View Full Version : Citadel Fincast and Forgeworld Models

05-26-2011, 06:59 AM
I was looking at the pictures of the new resin Citadel Finecast models and I have to say they look pretty decent. They look crisp and clean and have held the detail that those models deserve (though I am sure they were cleaned up a bit before the photos were taken :) ).

But what came to mind was that now that Citadel is making "resin" models available as standard models, why not offer the whole line of resin models that Citadel offers to every retailer. If you can make these special squad box sets in resin that contain 5 or so models to a box why not sell the Death Corps of Kreig Forgeworld or Elysian Drop troop models as well in a 5 man box. Talk about making people jump at a new army.

My point is that with the release of resin models for standard GW/Citadel armys it has shown that they can mass produce resin models. So why not produce the mass Forgeworld models as well and offer them through retailers or at least through the GW mailorder at a reasonable price.

(I write this hoping that some one who matters accross the pond reads this and gets an idea.)

05-26-2011, 07:07 AM
Forge World is considered to be the 'high end' branch of GW, the group that produces more expensive, larger and more complex kits for veterans. Folding it into GW proper and stocking them in every GW store would go against that ethos.

05-26-2011, 07:58 AM
Also remeber...FineCast resin IS NOT FW resin.

just cos you can mass produce one, doens't mean you can for t'other

05-26-2011, 08:20 AM
Not to mention it would be an awful idea from a modelling standpoint. A lot of those FW kits require an expert hand to put together.

Besides, if you want to order those models, go here: www.forgeworld.co.uk

05-26-2011, 09:08 AM
Knowing how "fantastic" the new resin/plastic hybrid GW is now using; does it mean that ForgeWorld should follow suit and use this new product also?

Does it make sense after all the research put into finding the mix, I'm just wondering how it compares quality wise to what the Forge World resin can achieve.

05-26-2011, 10:23 AM
Knowing how "fantastic" the new resin/plastic hybrid GW is now using; does it mean that ForgeWorld should follow suit and use this new product also?

Does it make sense after all the research put into finding the mix, I'm just wondering how it compares quality wise to what the Forge World resin can achieve.

I'll tell you what: When I get my hands on one, I'll take some side by sides with the new Theodore Brucker & Huron figs from FW to try and draw a comparison. The amount of detail on those two minis is, quite frankly, absurd, so I'd wager a guess that the difference in the resins used probably affects its ability to get some of the sharp undercuts and such.

Again, I'll post some pics tomorrow when I get a Finecast model.

05-26-2011, 11:53 AM
I dont know the whole process but I am sure that they could cast some of the Forge World models into the fincast resin and they would look just fine. As far as Forge World being the premier of Citadel models, I will agree that the sculpting and detail that can be found on the models is awesome and deserves its own line. But the quality control out right suxs! I have never had a model come from them without some kind of flaw in it. Either broken pieces or an air bubble right in the middle of a face or specific piece that just cant be over looked. But they just go ahead and mail it to you anyway, then it takes months to get it fixed, and even then it may not be right and you give up in frustration. Come on....:cool: we have all heard stories of dealing with Forge World and heard the horror stories that went along with them at times.

I just think that Citadel/GW as a whole could really take advantage of this new process and real back in alot of disgruntled players with a move like this.

As far as getting a Finecast model tommorow I have seen the letter that was sent out telling retailers that by no means are they allowed to sell and Finecast models till the 28th.

05-26-2011, 12:01 PM
As far as getting a Finecast model tommorow I have seen the letter that was sent out telling retailers that by no means are they allowed to sell and Finecast models till the 28th.

Just like every new release isn't "supposed" to be sold until that Saturday...:D

05-26-2011, 04:55 PM
Looks like they still have some issues to work on...


05-26-2011, 05:31 PM
just cause somebody talked about FW quality and customer support...

I have had my fair share of bad pieces but so far they have allways been friendly and mailed me a free replecement ASAP (as in I got my stuff within 2-4 days; for comparison I'm living in mainland europe).

Yes, I had to call 3 times once for them to send the RIGHT titan piece but in the end I got it (and have half a titan from wrong parts they sent... all it cost me was a phone call!)

05-26-2011, 06:20 PM
A shipment that takes a few days in Europe takes a few weeks to reach someone in the United States. By the time you get your model and get the replacement part it's been a month or two. This is why I only by mine at Games Day.

05-27-2011, 01:54 AM
just cause somebody talked about FW quality and customer support...

I have had my fair share of bad pieces but so far they have allways been friendly and mailed me a free replecement ASAP (as in I got my stuff within 2-4 days; for comparison I'm living in mainland europe).

Yes, I had to call 3 times once for them to send the RIGHT titan piece but in the end I got it (and have half a titan from wrong parts they sent... all it cost me was a phone call!)

Same here, I ordered the space wolf termie upgrade pack and when it arrived it was missing a shoulder pad. within a couple days I had a whole replacement sprue with 5 new pads. Bonus.

05-27-2011, 05:20 AM
I'll tell you what: When I get my hands on one, I'll take some side by sides with the new Theodore Brucker & Huron figs from FW to try and draw a comparison. The amount of detail on those two minis is, quite frankly, absurd, so I'd wager a guess that the difference in the resins used probably affects its ability to get some of the sharp undercuts and such.

Again, I'll post some pics tomorrow when I get a Finecast model.

Fantastic, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

05-27-2011, 06:44 AM
Just like every new release isn't "supposed" to be sold until that Saturday...:D

Yeah, but this one they are really trying to enforce. There's always been the ::nudge, nudge, wink wink:: with the regular saturday releases... I even had my rep back a few years ago tell me that if I had any hardcore regulars, they could get their stuff the day before...

But for this one, there are stiff penalties for anything being released early.