View Full Version : *****iness, egos and mines bigger than yours

05-20-2011, 06:06 PM
I have been on many, many forums, some good and some absolutly horrid. What makes a good forum is the people that contribute to the threads. We have all had different hobby experiances. Some paint better than others, some write, while others game like deamons. We all have something to contribute and something to learn. What vexes me is that some people think they know everything. They attack people and their comments as though they are the last word on the matter. Knock that crap off !!

Egos and *****iness doesn't belong on a hobby forum. If you feel so inadequate that you need to belittle others than it becomes clear to most that it is you with the problem. Likewise clever little comments full of sarcasim might appear funny at first but when it is the same people time and time again, it gets old very quickly. Don't be a ***** or an ego maniac because at the end of the day there is always someone who can do things better than you. Don't be a jerk.

Morgan Darkstar
05-20-2011, 06:25 PM
To be honest "this being the first forum i have really been a member of" bols is mostly good compared to others i have seen.

forums are kinda like the real world there will be people who act like dicks however you have to let it go no point in getting mad about it.

anyway i am still trying to get used to this forum etiquette thing so apologies if i have upset anyone by being a overly sarcastic git :D

05-20-2011, 07:08 PM
Yeah trolls are a pain but what can you do.

Except of course be utterly convinced that those who constantly spout certain crap are paid members of GW's web team.....WHAT its not paranoia, China does the exact same thing and no decent human being could call Australian prices right.....

05-20-2011, 10:06 PM
Yes, people can be arses, no question there. But perhaps some other people just need to grow a thicker skin.

It's a bit like people who commit suicide after being hazed on Myspace or Facebook or being emailed and called a whore, etc. I can't help but think it's a good thing and that they're self-cleansing the gene pool.

People should be nicer, sure. But people also need to stop being sissies.

05-21-2011, 02:44 AM
hey BOLS isnt too bad, its nice freindly and loungy! the only problems are:
a) some of the more trolly warseer migrants
B)some of the more trolly trolls!

05-21-2011, 02:51 AM
It's not ego if I'm always right :p

05-21-2011, 03:16 AM
One thing that really gets me about BOLs is some people's inability to spell, even after they have been repeatedly chastised for it in the past.

05-21-2011, 03:25 AM
hey BOLS isnt too bad, its nice freindly and loungy! the only problems are:
a) some of the more trolly warseer migrants
B)some of the more trolly trolls!


05-21-2011, 05:14 AM
Just be glad Melissa doesn't post here anymore.

Morgan Darkstar
05-21-2011, 06:37 AM
Just be glad Melissa doesn't post here anymore.

shhh! she might hear you. :D

05-21-2011, 07:55 AM
Just be glad Melissa doesn't post here anymore.
Have I mssed something? Where has Melissa gone?

05-21-2011, 08:17 AM
I have been on many, many forums, some good and some absolutly horrid. What makes a good forum is the people that contribute to the threads. We have all had different hobby experiances. Some paint better than others, some write, while others game like deamons. We all have something to contribute and something to learn. What vexes me is that some people think they know everything. They attack people and their comments as though they are the last word on the matter. Knock that crap off !!

Egos and *****iness doesn't belong on a hobby forum. If you feel so inadequate that you need to belittle others than it becomes clear to most that it is you with the problem. Likewise clever little comments full of sarcasim might appear funny at first but when it is the same people time and time again, it gets old very quickly. Don't be a ***** or an ego maniac because at the end of the day there is always someone who can do things better than you. Don't be a jerk.

I agree its always distasteful when you read verbal attacks on posts because of a difference of ideas. I have had personal experience of this when I used to use Tau Online (before it went tits up). For some reason one regular poster used to contradict everything I wrote and it got to the point of being nasty. However said poster also used his own real life picture as his avatar. Games Day 09 was funny :D as their weren't many players dressed as harlequins and he was quite easy to find.

05-21-2011, 02:10 PM
Have I mssed something? Where has Melissa gone?

I have been away for a bit. I noticed her on Dakka Dakka, just started coming back to fourms again, so I don't know what is happening in any forum now. Her or Dakka Dakka, on 2 I really go too.

05-21-2011, 02:21 PM
Scientific tests* show that BoLS is the best :D

*well, I asked a few questions re just-for-fun tactics on here, dakkadakk and Libraraim on-line... and the BoLSkateers were able to answer the questions while also not being *****y or stoopid...

