View Full Version : The New Haemonculi + Wrack + Grotesque Models.

Ulthwé Guardian
05-23-2011, 03:06 AM
Here's a preview the New Dark Eldar Haemonculi range.


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Da22fvxzd3s/Tdl2q2ykjBI/AAAAAAAABtw/E7PmMHIJoug/s1600/22590720927028577921715.jpg"]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Da22fvxzd3s/Tdl2q2ykjBI/AAAAAAAABtw/E7PmMHIJoug/s1600/22590720927028577921715.jpg Grotesques.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Sj97apXAayc/Tdl2yZPtGLI/AAAAAAAABt0/-HCDWx7ZDRk/s1600/24956920927026244588615.jpg"]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Sj97apXAayc/Tdl2yZPtGLI/AAAAAAAABt0/-HCDWx7ZDRk/s1600/24956920927026244588615.jpg Wracks.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KJWJnpEWgGU/Tdl5g9GYssI/AAAAAAAABt4/C8fUtxpHcZ4/s1600/22877620927034577921115.jpg"]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KJWJnpEWgGU/Tdl5g9GYssI/AAAAAAAABt4/C8fUtxpHcZ4/s1600/22877620927034577921115.jpg The Resin Frame.

With the Cronos and Talos out, Dark Eldar players will finally have all the tools to build a Haemonculi Coven!

Source: http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/05/leaked-pics-of-grotesques-and-wracks.html

05-23-2011, 07:02 PM
Maybe my expectations are too high after the other releases, but I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for more dramatic poses from the Wracks, and the Grotesques don't knock me out either. Hopefully it is due to a rush modeling and paint job by GW, and more dramatic poses and striking color schemes will up the coven's TT appearance. I'm glad that pics are getting leaked, though.

05-23-2011, 11:59 PM
Maybe my expectations are too high after the other releases, but I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for more dramatic poses from the Wracks, and the Grotesques don't knock me out either. Hopefully it is due to a rush modeling and paint job by GW, and more dramatic poses and striking color schemes will up the coven's TT appearance. I'm glad that pics are getting leaked, though.

The only Wrack that looks in a normal sort of pose, is the leader (Acothyste? Or something :L)

05-24-2011, 12:02 AM
If you look at the resin sprue... I think you can see a HUNCHED HAEMONCULUS :)

Awwhhhh... Dag nab it, it's Warlord Queek ¬_¬

05-24-2011, 12:41 AM
Those are seriously dissapointing minis. I waited years to start a haemonculus army, but i guess ill wait another 3 years for plastic wracks. Queek, [I]may[I] just make an awesome haemonculus...

05-24-2011, 02:35 AM
As an admirer of the dark eldar range, I'm quite pleased by the models :) They may not be in dramatic poses but IMO wracks are more of a, "If we stand still, we can still scare the living S**T out of the opponent!"
As for the other finecast things 2 things I like:
1) The blister packs will make it a LOT easier to locate the models in store
2) Did anyone else notice the Hive tyrant in the page? :D

05-24-2011, 02:37 AM
While I think more poses would have been nice, I;m not really seeing the logic behind the desire for more dynamic poses. These are the twisted, mutilated things which shamble slowly towards the enemy (they don't have standard Eldar fleet, remember) I don't really see them springing into battle and the models look just like the codex art so I don't understand the surprise either.

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-24-2011, 03:08 AM
While I think more poses would have been nice, I;m not really seeing the logic behind the desire for more dynamic poses. These are the twisted, mutilated things which shamble slowly towards the enemy (they don't have standard Eldar fleet, remember) I don't really see them springing into battle and the models look just like the codex art so I don't understand the surprise either.

For me, it's that damn left arm sticking out on everyone of them. It just looks odd for a squad. A shame, because the Grotesques were the one unit I wanted the most.

05-24-2011, 04:32 PM
While I think more poses would have been nice, I;m not really seeing the logic behind the desire for more dynamic poses. These are the twisted, mutilated things which shamble slowly towards the enemy (they don't have standard Eldar fleet, remember) I don't really see them springing into battle and the models look just like the codex art so I don't understand the surprise either.

+1 Im with you on that(wracks looks cool), but still think its a shame grotesques have one pose.

05-25-2011, 12:53 PM
Why weren't these models in plastic? Seriously?

If I were to continue buying GW models, specifically Dark Eldar, I sure as crap won't spend $120+ on a unit of 10 wracks, or $200+ on a unit of Grotesques, especially since they ain't no Long fangs.

05-25-2011, 01:11 PM
Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but i found out the new haemonculi prices( gotwhite dwarf VERY early)haemonculus is £10.50, grotesque £12.50 and wracks £20.50. The wracks also come with different acothyst weapon options, such as hexrifle, stinger pistol and agoniser. Also, im suprised how fine quality citadel finecast is (i thought it was just a rip off). They make terrible minis look fantastic.

05-29-2011, 02:24 AM
I really, really like these, actually. Have been trying not to buy Dark Eldar but I might have been pushed into it now (I did buy Mandrakes yesterday to paint, so....). The only one I don't like is the Haemonculus, that's a dull model. I'd just use Urien Rakarth as a proxy myself. The new finecast is good for faces, so having the Haemonculus with it's face half-covered puts me off... that seems daft considering the wracks and grotesques have face masks, but the Haemonculus should have a leering, evil face, it just looks like it's wearing a scarf right now, and the pose is boooooring. Love the Wracks though, they look like the old chaos cultists, I always liked those.
