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View Full Version : Sculpting Exodite Eldar Knight- Towering Destroyer

09-02-2009, 12:50 PM
The images below are a WIP Eldar Knight that I have been sculpting for the past few months. I work primarily in sculpy for the bulk and green stuff for details. Sometimes I use plasticard or old DVD cases depending on what the sculpt requires. Since I use sculpy these models are not table-ready and instead I have to make a mold for casting the parts in resin. I'm about 80% done and need to sculpt and polish a few more pieces. The gray parts you see have been lacquered and sanded to make sure the surface is very smooth and polished for a perfect molds.

The concept for this kit was to revamp the Towering Destroyer (one of my favorite epic minis) and blend it with the latest Eldar styling. I did some kit-bashing with vyper bits to add a pilot that rides in the chest of the model. I wanted this model to feel a little more bulky than the current walkers- with heavier armor to bring across the idea that this is an ancient Exodite piece of equipment. The model will be around 8-9 inches when finished.

I normally play Tyranids, but I have really liked the Eldar since they were Space Elves back in the day. I'll post more images as I progress. I plan to finish this model in the next month or so as I would like to begin a head, weapons and lower body sculpt for a Bright Stallion, reusing the current torso, arms and holo-shield/ wing.

Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.


09-02-2009, 02:15 PM
Wow. This will be awesome.

09-02-2009, 02:34 PM

09-02-2009, 02:36 PM
I got one of the old Armorcast ones unpainted on the shelf...already it pales in comparison to this.

Can't wait to see more.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-02-2009, 02:43 PM
sculpting looks very impressive! wish I had your skills! and its great to see more people do more uncommon factions in the 40kverse. I shall be watching this one keenly!

09-02-2009, 03:32 PM
sculpting looks very impressive! wish I had your skills! and its great to see more people do more uncommon factions in the 40kverse. I shall be watching this one keenly!
I saw the army you sculpted- I think if you keep working at it you will have all the skills you need.

Thanks for the support. I've really been agonizing over the "fluff" details for Eldar, Exodites, Knights and titans. I didn't know much about them other than they looked cool. I did a bunch of research based around the old knights and I'm trying to take that and bring it into the new era of 40k.

I got one of the old Armorcast ones unpainted on the shelf...already it pales in comparison to this.

LOL- that is what got me started. A few years ago I had one of those TD Armorcast models, but I thought the one they picked wasn't as good as one of the alternate minis (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2375/2327924506_9704fe0caf.jpg?v=0), so I re-sculpted the head to match the TD I liked. When I took it out of the box and compared it to the new models like the plastic Eldar and the Scout Titan, they just didn't aesthetically match. So I scrapped the old sculpting project and started this one.

09-02-2009, 05:19 PM
Looks very promising, but why Exodite?

09-02-2009, 06:07 PM
Looks very promising, but why Exodite?

I may be wrong about this but my understanding of the Eldar Knight titans (not to be confused with dragon knights) were that they were Exodite Lords of royal blood that would lead combat in a small titan that had a single pilot. They used psychic lances and other weapons for herding dinosaurs as well.

The knights are supposed to be ancient constructs passed down from generation to generation. Also there are some references that the Imperial knights were developed by copying Eldar technology during battles over the Maiden worlds.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicles_of_the_Imperium (see knights)

http://www.stephane.info/show.php?code=exodite_project (Knight suit fluff)

09-08-2009, 11:44 AM
Almost finished with the final pieces to the sculpt. I'll post more pics ASAP.

09-30-2009, 09:53 PM
I've roughed/ finished almost all the pieces except the hands, pulsar and scatter laser. I used plasti-tac to hold some of the pieces together to see what the proportions were looking like. So far I'm happy.

This weekend I'll be making some alpha molds for a primary cast and finish set of parts and hopefully finish sculpting the remaining parts.


09-30-2009, 11:36 PM
This is awesome Its so nice to see eldar getting some super heavy love for a change , I was getting bored of seeing warhound after warhound .

10-01-2009, 12:43 PM
This is awesome Its so nice to see eldar getting some super heavy love for a change , I was getting bored of seeing warhound after warhound .

oh yeah i agree, love to see the apoc game it will be (hint hint lol) playing in.

what 40k stats you be using tho????

10-02-2009, 03:25 PM
I'm planning on using the following rules from this site (BoLS):


The Knights are on page 30. I'm also planning on using some of the parts I've made for the TD knight to make a Bright Stallion. I'd love to use that Knight Host in a game :D

I've been working on a back story for my army as well, but I have a ton of purchases to make since currently I only have some dire avengers, a bone singer and this knight I'm building. Until the past few months i was exclusively playing Tyranids.

10-02-2009, 03:30 PM
This is awesome Its so nice to see eldar getting some super heavy love for a change , I was getting bored of seeing warhound after warhound .

I agree- as i said before I usually play Tyranids, and I wanted to sculpt something big for fun. I just could not think of anything I wanted to sculpt for the 'Nids because there is already so much cool stuff on Forge World.

I settled on the Knights because I used to play them in Epic and loved them. Now that i've put some work into this Knight I think I'm going to start a new army :D