05-22-2011, 04:34 PM
Some interesting comments. First let me state that Bol is awesome and I didn't mean to imply that the problem was with Bols or the people theirin. It is an internet given that people will be arses because we can't clip them threw the monitor (I have tried :D ).

faolan thicker skin might be the order of the day but surely we don't have to pounce on ideas that are dis similar to our own and tear them to shreds. Don't we as a group have the right to be treated with respect from our own peers?

Melissa where for art thou. I quite enjoyed Melissa's posts. She was passionate about her army and never gave an inch. None of her posts (that i read)contained verbal attacks or belittled anyone. (btw I'm all for verbal attacks if someone else starts it :D hipocritical I know ). Has it been that she was the victim and left and now we as a online community have lost a true online character?

Perhaps it is all a matter of relavance...I'm of to make an arse of myself on GW Facebook page. Happy gameing.

05-22-2011, 05:03 PM
Right, I like Melissia. She has her own opinions, and she supports and defends them. Loudly. As far as I recall, the closest she really ever got to being insulting normally was saying "I'm right and you're wrong" when someone disagreed with her opinion. Some people just feel insulted when they're told that.

05-23-2011, 04:30 AM
No forum is perfect, the lounge included, nearly all of them do something better then the others - for example BoLS does'nt have the best hobby section in the world, but Warseer and Ammobunker amongst a few others do it really really well.

At the end of the day you just have to grow a thick skin to trolls because they are everywhere, the bigger the forum, the more trolls, simples.

05-23-2011, 07:17 AM
Well, in Spain we have the same problem...

And now is more dangerous, because it has extended to the personal blogs that some of the people casted away from the forums they were banned from...

So now we have here flamer forums and flamer blogs, where people usually tend to insult the other or the persons that think different, not accepting that this hobby is huge and contemplates a lot of aspects: playing, list making, modelling, painting, writing fluff or stories...

05-23-2011, 09:41 PM
Honestly, all the crap I see is the reason I don't post very often on this forum. (Look at my join date)

I have watched threads break down and just turn in to an argument between two people.

I look at people with insanely high post-counts and wonder how much they stay on this forum on any given day.

I've experienced E-drama and people threatening to quit this forum forever. Then coming back.

I've nodded silently in agreement with posters who made an argument (I might not even agree with), when all their opponents could fire back is 'you're wrong' in long-form answer.

I've seen the Female Space Marine threads and the equally as funny Male SoB thread.

...Still my favourite 40K forum. Beats the hell out of Warseer.

Uncle Nutsy
05-25-2011, 12:32 AM

warseer, 40konline, and a lot of other places are just overrun with too much crying, moaning, whining, complaining and just outright SANDY VAGINAS that need to GET OUT OF THE BASEMENT!

It paints the 40k community as a whole in a really bad light.

I haven't really been involved in this hobby as much as a lot of you guys, but I sat there one night thinking about the state of the community and actually questioned why I even bother going to any 40k related boards anymore. Not saying i'm going to quit, just posting something I had on my mind for awhile. If I was going to quit, I'd just delete the bookmarks and move on to a different hobby.

I'm just happy that there's a small 40k group where I live. Oh wait. They moan just as much.

05-25-2011, 07:43 AM
One thing that really gets me about BOLs is some people's inability to spell, even after they have been repeatedly chastised for it in the past.

I have 2 English degrees, on in writing and one in lit, was a newspaper editor at college and taught HS English and I'll be honest: I overlook this every time. I think people that point out spelling inaccuracies and the like come across as bigger douchenozzles, if anything. To top it off, I REALLY hate when people correct other people in public. Social faux pas, if you ask me.

Plenty of people can't spell. Plenty of people have a different first language. I can get past the first without issue, and I'm envious of the second.

And FWIW, I love the BoLS Lounge. I think we have a solid group of people on here, though there have been noticably more troll-douches since Warseer had their downtime.

05-25-2011, 08:36 AM
Xanadu, why all that hatred??

I´m not an english born. I´m from Spain, where the language is not english. We learn english since we are growing and some people even learn french as 3rd language. I myself work at an international airport so I can talk with you in english and maybe you shouldn´t say that I don´t make me understand... But not all the people have the access or the skills necesary to do that.

