View Full Version : How to remove....

05-31-2011, 10:10 AM
Okay, so I royally messed up. Wanting to use my Space Hulk Termies in 40k, I used plastic glue to attach the models to standard Termie bases. Everything was good until I went to play Space Hulk again, and realized the molded bases were a very purposely designed size and shape! Any suggestions for removing the standard bases? I'm thinking I'll have to take my plastic clippers, cut the round bases down to the Space Hulk shape, then clip/sand as much of the remaining base under the Space Hulk mold as possible. Thoughts?

Another epic fail - I've tried to magnetize some arms. I'm pretty unhappy with the results and think I'd like to just glue everthing together. Part of my fail here, is that the pieces don't fit flush, even though the magnets are embedded and so a straight glue job isn't going to cut it. However, I have a strong super-glue bond on the embedded magnets, so its tough getting the magnets out. Any ideas on how to get the magnets out?

Thanks in advance!

05-31-2011, 11:23 AM
For the bases, your best bet is clipping off the excess round base, then getting a 1" (25mm) flat file and running them down on that.
As for the magnets, I think the only way to get them out if you can't file them is to drill them out. It'll take ages and it'll be a pain to do though. Have you considered using green stuff to fill the gap? - they might not look too bad if the arms stuck out by a couple of millimetres.

Hope this helps, and good luck amigo!

05-31-2011, 11:49 AM
Unless you've absolutely coated the base with glue you should be able to pry it off with a sculpting tool/small screwdriver etc. and then cut off any extra bits of broken round base. I wouldn't recommend using a knife though as it might snap.

05-31-2011, 03:28 PM
Removing the magnets is reasonably easy, I've screwed it up myself a few times. Just drill a small hole directly next too the magnet and stick whatever you use for pinning down it and pry it out. You might need to drill a couple of holes one each side.