View Full Version : 2000 point "GreyWing" list(aka termys and dreads)

05-22-2011, 06:28 PM
Here's my GK "Grey Wing" list, as everything is(or is related to) terminators and/or a 1st company themed list. i would like to see what people think of it, i have yet to play it. I've been fiddling around with a pure GK termy list for awhile, and so far came to this.
So far my thoughts on changing this list is, taking the greatsword off the DK and using that points to up my HQ's load. psycho-nades and MC the Psycannon on GM, and either MC Libby's sword or add another power.


Grand Master - 275
-PM lvl 2
-Rad Grenades

Librarian - 195
-Brain Mines
-3x Servo Skulls
-4x spells

Psyker Powers:
-Might of Titan

HQ Total: 470


Blue Squad (10x) Terminators - 500
-6x halberds (1 has psycannon)
-2x swords (1 has psycannon)
-1x DH (on sarg)
-2x Psycannon
-MC Daemonhammer
-Psybolt Ammo

Red Squad (10x) Terminators - 500
-6x halberds (1 has psycannon)
-2x Swords (1 has psycannon)
-1x DH (on sarg)
-2x Psycannon
-MC Daemonhammer
-Psybolt Ammo

Troops Total: 1000

Heavy Support:

Dreadnought - 135
-2x Autocannon
-Psybolt Ammo

Dreadnought - 135
-2x Autocannon
-Psybolt Ammo

Dreadknight - 260
-Heavy Incinerator

HS Total: 530

05-22-2011, 07:40 PM
The brain mines on the librarian seem a bit odd, personnally I wouldnt bother with them. Other than that I wouldn't put hammers on the justicars for Termi's even though it allows you to master craft since his chance of being killed by perils is quite high, but if you really want it master crafted don't let me stop you, lol! Hope my thoughts help.

Oh your troops total says 980 but the two squads say they cost 500 each...

05-23-2011, 08:07 AM
Fixed, Thanks!

The Brain mines are there to help with MC's or low initive troops that get sent after my libby's squad.

05-23-2011, 08:36 AM
Too much bling and not enough bodies. I have a 1.5k list with just as many termies, two dreads and a vindicar.

275pts on a tooled up GM is far far too much, if you are paying 275pts for a GM, you should be going for Draigo. And at 500pts each, your two termie squads are only 50pts off from a 10 men paladin squad! Drop some of the bling and you can have basically the same list by with 10 regular GKTs and 10 Paladins instead of 20 GKTs. With a little more tweaking, you can easily have a very similar list with 20 paladins as troops. But even that is dangerously few bodies in my book.

05-23-2011, 08:39 AM
The brain mines on the librarian seem a bit odd, personnally I wouldnt bother with them. Other than that I wouldn't put hammers on the justicars for Termi's even though it allows you to master craft since his chance of being killed by perils is quite high, but if you really want it master crafted don't let me stop you, lol! Hope my thoughts help.

Oh your troops total says 980 but the two squads say they cost 500 each...

Normally I would agree with you about weapons on the justicar, but not in this case.

With a banner in each squad and a character tagging along with both squads, he shouldn't really need to have his termie squads cast any powers all game since the banner auto passes force weapons and characters should be casting hammerhand and any other powers they may wish to used.