In the other hand... How many english people from UK or USA tend to speak a 2nd language? You would be surprised, so don´t be so bollock and selfish with that, be more comprehensive with all those people!!

05-25-2011, 10:08 AM
There are certain people who are a little misunderstanding of my viewpoint, I never chastise non-native speakers of languages, that is sheer bigotism, and I am very understanding to people who make errors in english. However, those who speak and write english as a first language should, on principle be able to type a message, proofread and submit. I quote (with personal modification):

'It isn't like you can just piss in the wind just because its the internet, people will read your viewpoint, and are less likely to empathise or even bother to read them if its full of spelling errors.'

One of the worst culprits, I must say is Fuzzbuket, who's drivel makes me shudder every time I read his poorly worded and spelt posts. I know for a fact that s/he is british (like myself) without any problems in writing ability having claimed so in previous posts.

I can assure you that the extent of my spanish isn't even worth reproducing here, but as I am almost fluent in french and german, I resent being thought of as arrogant and unappreciative of the beauty of communicating and affecting others the other side of the world.

In summary, I am not a racist nor a bigot, and can understand that people are trying their hardest to write clearly. I merely want those who speak the language natively, who have the ability to use spellcheckers to use them, who are very capable of doing so, should attempt to maintain a high quality of post.

05-25-2011, 10:35 AM
are we looking for opinnions, solutions or philosophy?

for a first I'd have to offer that in my oppinion forums are lowest level of hobby-"life" you can find. It's where people can show off and emphasize their ego without anyone beeing able to challenge them in a physical or hobby oriented way. It is where all those people gather that would be simply told to STFU in their local group (we have one of those "typical" warseer guys visit our local store from time to time and it is FUNNY how easy it is to make him shut up by challenging his "indefeatable imba list" and killing all his guys without loosing mroe than 2-3 models. thats not boasting about my skills but just a testament on how bad that person is...)

those people can savely enjoy their biggotry in forums and ruin the fun for any "normal" person. the quality of a forum depends on how few of those and how many propper users you have.

solutions I can offer only a few. dont take forum people any serious until they have proofen competence. depending on how much trollblood runs in your veins you can either ignore or make fun of the people you deem incompetent but never ever try and convince everyone. Part of this is also haveing your own opinion, believing in yourself and researching/training stuff yourself. This is less of a problem with painting (thats why I moved my attention mostly to conversion and painting segments and less and less to rules/tactics areas) as there are mostly people who accquired skills in practice and not only think they have skill because they can parrot what others say (like with tactics/army lists).

philosophy... well if you go zen all about this topic then you have to wonder/realice that maybe the trolls are the smartest people... accepting the generall fact that many (most?) people on the net act like a$$hats and make the most enjoyable out of it for themselves...
like "if you cant kill them, exploit them!".

05-25-2011, 10:39 AM
I can assure you that the extent of my spanish isn't even worth reproducing here, but as I am almost fluent in french and german, I resent being thought of as arrogant and unappreciative of the beauty of communicating and affecting others the other side of the world.

He really wasn't pointing you out; rather, I think it was probably more a dig at Americans and quite frankly, it's an appropriate one. I've heard on more than one occasion, "Quit speaking Mexican" said in light of any Hispanic person. It's racist, ignorant, and sadly pretty common in the US. I wish I spoke another language. They don't teach them early enough in US schools, or even offer them in many due to budget cuts.

In summary, I am not a racist nor a bigot, and can understand that people are trying their hardest to write clearly. I merely want those who speak the language natively, who have the ability to use spellcheckers to use them, who are very capable of doing so, should attempt to maintain a high quality of post.

While admirable, you still have to remember that this is still the internet, and it is still a safe haven for anonymous ignorance.

05-25-2011, 10:47 AM
In the other hand... How many english people from UK or USA tend to speak a 2nd language? You would be surprised, so don´t be so bollock and selfish with that, be more comprehensive with all those people!!

If you speak 3 languages, you're gifted. If you speak 2, you're from Europe. If you speak 1, you're an American:p. Plus, the real purpose of the war on terror was to teach Americans geography (http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/world_according_to_americans.png);).

05-25-2011, 10:49 AM
If you speak 3 languages, you're gifted. If you speak 2, you're from Europe. If you speak 1, you're an American:p. Plus, the real purpose of the war on terror was to teach Americans geography (http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/world_according_to_americans.png);).

