View Full Version : My mostly done BA army

06-02-2011, 01:20 PM
So I decided to start up my BA at the end of this past April. At the beginning, I only had 6 mostly finished jump pack assault marines painted, still needing transfers. The Storm Raven has been compelling me for some time since I picked up my airbrush in January, so I figured I'd finish off building and painting my army for some upcoming tournaments. My list has had several revisions since April, but I'm more happy with it now than I ever have been. It's not fully optimized, but does a bit of everything.

So a couple of things to consider: photography isn't exactly my strongest suit. Admittedly, if I had a light box, I'd use that, but I don't. The photos were taken with my phone, but are still clear. Secondly, if you're confused by the St. Celestine, that's my counts-as Mephiston. Mephiston's current model I find to be really ugly while I've had St. Celestine forever and finally found a use for that model. Plus, I like the juxtaposition between her and Mephiston in the fluff, so I went with it. Lastly, the Sanguinary Guard with the piece on top of his pack is my Dante conversion. Nothing new, but works for my purposes as I also think the current Dante model is awful.

Anyways, I've taken some photos of my army and would love to hear your feedback! I've already posted a few of my pics before, but not in a dedicated thread. Thanks, guys!

06-02-2011, 01:21 PM
Here's some more!

06-02-2011, 01:24 PM
The last photo in here is of my Dante conversion and you'll also see what my Sanguinary Priests look like. I explained in another thread that I wasn't certain if these will be tournament legal, but I painted them differently specifically to help them stand out.

06-02-2011, 01:27 PM
As mentioned, St. Celestine is my counts-as Mephiston. I decided to pass on the drape she wears as it adds a lot of weight and being on a smaller base had me concerned about the balance. What do you think? Does it fit the rest of the army? The colours are proper, but I'm concerned for the Sisters iconography.

06-02-2011, 01:30 PM
As in the previous photos, you'll see the work that I still need to complete in the form of some Assault marines and transfers on some devastators. :)

06-02-2011, 01:32 PM
And here's the last of them! :)

Mike X
06-02-2011, 02:38 PM
Outstanding! Love the weathered look.

06-02-2011, 03:07 PM
Very Nice Work!

06-02-2011, 03:18 PM

Please, keep on!!

06-02-2011, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the compliments, guys!

As for the "weathering," I'll admit that airbrushing, even with the tiniest bit of practice, can yield incredible results extremely quickly. I've been gushing to friends at my FLGS about how much I love it and how it's changed how I approach the hobby.

To put it into perspective, each of my vehicles were painted with the airbrush to get the red on it. It's a single shade of red over black priming. The areas that are brighter are just the areas where I kept coming back to. In terms of time, the Storm Raven took me no more than 25 minutes to get all of the red on it.

I have decided to start sealing my models with a matte finish which leaves a nice satin-like effect. :)

06-03-2011, 12:26 AM
I wouldn't call the models weatehred at all but I'm really digging the shade of scarlet which you've got going on. Airbrush really is a nice tool once you've got the hang of it. With the shading you've got now, there's not much need for actualm weathering, or even inking. Seems like a speedy and efficient way to paint up an armour.

06-05-2011, 11:02 AM
As mentioned, my SR took little time to apply the red throughout the model. Similarly, with all of the other vehicles, I was amazed at the speed of painting these vehicles.

I've done little work with the airbrush on the infantry models, preferring to approach those by hand as with enough practice I've got a nice efficient approach.