View Full Version : Assault Marines?

Mike X
05-29-2011, 01:13 AM
When I first started this hobby, I loved Assault Marines. I loved that they were regular Marines with jump packs and chainsaw-like weaponry. I just had to get them. I ended up making about 10 of them for a squad. Boy, was I surprised when it came down to playing and they ended up being eaten alive by firepower or melee combat rather quickly.

I typically field a squad of nine Assault Marines in my force, giving a plasma pistol to a random Marine, and giving the sergeant a power sword and, if I have any left over points, a combat shield just for giggles.

When I assault vehicles with krak or melta bombs, it usually takes a few turns to see any results.

When I assault infantry, I almost always get slaughtered. If I do win the close combat, I only usually have a few of the Marines left.

When I try to move across the board, I get shot to ribbons (or blown apart by a large blast).

So, my question to you all is when do you field Assault Marines, and what do you kit them with? Also, what kind of unit do you try to target them at?

05-29-2011, 02:13 AM
I run my Assault Marines infiltrated with Kayvaan Shrike for a first turn jump - fleet - charge on something squishy. I run a unit of ten with nine of them being stock (bolt pistol/chainsword) and the Sergeant having a Thunderhammer. Assault Marines, like many units in the Space Marine codex, are bullies that like to beat up on units that have no business being in close combat. If you use them in any other way, they will be eaten alive and their points will go to waste.

While they are used to beat up on weak units, it is also important to consider most of the unit as expendable for the sake of keeping the the Sergeant and Shrike tearing away at the enemy. A unit of ten with Shrike is far from a death star but their speed and loads of attacks on the charge allow you to pinpoint a weakpoint in your foe's lines and nail it on turn one to put the opponent's forces into a panic, allowing the rest of your army to take advantage.

05-29-2011, 05:59 AM
I always run them with a chaplain. It's pretty fun. I distract fire away from them with vindicators.

05-29-2011, 07:34 AM
I play Black templars so mine are a bit different but I usually have one or two squads of ten with meltabombs on everyone, two plasma pistols and powersword. They butcher most things they get into (there was however this one tau firewarrior...) and I use them as a in your face kind of thing. Everything else is meched up so they usually die after killing a squad/vehicle or two. But with meltabombs on them they almost always make everyone target them and they act as a great distraction unit as well as a support unit for other assaults once they've been thinned down.

05-29-2011, 07:38 AM
I'm with you I really like assault marines. I field at least 2 squads of 10:
1 SQ - Powerfist, Inferno Pistol Vet SGT. and a flamer
2nd SQ - Powerfist Vet SGT. and 2 Meltaguns

I tend to run each of these with a Sang. Priest.

I'll either deep strike them as close to the intended targets as possible or I jump from cover to cover. This [art is essential to avoid your problem

Targets tend to be first a tank then onto infantry.
I will take my chance at one shot at a tank first, then chase down the closest infantry, I also tend to have them work together at least for the first assault then scatter. If I can get them back a round or two down the line to do it again I will.
I tend to avoid elites, unless it's like a wounded group of (shooty or TH/SS) terminators. besides that I tend to send them after Heavy and Troops.

05-29-2011, 11:23 AM
I play Blood Angels, and I run 3 or 4 squads of 5 (or just combat squad them). Under the 1999 codex, I would run as many plasmas and powerswords as I could (sgt w/ plasma and sword, and two others with plasma). Occasionally I would run a flamer unit. THey used to do really well, especially against Orks and Tyranids.

Running this same list under 5th ed, they don't do so hot because of the infantry hate that is the current mech metagame, but I still tend to field them with as much plasma as i can. Although, with the new infernus pistol options, I've been doing some of those as well.

I've started toying with Vanguard, but havn't run them as much. HOping to with my next few games.

John M>

05-29-2011, 11:34 AM
I tend to run my Assault Marines as units of 10 either with a power sword and two flamers or a power sword and two plasmas. I primarily use them as a counter attack force to stop whatever has reached my tactical squad gun line.

Mike X
05-29-2011, 01:32 PM
Assault Marines, like many units in the Space Marine codex, are bullies that like to beat up on units that have no business being in close combat. If you use them in any other way, they will be eaten alive and their points will go to waste.

While they are used to beat up on weak units, it is also important to consider most of the unit as expendable for the sake of keeping the the Sergeant and Shrike tearing away at the enemy.

I mostly use them as a speed bump, to be honest, but they seem to be a rather pathetic one.

I always run them with a chaplain. It's pretty fun.

I have a Chaplain with a jump pack, and I've done this before. My problem is it becomes a major fire target once my opponent sees a Chaplain in a squad of nine Assault Marines charging at him.

I tend to run my Assault Marines as units of 10 either with a power sword and two flamers or a power sword and two plasmas. I primarily use them as a counter attack force to stop whatever has reached my tactical squad gun line.

This sounds like a really good tactic I'll have to try out. What do you do with them before the enemy has reached your gun line though?

05-30-2011, 11:51 AM
assault marines can deepstrike and have 3 attacks on the charge.... 28 S4 attacks is nothing to laugh about

in a game (vassal) with 10 BA assault marines (powerfist sarge) and a libby VS 50 guardsman and a commisioner

outcome: 2 assault marines ! :D

frankly deepstrike then charging devastators/lootas/biggunequivelent is a good tactic also a 5pt meltabomb will come in handy!

Mike X
05-30-2011, 04:20 PM
assault marines can deepstrike and have 3 attacks on the charge.... 28 S4 attacks is nothing to laugh about

I deepstrike them roughly half the time, but my biggest issue with them is the unpredictability of when they'll come in (or if they'll scatter), and because they deepstriked they won't be able to assault until the following turn, leaving them as sitting ducks.

06-03-2011, 10:01 AM
I usually run 5 Assault Marines, powersword/meltabombs/plasma, with a Chaplain at 1500 points. I've had pretty decent results holding them in reserve, to come on from the board edge. If they manage to well, NOT come in until turn 3 or 4, I can usually catch one or two of my opponent's units in the midfield.