Oh DarkLink; I'm so embarrassed that it's true.

And strangely, all the people I know that are multi-lingual are from Africa....

05-25-2011, 11:45 AM
That´s another common error...

I as I told you work at an airport and I speak with USA citizens daily. Most of them point sometimes that Mexico is excellent or that this country has cold cities to be at Northern Africa.

Obviously I always want to make a facepalm but I need always to remember them that Spain is in EUROPE, not in Northern Africa or Mexico...

Xanadu, I wasn´t telling you´re a racist, I started from your post only to go general and say that usually saxon people and cultures tend to think they´re the center of the world and that they´re the ones... The example?

On this same forum I usually tend to speak about Games Day that were celebrated in Europe, where most of the World´s best painters live. And how many answers had that threads? NONE.

Last month, two Spanish Painters were 3rds on CMON´s Crystal Brush in Chicago. And they paint for trades like Nocturna, Knightmodels and more on.

Sorry for this offtopic.

PD: I speak spanish (my language) and english. And learning some italian, japanese, german and french, not all at the same time but working on my job make me learn some sentences and words

05-25-2011, 11:58 AM
Some people may have dyslexia. Lets not let a thread about how arguments are a bad thing, devolve into arguments.

05-25-2011, 12:07 PM
Last month, two Spanish Painters were 3rds on CMON´s Crystal Brush in Chicago. And they paint for trades like Nocturna, Knightmodels and more on.

I was there, and I agree Marn... the stuff done by the dude that painted the Iron Man, Thor, etc. was, in my unprofessional opinion, better than the winners... I think the Crystal Brush ended up being more a popularity contest/who's name do I recognize contest.

05-25-2011, 12:50 PM
Just be glad Melissa doesn't post here anymore.

Massively agreed.

The Lounge is one of the more laid back, easy to read and hang out in forums I have ever seen.

I love this place.

Uncle Nutsy
05-27-2011, 04:43 PM
agreed buffo. i've been to warseer, and was promtly treated like crap for some reason or other. same with 40kOnline. one mod there is a complete idiot and doesn't really listen to reason. and librarium online is just a waste of braincells.

But here, i can actually relax, joke about, let loose with "undesirable" language and generally have a good time. I just wish more of the 40k internet community were more like you guys.

05-29-2011, 10:31 AM
Oh DarkLink; I'm so embarrassed that it's true.

And strangely, all the people I know that are multi-lingual are from Africa....

Ahh but most of us Brits CAN speak 2 different languages. You just have to watch Booze Britain to see when we've been drinking were all quite capable of speaking bollocks. I happily count myself amongst them and have featured on said program over an argument about my subway sandwich.

Lord Azaghul
06-02-2011, 09:44 AM
Massively agreed.

The Lounge is one of the more laid back, easy to read and hang out in forums I have ever seen.

I love this place.

HOLY CRAP...that's honestly enough to make to log in for the first time after 11 months...

BTW - BUFFO dig your new sig...starting up Khador myself...anyone wanna buy a SM army!:D

06-02-2011, 12:57 PM
Now then now then BuffO just because you've chilled out in your old age - Meliissia was a character, - as per Pulp Fiction, personality goes a long way.

@ M'Lord Azaghul no thanks, we'll wait for rock bottom ebay prices when ship jumpers get desperate.:D

06-02-2011, 04:31 PM
Just be glad Melissa doesn't post here anymore.

Exhibit 'A' for the OP, I believe.

06-03-2011, 10:17 AM
hey if you want cockiness and egos



06-03-2011, 11:42 AM
I use to post on 40k online until I got sick of it. I will not go into detail but I got flamed multiple times by mods and members of the forum. This is one of the only forums I've been to were my poor spelling has not caused a flame war/gotten me ousted by the community.

I think that says alot about BoLS lounge over any other 40k message board.

Uncle Nutsy
06-03-2011, 11:47 AM
I use to post on 40k online until I got sick of it. I will not go into detail but I got flamed multiple times by mods and members of the forum. This is one of the only forums I've been to were my poor spelling has not caused a flame war/gotten me ousted by the community.

I think that says alot about BoLS lounge over any other 40k message board.

you too huh? awesome.

yeah there's one mod there that thinks he's some kind of town sheriff or something, when all he really is is just a tosser with an ego.

