View Full Version : Grey Knights: Generations

05-24-2011, 04:42 PM
Hello, I'm here because I'd like to show some pics of my small and just started Grey Knights force, and you are here because you want to see pictures of it, I presume. The name of the thread is related to the fact that I decided to use some very old Grey Knight related models as characters for the army, which hopefully will make it a bit interesting. Anyway, on to the first pics.


And here are some guys I am working on still. More to come!


05-24-2011, 05:37 PM
Bad ***!

05-24-2011, 05:59 PM
They are looking really good so far and I like how you have intergrated the older inquisitor model from 2nd ed into the the army. The only problem I have is that they aren't on legal bases. All terminators have to be on the 40mm bases (if you plan to do tournies at all with this army that is). That aside even just from a 'looks' point of view it will make the army look a lot better as the feet for your guys BARELY fit on the small bases. Other than making them legal, another nice thing about putting them on large bases is it gives you more space to do something interesting with them to help compliment the really nice paint jobs you have going :)

05-25-2011, 02:38 AM

The base issue is a matter of personal taste in my view. Although terminators have feet that are far apart nowadays, the reason for this is that the designers are trying to make them look better on 40mm bases, which they are clearly too small for. You can see that the old Inquisitor is the same size as the newer guys around him, but he always came with a normal round base and fits it just fine. In my view, the only reason terminators were changed from being on normal round bases to 40mm bases was that GW was trying to justify making them more expensive by giving them more impressive-seeming bases... and since I think this is a ridiculous reason to change base size, I decided to stick with the original 25mm bases. Legality isn't an issue as I only play with friends.

I hope that doesn't sound too defensive, I respect your opinion and that I'm the odd one out in this regard. I just disagree that the bigger bases make the models look better, I think it makes them look small and lonely. If I thought otherwise, I'd get 40mm bases for my whole army :)

05-25-2011, 06:24 AM
They look great.
As for the base issue the only official rule is that if the model is supplied with a base then the base must be attached. Tournament organisers might make additional rules to that and there are some inconstancies with which bases GW models are supplied with. Compare Cadian heavy weapons teams to Mordian heavy weapons teams.
My first squad of Grey Knights were from 2nd edition where there was only the small round bases for infantry, they look kinda sad and out-date compared to their larger fancier newest versions...

05-25-2011, 08:51 AM
Thanks. :) I agree that the old GKs (were they from 2nd? I thought they were from the time of the GK army list in Rogue Trader / Realm of Chaos) look a lot more static and less badass than the new ones, but at the time they were very cool. I have included one of them in this army, with new arms like the inquisitor above, but the original torso. Once he is painted I'll post him here.

I'm also glad you agree that GW's basing isn't exactly consistent. As long as the games feature legal models that don't exist, forcing you to make your own - and while doing so choosing any base size you want - I don't think too much fuss should be made about whether a different base size is "legal" or not.

That said, I will actually include one terminator model in this army on a 40mm base... I have the marine terminator librarian in progress, and he has such a massively action-filled pose that he looks ridiculous on a small base, so I'll allow him a bit more space to stand on.

05-26-2011, 06:32 AM
The old style Grey Knight I mentioned above is now ready for your viewing pleasure.


06-04-2011, 05:16 PM
Finally finished a dreadnought I'd had lying around for many years. :)
