View Full Version : Filling out my DW list.

05-23-2011, 12:33 AM
I've made and gotten most of my 1500pt Deathwing list, and I have 200-ish pts to spare.

The list thus far

termie chappy or Libby,
2 shooty termie squads
2 assault termie squads who will have magna-weapons
An apoth. and banner
with missile launchers where possible, and a couple chainfists here and there.

I was leaing towards a drop pod dread with donkey gun, maybe even venerable, or another squad of shootin termies cuz more dakka never hurts

anything else I should consider?

The Fallen
05-31-2011, 01:56 PM
As it is with any Deathwing Army, you have very few models at ANY point level. Because of this, 1500 points is too small to be able to include any Dreadnoughts. The reason for this is because if you field only 1 or 2 Dreadnoughts, they will most certainly be destroyed very early in the game because of the lack of suitable targets for the long-ranged enemy anti-tank weapons.At 1500 points you should be able to field Belial and 5 Terminator Squads with various weaponry. This would also allow you to deep strike 3 units of terminators on the first turn, instead of 2. My list typically includes the following at 1500 points:

Belial - Tunderhammer and Storm Shield - 130 (Attached to Thunderhammer Squad)

Interrogator Chaplain - Terminator Armor - Combi-Flamer - 155 (Attached to Lightning Claw Squad)

Terminator Squad - Thunderhammer and Storm Shield x5 - Chapter Banner - Apothecary - Heavy Flamer - 280

Terminator Squad - Lightning Claws x4 - -Chainfist x1 - Storm Bolter x1 - Cyclone Missile Launcher - 240

Terminator Squad - Storm Bolter x4 - Powerfist x4 - Sergeant w/ Thunderhammer and Storm Shield - Cyclone Missile Launcher - 235

Terminator Squad - Storm Bolter x4 - Powerfist x4 - Sergeant w/ Thunderhammer and Storm Shield - Cyclone Missile Launcher - 235

Terminator Squad - Storm Bolter x4 - Powerfist x4 - Sergeant w/ Thunderhammer and Storm Shield - Cyclone Missile Launcher - 235

It gives you plenty of versatility, 2 awesome cc units, and tons of firepower.

Hope this helps,

The Fallen