06-03-2011, 11:59 AM
I use to post on 40k online until I got sick of it. I will not go into detail but I got flamed multiple times by mods and members of the forum. This is one of the only forums I've been to were my poor spelling has not caused a flame war/gotten me ousted by the community.

I think that says alot about BoLS lounge over any other 40k message board.

I never understand all the online-English scholars and champion spellers. If that's what you're using as ammo for a discussion, then it clearly indicates the lack of something elsewhere.

06-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Some people may have dyslexia. Lets not let a thread about how arguments are a bad thing, devolve into arguments.

Agreed, it's just silly and inverted if it does :|

06-03-2011, 04:12 PM
I left for a while when things got a bit nasty here. At one point I could not seem to post anything without getting flamed, although I confess to probably having been one of the sarcastic people referenced above. In my own defense, I usually held fire until someone was really causing trouble, then I directed it at them. Still, I should have taken the higher road. I'm not sure why some people feel the need to lash out to start with. Maybe they have had some bad days at work or are generally unhappy in their off-line lives and so they take it out on others. Perhaps the anonymity contributes to this.

The good news is that it seems like there is a bit more collegiality lately. Threads like this are evidence of it. I have always enjoyed your posts Buffo, but am a little sorry to hear Melissa is gone. I thought she was kind of funny in a way even though I often disagreed with her. Regarding spelling, we probably should go easy on it with some exceptions. If a post is so poorly composed that it does not make sense, then that is clearly cause for concern.

It also seems like the quality of a lot of the posts have gone up since I was away. There are a lot of really intelligent people out there with clever ideas.

Overall BOLS remains a great forum.

06-03-2011, 06:47 PM
Dunno about cleverness i had to look up collegiality...

06-03-2011, 08:30 PM
Yeah, I don't really miss Melissa, or all her supporters that came out of the woodwork and blindly agreed with everything she said.

I used to post a lot on 40K online (and before that, Eldar Online) and Bolter and Chainsword.

I checked back recently, and they both seem pretty bad. 40K online has gone from Eldar Online -> 40K Online
-> Space Marines Online.

B&C is especially scary (Don't get me wrong, it's a great resource for SMs. I used to go to the Dark Angels forums a lot) because of the complete lack of knowledge related to other, non SM armies.

Don't even get me started on Tau online. Take one look at the experimental rules.

Honestly, BoLS Lounge is probably one of the better hobby forums out there. They are quite close in tone to the original GW forums way back in the day.

Commissar Lewis
06-03-2011, 08:43 PM
Huh, I hadn't noticed that Melissia wasn't about here anymore; then again I've been scarce the last several months, mostly in a drunken haze. Enjoying my newfound legal drinking age privileges and all that. Shame, I always did enjoy her posts and wit.

I did see her comment on a rather asinine article on a gaming blog where this so-called "journalist" claimed that W40k: Space Marine ripped off Gears of War, using the flimsiest of reasons. He was grasping around in the dark for the proverbial bra clasp, this alleged journalist.

06-04-2011, 07:21 AM
Now then now then BuffO just because you've chilled out in your old age - Meliissia was a character, - as per Pulp Fiction, personality goes a long way.

Pulp Fiction? I am no fan of Quentin's movies, but even I know that Pulp Fiction was a decent movie. Melissa belongs in Jackie Brown. You know, the Q.T. movie no one knows existed nor seen because it is complete and utter garbage?

My old age? If my arthritis allowed me to get up out of my chair I would whoop you one four!

agreed buffo. i've been to warseer, and was promtly treated like crap for some reason or other. same with 40kOnline. one mod there is a complete idiot and doesn't really listen to reason. and librarium online is just a waste of braincells.

40kOnline is a travesty of a forum. I got banned there because little did I know that the 'old timer' posters and moderators are best friends, and if you cross one of those posters, the Mods make your life so hard by changing your posts, and giving you warnings for bad grammar. I wanted to test something out there, so I literally copied a post made by one of those posters that the mods love so much, and posted the copied thread myself. The post was filled with so much flame bait that I knew if I wrote it, I would be banned. I was banned for posting flame bait.

