinity without denting your 40K purchases? Play both?

06-07-2011, 12:37 AM
Is it possible you could get into Infinity without denting your 40K purchases? Play both?
Would be "fun" when you get the rules mixed up though.

"I ARO shoot you"
"Wha? ARO, what's that? What are you playing, 2nd edition? You don't get to overwatch..."
"Dude, we ARE playing Infinity. Told ya using your Blood Angels to proxy is a baddddd idea..."

06-07-2011, 12:38 AM
It's bad enough playing Fantasy and 40k, I throw out Fantasy language on accident all the time.

"You need to make your Ward save."
"This is my Grey Hunter regiment."

06-07-2011, 12:58 AM
It's bad enough playing Fantasy and 40k, I throw out Fantasy language on accident all the time.

"You need to make your Ward save."
"This is my Grey Hunter regiment."

yep everytime I call my Orcs army book a codex a cave squig somewhere dies

06-07-2011, 01:21 AM
yep everytime I call my Orcs army book a codex a cave squig somewhere dies

There should some form of RSPCA for Cave Squigs :L

06-07-2011, 06:25 AM
I didn't 'defect' to Infinity, I've always been a double agent.
I beat the rush though - I crept into it two years ago.

I don't believe in restricting myself to one game or one company when there is so much more out there.

Every game has its stick-up-the-butt superiority-ists though and it's obsessive collector-philes.
I collect and play the miniatures games that have minis that appeal to me (or in the case of a couple, play the rules that let me use my existing other SF minis in some shape or form).

06-07-2011, 07:39 AM
This thread is pretty much also going on in the "Not dropping 40k but..." thread.
