View Full Version : 1750 Pure Ravenwing List for Review

The Fallen
05-31-2011, 12:18 PM
40K Universe,

Here is the list that I use when I field my Ravenwing at 1750 points. I thought I would provide some insite on how to use the Ravenwing to full effect, without worrying about including Deathwing. Here is the list, as well as reasons why I make the decisions that I made.

Sammael, Master of the Ravenwing - Jetbike - 205

****I use Sammael on his Jetbike for several reasons. His jetbike is a much better option against most oppoenents. His ability to move and fire his Plasmacannon is of great benefit because being AP2, his close combat ability is greatly missed when using his Land Speeder, and his Iron Halo and Eternal Warrior allow him to survive a lot longer than his Land Speeder.****

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 6 Bikes - 2 Flamers - Powerfist - Chapter Banner - Apothecary - Attack Bike w/ Multi-melta - 345

****This is your close-combat threat in the army, and it's not a unit to take lightly. It has plenty of attacks thanks to the Chapter Banner, and with the Flamers and TL Bolters, it can whittle the opponent down a little before slamming into them. This does not mean that it will be rushing into EVERY enemy unit it can reach, as it will not do well against specialist CC units, like Thunderhammer/Storm Shield Terminators, but don't be afraid to rush them into most other units. Also, with the FAQ, taking an Apothecary is essential to the survival of this unit. Toughness 5, with Feel No Pain and Power Armor makes this a very tough bike unit. Obviously, as it is with every unit in this army, the Attack Bike will not be with the unit, and is there for hunting tanks.****

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 6 Bikes - 2 Meltaguns - Powerfist - Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta - 315

****This is your tank-hunting unit. Even with all of the other anti-tank weapons in the list, a fast-moving, scouting, tank-hunting unit is still required. If this army can't seem to get an angle on tanks that are out of sight, like Basilisks or Whirlwinds, the bikes will be in trouble. This unit will be used to rush in and destroy these types of threats. This unit is also well-suited to take on enemy monstrous creatures.****

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 6 Bikes - 2 Plasmaguns - Power Weapon - Plasma Pistol - Meltabombs- Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta - 330
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 6 Bikes - 2 Plasmaguns - Power Weapon - Plasma Pistol - Meltabombs - Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta - 330

****These two units are built for versatility. They have better range than the other two squads, so they can keep their distance if they have to. They still have a Power Weapon in the squad if they have to assault an enemy unit, or used to destroy enemy tanks that make it to your lines, but these aren't their main roles. These units will be used primarily to capture objectives, and harrass the enemy units with decent armor, such as MEQ or any unit with 2+ armor saves. At range 12 they will have 5 plasma shots, which should take down at least 3 models before they lunge into combat, and gives them a really decent chance to take down light vehicles.****

Ravenwing Land Speeder - Typhoon Missile Launcher - Multi-Melta - 75
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Typhoon Missile Launcher - Multi-Melta - 75
Ravenwing Land Speeder - Typhoon Missile Launcher - Multi-Melta - 75

****These Typhoons are multi-purpose speeders, used to destroy enemy tanks and harrass enemy infantry units from range. I have used the Heavy Bolter instead of the Multi-Melta, but I have found that the Heavy Bolter doesn't make that much of an impact, even against horde armies.****

This list is a fairly tough list to use, as it doesn't have nearly as many models as your typical army at 1750 points. You will undoubtedly always be outnumbered, so you have to pick your battles carefully. If you are facing armies with a lot of ranged firepower, you must get your bikes into close combat so that they will not be taking enemy fire. If you are facing an army with a lot of specialist CC units, you have to keep your distance, focusing on whittling each squad down so that they aren't as big of a threat when they reach your lines, at which point your units spring forward, and initiate assaults on them to prevent charge bonuses, Furious Charge bonuses, etc. If you are facing a well-balanced force, you really need to pick your battles carefully. Figure out which portion of their army will be the toughest to crack, and try to flank the other side. Regardless of which type of army you face, or mission you play, your most deadly weapon and greatest asset is your mobility. Don't split up your forces too much, or small portions of your army will be eliminated with little difficulty. Keep your bikes together and create a mobile firebase, and focus on small portions of the enemy army. Each Ravenwing unit isn't particularly dangerous on their own, but if they work in concert, they are very dangerous. Another list that I tried was to take plenty of smaller 3-man bike squads to maximize the special weapons in the list, but I found that I had even fewer models, and the additional punch in each squad was at the cost of giving up Attack Bikes and Typhoons, which took away from the versatility of the list. It also didn't allow me to use the Combat Squad rule on my bikes, in case it was an objectives mission.

I hope you enjoy this list, and I hope this thread was informative.

Thank you,

The Fallen