I was a bit worried here on the Lounge for a bit because when the lounge first started, Melissa decided to make this place her sh!tting grounds like she does on other forums. I was complaining about Melissa constantly to the mods here, but nothing was getting done about her attitude and flame baiting ways. I figured it was just the typical "mods won't ban women because mods are idiots who like breasts" sort of deal. You always get that on forums, where the mods show leniency for female posters. Whatever happened to her, I am glad she stopped posting here. I was seriously getting pissed at the Lounge and the mods here because for months Melisa was literally calling posters idiots, and the mods were doing nothing. You can't do that on the bigger forums and get away with it for long.

06-04-2011, 07:45 AM
I like Melissia, even if I don't agree with how she expresses her opinions sometimes.

BoLS is easily the best wargaming forum I've seen and I visit dozens regularly while trawling for rumours. Warseer, for all the whining does have an excellent plog section and the rumourmongers are top notch but the attitude of a lot of the regular posters I find abhorrent.

Uncle Nutsy
06-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Melisa was literally calling posters idiots, and the mods were doing nothing. You can't do that on the bigger forums and get away with it for long.

see, i'm the kind of guy who would rather slap someone for pulling this kind of garbage than just roll over and let it happen. and if she called me an idiot, i'd slap her around too.

the folks over at 40konline forgot one critical thing: their board is one of dozens of wh40k boards on the net, if not hundreds. the mods there think they're something special when really, they're not. Treat people right and people will stick around. Treat people like garbage and pull elitist bull**** and people leave.

they can have their little pissing grounds and think they're something special, for all I care.

06-04-2011, 02:44 PM
see, i'm the kind of guy who would rather slap someone for pulling this kind of garbage than just roll over and let it happen. and if she called me an idiot, i'd slap her around too.

I agree, but here is the thing...

I was in the army. I learned to respect authority, not out of blind respect, but because authority IS authority. Many people, most women especially, go through life with an air of entitlement. They lack any respect for authority because they are used to getting their way.

When I first started complaining about Melissa here, the complaints fell on deaf ears. The mods didn't give a crap. She then started complaining about me, and I immediately was getting warnings and PM's. For months she kept on calling posters idiots and I decided to just back off and ignore her. She felt entitled to act like a spoiled brat, because on other forums, she treats male posters the same way, and gets away with it.

So I respected the authority here, but she didn't. She lacked the intelligence and honor to be an adult, why? She has breasts. The mods like breasts. Done. It isn't more complicated than that. Entitlement versus honor is an age old battle.

For whatever reason, she doesn't smear her vile snail trail here anymore, of which I am glad. Not for myself, but any new user that would see her filth and think "Didn't I just LEAVE Warsewer/40KrapOnline?"

Posters, their ePeens and eGos. Never a dull moment.

Hive Mind
06-04-2011, 03:19 PM
She lacked intelligence and honour because she had breasts.

Awesome. Melissia bad, raging misogyny good.

06-04-2011, 03:24 PM
I have been following the GW censorship thread closely in the News and Rumours section. That thread shows to me just how a debate on here can degenerate into verbal bashing from certain members. Don't kid yourselves in thinking these forums are any friendlier than others. There is without doubt a "club" of regular posters who are quite happy and seem to relish the opportunity to belittle others because of a view. Personal comments soon follow. I hate to say it but there are people in our hobby who seem empowered to trash talk someone behind the safety of their keyboard because they never would in the real world.

06-04-2011, 06:04 PM
I have been following the GW censorship thread closely in the News and Rumours section. That thread shows to me just how a debate on here can degenerate into verbal bashing from certain members. Don't kid yourselves in thinking these forums are any friendlier than others. There is without doubt a "club" of regular posters who are quite happy and seem to relish the opportunity to belittle others because of a view. Personal comments soon follow. I hate to say it but there are people in our hobby who seem empowered to trash talk someone behind the safety of their keyboard because they never would in the real world.

I know I'm a hypocrite for saying this, especially considering the nature of my first post ever, but ^this 100 times. I know it's an internet wide problem but people will always say things on forums they would never say in real life becuase A. they can hide behind a computer and B. the idea that someone will actually pay attention to it.

However, I will say the greatest thing about our hobby is, in the end, that it encrouages socially acceptable behavoir simply becuase it is a social hobby. People that are forced to interact with other people (and do so well if they want to get a game in) will have an easier time treating each other with respect on forums related to that hobby. Least, so I would hope.

Uncle Nutsy
06-04-2011, 06:21 PM
I agree, but here is the thing...

