View Full Version : My Dark Eldar

05-25-2011, 10:54 AM
So Ive recently started collecting Dark Eldar because the new models are beautiful. Im aiming for roughly a 750 point army as at my local club, we play games made up of several small armies so more people can join in and use their stuff

Anyway, I bought my first squad of Kablite Warriors at the end of last week and spent the weekend painting them up and here they are

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/145/5/3/small_preview_image_for_bols_by_drifteruk-d3h6w5f.jpg (http://drifteruk.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Eldar-Kabalite-Warriors-210261809)
That should link to my DA page that has a much bigger version

Overall, Im very very pleased with how they came out, and I quite enjoyed painting them, though my photography skills are quite lacking :p

Ive never really attempted details on the faces before so Im glad they came out well

Im hoping to pick up the Finecast Lelith Hesperax on Saturday, so Ill probably try to update this thread when I have new stuff for my DE

Until then, any feedback is welcome :)

05-26-2011, 01:37 AM
nice for a basic TT quality BUT there are some things that could be done better:

1) the hair (orange) is contrasting too much with the green armour.... whilst this may be delibrate it does stick out a little too much.

2) the red rings around the eyes look a wee bit odd... it may just be me though.

3)some parts of the armour could do witha little more definition so a stronger highlight on some places could help

4) the metals look very... plain a little wash on them would go a long way

but anyway great TT quality models!


05-26-2011, 04:07 AM
Nice, I like the subtle blue. Are they done to match your profile pic or vice versa?

05-26-2011, 04:16 AM
I agree with fuzzbucket about the highlights on the armour. A little more deffinition would deffinititely help them pop and a light drybrush or a few choice edge highlights could be a fairly easy way to do that, possibly with some Scorpion Green (potentially mixed with your base colour to soften the contrast).

However if anything I think the hair and tabards could be a little brighter, with a greater contrast to the armour. I also love the rings around the eyes.

Also loving the power from pain tokens. Keep up the good work :)