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View Full Version : 2400 Tomb Kings G8 Tourney + Tactics

05-31-2011, 05:19 PM
My dads friend holds a monthly tournament called the g8. Rules are normal but no special characters are allowed. The list I have come up with is similar to most of my lists ive written:

Tomb King-(478)
-Khemrian Warshpinx w/ Fiery Roar
-Sword of Striking
-Talisman of Preservation
-Ironcurse Icon

Liche Priest-(130)
-Level 2
-Earthing Rod

-Armour of Fortune
-Dragonbane Gem

37x Skeleton Warriors-(215)
-Light Armour
-Full Command

20x Skeleton Archers-(140)
-Master of Arrows

8x Skeleton Horse Archers-(132)
-Master of Scouts

3x Skeleton Chariots-(195)
-Banner of Eternal Flame

30x Tomb Guard-(470)
-Full Command
-Standard of the Undying Legion

3x Sepurchral Stalkers-(165)

Screaming Skull Catapult-(120)
-Skulls of the Foe

Screaming Skull Catapult-(120)
-Skulls of the Foe

Casket of Souls-(135)

2400 solid.

The catapults and casket are going to sit back and fire away, probably going to use at least half of my dice to get the casket off and eat away at war machines that threaten my lord or skirmishing units that i cant reach with bows (awkward positioning or just bad placement on my part) like skinks. the catapults job is to hit big blocks of units and try to cause panic amongst the lines before they made it. Chariots are a hammer unit and made to hit either a flank or charge things with regen. Archers are my heirophants guard and shoot what they can. TG have the necrotect are a good hammer and with the banner it helps bring them back in CC when i start to run low. Warriors are the tar pit. Horse Archers and stalkers help take out war machines i missed or again pestering units. the Tomb King on the warsphinx is the biggest threat. with 4 attacks from the king hitting most things on 2s, the warsphinx 4 attacks or thundercrush, along with a S4 breath weapon and thunderstomp makes him a powerful hammer character. With support like the TG which i usually intend to deploy next to and do combine charges with, I can do alot of damage in a single round of combat.

Advice is greatly appreciated thank you so much

05-31-2011, 06:54 PM
Advice is greatly appreciated thank you so much

Overall I think it's a decent list that should perform pretty well against most armies.

A few comments and suggestions though;

*Don't buy champions for your archers. BS3 isn't worth 10 points and if your opponent gets a charge off against this unit the game is pretty much over anyway. I wouldn't even buy standards for them honestly. The only upgrade they need is a musician and that's for the reform.

*Horse Archers definitely don't need the banner. It's like a big sign saying, "Come and eat me alive for free points". Horse Archers, while I love them in this edition, should not receive any upgrades at all due to their disposable nature (ordinarily I'd suggest musicians, but as Fast Cav they don't need it). Also, I'd suggest two units of 5 instead of one unit of eight.

*Given your entire army will start disintegrating if your hierophant dies you should probably give him at least a 5+ ward save if not a 4+ ward save.

*Not a fan of Halberds on the Tomb Guard. For 2 points you get +1 strength with the loss of -1 armor and your ward save in close combat. S4 with Killing Blow is good enough against most armies.

*Earthing Rod definitely is not worth it unless you combine it with other magic items (that cost too much for a hero level character to begin with). See my comments above about the lack of ward save.

*Personally, I'd move the Tomb King into the Tomb Guard unit and just take a Warsphinx with fiery roar on his own. The Tomb Guard are absolute beasts at WS6 as they strike even Chaos Warriors on 3+. This would also allow you to move some magic items around to protect your hierophant more and give your TK a nice unit to run around with.

*Seriously, WS6 Tomb Guard.

05-31-2011, 07:25 PM
Don't buy champions for your archers. BS3 isn't worth 10 points and if your opponent gets a charge off against this unit the game is pretty much over anyway. I wouldn't even buy standards for them honestly. The only upgrade they need is a musician and that's for the reform.
I see your point on the champion. Reason I get Standard is because it just helps with the fortitude for blood and glory which i expect to see quite often plus I enjoy that scenario it really tests me.

