View Full Version : Wyches in German Punk Rock colors

06-01-2011, 09:48 AM
Here are some Dark Eldar Wyches that I painted recently (as a commission).

The color scheme here is a little brighter than many that I paint- but I think the bright hair contrasts well with the very dark clothing. With the black leather and bright dyed hair color, I've started thinking of them as a German punk band. Anyway, here are some pictures:





06-01-2011, 12:06 PM
I love your highlighting on the armor. Very nice work!

06-01-2011, 12:09 PM
They look fairly decent but I gotta say that the multi coloured weapons 100% don't work for me. The end up looking almost like clown weapons or toys. Also the posing on some of them is somewhat strange (a couple of them look like they only have one arm and there are a few that look like they are about to take a face-plant). The last thing I would do is maybe change up the colour of the bases as they tend to get lost since they are almost the exact same colour as the rest of the model.

Other then that the skin tones are well done and the overall quality of the paint job is quite high :)

06-02-2011, 07:50 AM

06-02-2011, 08:07 PM
They look fairly decent but I gotta say that the multi coloured weapons 100% don't work for me. The end up looking almost like clown weapons or toys. Also the posing on some of them is somewhat strange (a couple of them look like they only have one arm and there are a few that look like they are about to take a face-plant). The last thing I would do is maybe change up the colour of the bases as they tend to get lost since they are almost the exact same colour as the rest of the model.

Other then that the skin tones are well done and the overall quality of the paint job is quite high :)

Basing Is a touchy subject, I personally dislike painting bases because an entire army of space wolves with snow bases look silly when on ANY OTHER ENVIRONMENT. The tabletops are always different, especially when playing at your FLGS.

However, maybe painting certain colors on the shoulder pads could help differentiate numbers in a squad. I do this with my BTs. Black, red, and gold work! (I wonder why!) This is useful for knowing which weapon setups you have with each squad.

Other than that AWESOME JOB! And if there were a way to make flamethrower masks, it would be less punk, but much more awesome!