I was in the army. I learned to respect authority, not out of blind respect, but because authority IS authority. Many people, most women especially, go through life with an air of entitlement. They lack any respect for authority because they are used to getting their way.

When I first started complaining about Melissa here, the complaints fell on deaf ears. The mods didn't give a crap. She then started complaining about me, and I immediately was getting warnings and PM's. For months she kept on calling posters idiots and I decided to just back off and ignore her. She felt entitled to act like a spoiled brat, because on other forums, she treats male posters the same way, and gets away with it.

So I respected the authority here, but she didn't. She lacked the intelligence and honor to be an adult, why? She has breasts. The mods like breasts. Done. It isn't more complicated than that. Entitlement versus honor is an age old battle.

For whatever reason, she doesn't smear her vile snail trail here anymore, of which I am glad. Not for myself, but any new user that would see her filth and think "Didn't I just LEAVE Warsewer/40KrapOnline?"

Posters, their ePeens and eGos. Never a dull moment.

Ain't that the truth. I also came from a similar background. what I learned there, among other things, is this: Authority is there to keep things civil between people, show an example to others and is generally there to keep things from falling to ****.

but when that same authority displays favoritism to others, especially when those others run roughshod around the place like it's their personal playground, I can't respect that.

06-04-2011, 11:42 PM
I always saw you and Melissia as two sides of the same coin funnily enough, both opinionated and colourful in your expression of that opinion. (this is a compliment by the way):rolleyes:

It isn't most women though, its most people. Mostly middle class too. I'm not saying modern women don't have their issues mind you, but don't get me started on that.

Which reminds me, one of the big problems with internet debate is that people don't seem to be able to seperate a difference of opinion with the person. For example, I disagree with BuFFo on quite a few things. Do I dislike BuFFo? No, he amuses me. I disagreed with Necron2.0 over Finecast. Quite strongly. Do I dislike Necron2.0? No, I enjoy reading his posts, they always contribute something even if I disagree with his opinion. Etcetera. I may disagree with someone, I may even find their opinion offensive in some extreme cases but I don't make the jump to considering them offensive.

I agree, but here is the thing...

I was in the army. I learned to respect authority, not out of blind respect, but because authority IS authority. Many people, most women especially, go through life with an air of entitlement. They lack any respect for authority because they are used to getting their way.

When I first started complaining about Melissa here, the complaints fell on deaf ears. The mods didn't give a crap. She then started complaining about me, and I immediately was getting warnings and PM's. For months she kept on calling posters idiots and I decided to just back off and ignore her. She felt entitled to act like a spoiled brat, because on other forums, she treats male posters the same way, and gets away with it.

So I respected the authority here, but she didn't. She lacked the intelligence and honor to be an adult, why? She has breasts. The mods like breasts. Done. It isn't more complicated than that. Entitlement versus honor is an age old battle.

For whatever reason, she doesn't smear her vile snail trail here anymore, of which I am glad. Not for myself, but any new user that would see her filth and think "Didn't I just LEAVE Warsewer/40KrapOnline?"

Posters, their ePeens and eGos. Never a dull moment.

06-05-2011, 10:16 PM
I know I'm a hypocrite for saying this, especially considering the nature of my first post ever, but ^this 100 times. I know it's an internet wide problem but people will always say things on forums they would never say in real life becuase A. they can hide behind a computer and B. the idea that someone will actually pay attention to it.

Your hypocrisy---overwhelming.

06-06-2011, 07:14 AM
Which reminds me, one of the big problems with internet debate is that people don't seem to be able to seperate a difference of opinion with the person. For example, I disagree with BuFFo on quite a few things. Do I dislike BuFFo? No, he amuses me. I disagreed with Necron2.0 over Finecast. Quite strongly. Do I dislike Necron2.0? No, I enjoy reading his posts, they always contribute something even if I disagree with his opinion. Etcetera. I may disagree with someone, I may even find their opinion offensive in some extreme cases but I don't make the jump to considering them offensive.


06-06-2011, 07:46 AM
I sure love me some Eldargal!


Because she is highly intelligent and... wait...

You put statements you are quoting at the BOTTOM of your responses? Why the F would you do that!?!?!? It makes reading your post friggin annoying as fudge!

I take that back... Eldargal infuriates me...

06-06-2011, 07:46 AM
I also agree with eldargal!!