View Full Version : The Defenders of Velingrad: Imperial Guard Plog

05-26-2011, 02:06 PM
So I've decided to finally crank out my Imperial Guard army that i've been sitting on for nearly a decade. After watching Enemy at the Gates again, I've come up with a paint scheme that I like, that was also fast and easy enough to get good results that I feel like I could actually get my IG done!

Here is the first squad:

http://www.thediceabide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/IMG_2494.jpg (http://www.thediceabide.com/2011/05/plog-defenders-of-velingrad-imperial-guard/)

It's a pretty simple scheme, which is given a delvan mud wash to quickly shade the models. Not my finest work, but I like the results, considering the time invested.

More pics of the beginning of my army here, including Sly Marbo and a Techpriest: TheDiceAbide.com (http://www.thediceabide.com/2011/05/plog-defenders-of-velingrad-imperial-guard/)

05-26-2011, 03:24 PM
I love Delvan Mud washes. It works great on guns and uniforms and the like.

If you want to keep the same idea of simple/good looking, I suggest using either Ogyrn Flesh or Gryphonne Sepia for the skin. It keeps it looking like flesh, which is the goal, right?

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing more.

05-27-2011, 07:55 AM
these guys have tons of character. keep it coming.