Horse Archers definitely don't need the banner. It's like a big sign saying, "Come and eat me alive for free points". Horse Archers, while I love them in this edition, should not receive any upgrades at all due to their disposable nature (ordinarily I'd suggest musicians, but as Fast Cav they don't need it). Also, I'd suggest two units of 5 instead of one unit of eight.
Champion might be worth it but I see your point. Two of 5 sound more interesting.

Given your entire army will start disintegrating if your hierophant dies you should probably give him at least a 5+ ward save if not a 4+ ward save.
Yeah I can find a ward for him but a 6+ regen is good enough until something goes wrong. Hes not meant for combat ever so ward saves become expensive...

Not a fan of Halberds on the Tomb Guard. For 2 points you get +1 strength with the loss of -1 armor and your ward save in close combat. S4 with Killing Blow is good enough against most armies.
Yeah I understand but I play with Ramhotep as well and thats how my guys are built so I'll consider it. Even at S4 my armour save is at a 6 already so its not big a deal.

Earthing Rod definitely is not worth it unless you combine it with other magic items (that cost too much for a hero level character to begin with). See my comments above about the lack of ward save.
Not really 25pt to re-roll a miscast is pretty good.

Personally, I'd move the Tomb King into the Tomb Guard unit and just take a Warsphinx with fiery roar on his own. The Tomb Guard are absolute beasts at WS6 as they strike even Chaos Warriors on 3+. This would also allow you to move some magic items around to protect your hierophant more and give your TK a nice unit to run around with.
Alot of people have told me that but my army is sort of built around stopping the complications of having the king on one so that i CAN run him on a sphinx. Its a fun toy too :)

06-01-2011, 07:36 AM
I see your point on the champion. Reason I get Standard is because it just helps with the fortitude for blood and glory which i expect to see quite often plus I enjoy that scenario it really tests me.

I can see your concern over blood and glory and putting a standard with the archers is better than putting a standard on the horse archers.

My issue with halberds on the tomb guard is that you are paying 13pts per model and you have a worse armor save and no parry save. Understandable that you have them modeled with Halberds though.

The few times I've had miscasts with any of my armies usually the caster t akes a wound, sometimes the unit the caster is with takes a few wounds and that's that. I've only ever had a single moment where a caster has imploded on me and just vanished in the warp. So 25pts to protect the character from a possible wound and to protect nearby models (which can be brought back through other means) just isn't worth it. Ward saves are always worth it. Any model with the sniper rule can ruin a tomb king's day.

I'm certainly not saying the King on the sphinx won't work... it's a pretty bad day for any unit that thing charges... just that you would probably get more mileage out of the Tomb King with the Tomb Guard. Sphinx doesn't need WS6 to do damage and doesn't really do that much more damage than its current WS. Tomb Guard are hideous with WS6... especially if you cast smiting on them (or if you get both smiting and cursed blades, but most opponents aren't that stupid).

Like I said, overall the list you presented will work fairly well. The important tweaks are the things like removing unnecessary champions (and standards from units who will die horribly easy). Most of the rest of my comments are personal choice.

06-03-2011, 07:22 PM
Updated List after looking into certain gameplay factors and test runs:

Tomb King-(478)
-Khemrian Warshpinx w/ Fiery Roar
-Sword of Striking
-Talisman of Preservation
-Ironcurse Icon

Liche Priest-(130)
-Level 2
-Earthing Rod

-Armour of Fortune
-Dragonbane Gem

37x Skeleton Warriors-(215)
-Light Armour
-Full Command

20x Skeleton Archers-(130)

5x Skeleton Horse Archers-(70)

5x Skeleton Horse Archers-(70)

3x Skeleton Chariots-(185)
-Banner of Eternal Flame

30x Tomb Guard-(470)
-Full Command
-Standard of the Undying Legion

3x Sepurchral Stalkers-(165)

Screaming Skull Catapult-(120)
-Skulls of the Foe

Screaming Skull Catapult-(120)
-Skulls of the Foe

Casket of Souls-(135)

Total is 2388 :)

More advice thank you :)