View Full Version : How important are bases?

05-18-2011, 04:27 PM
I run a Chaos Daemons army in 40k, and have recently been considering using them in Fantasy.

Now, to save myself some bother I've been thinking about rebasing everything onto the square fantasty bases and just running them that way in 40k as well.

Is this a big deal?

05-18-2011, 04:33 PM
In my opinion it's not a big deal, no. It is obviously not exactly the same, since it changes the footprints of the models, which will affect things such as spacing, marker and template hits, etc. But (speaking from a non-tournament perspective, here) the difference is not big enough to be material to a reasonable player in my view.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-18-2011, 04:49 PM
Since WHFB units are often placed on movement trays, maybe just make some movement trays to accommodate the round bases? (25mm round is slightly smaller than 25mm square.)

Would be quicker and easier, and leave 'em good for both systems.

05-18-2011, 04:58 PM
I was under the impression people put them in Lord of the Rings movement trays to deal with this. I've never seen it done first hand though so I have no yardstick for the effectiveness.

05-18-2011, 04:59 PM
EDIT: Sorry, off analysis. Forget I said anything =P

05-18-2011, 05:04 PM
Square bases in Fantasy are *hugely* important. Every model in a regiment must be in clean base contact with the model next to it. The shape of the base affects everything from unit spacing (round bases would change everything here) to unit facing. With a round base, you wouldn't be able to accurately discern a flank from a front, among other things.

As a fairly relaxed Fantasy player, I still would not play against someone using round bases, it wouldn't even be possible to follow some of the rules.

05-18-2011, 06:02 PM
THe old second ed Tyranid metals were all on square bases, and if you check some of the more recent apoc tyranid stuff that showcases some of the GW teams models, they have a bunch of those tyranids still in use, so this shows how much of a non-hard-and-fast rule it is for at least casual play (Apoc is seriously casual play).

Tournament, it would be up the TO of course.

Square is the way to go for dual purpose. You could make them so they can run on either base, with just a little bit of work.

John >

05-18-2011, 06:02 PM
Just put them on round bases and use the LoTR movement trays for Fantasy.

On that note, I would never let my opponent use square bases in 40K. Pretty much where I draw the line for counts-as/proxies.

05-18-2011, 06:24 PM
No matter what movement trays you use, round bases still break the rules of Fantasy, because models are on very specifically sized bases and square bases have specific facings, which must be measured from the corners of the base. Round bases lack corners.

05-18-2011, 07:07 PM
Make lines on the movement trays to show where the bases should be. You shouldn't have any problem with corner-to-corner after that. It should be no different than using square bases with a movement tray.

Fantasy probably doesn't even need to be played with actual models. Just movement trays if you really want to be creative/lazy.

05-18-2011, 07:18 PM
Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the right bases and put them on than go and make lines on all your bases? Not to mention you can't exactly shrink round bases if the need arises. Not sure on the base sizes for all the demon models, but there are plenty of armies in Fantasy that use smaller bases than 40k models do.

05-18-2011, 07:41 PM
Not if you want to use your army for both 40K and Fantasy (Like the OP wants to do), which is the point of putting them on round bases (And buying LoTR movement trays for Fantasy)

I don't know what you're talking about 'shrinking'. It's simple; you put the bases in the movement tray with the appropriate number of models. Then, you mark the spots where the bases should touch each other. Presto, you have Chaos Daemons that you can use in both 40K and Fantasy. All that really matters is the unit 'footprint', and not that each unit goes on a square base.

Since most people use movement trays in Fantasy anyways, it doesn't really do anything to affect the game that much.

Brass Scorpion
05-18-2011, 10:44 PM
I run a Chaos Daemons army in 40k, and have recently been considering using them in Fantasy.

Now, to save myself some bother I've been thinking about rebasing everything onto the square fantasty bases and just running them that way in 40k as well.

Is this a big deal?I've been doing it that way for 2 decades and never had a problem, but I only play with friends. Exact base sizes are much more crucial in Fantasy than 40K and a 25mm is a 25mm pretty much square or round, so I go with the square for the ranking up necessity of Fantasy.

Emerald Rose Widow
05-19-2011, 02:08 AM
One option I have heard used for switching like this is magnetizing the feet of your models and the bottom of your bases, and when you switch in between game types just switch out your bases. Get the right magnets and this is perfect, bigger magnets for the big units, small magnets for the 25mm ones. This would satisfy anyone who would have reason to complain at all about the inability to follow certain rules as you would use square bases on them when its fantasy, and just switch to the round for 40k. The added benefit is that with 40 many of the measurements go to the base, and if there is that extra corner sticking out that can fake it being closer and might be disadvantageous. So it has dual benefits, and keeps people from crying foul play.

just an idea though.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
05-19-2011, 05:57 AM
Well for anyone to wanting to make their army look even better, i'd say the question is how far are you willing to go to make them look just that much better?

For all my Salamander SM's i have ordered pre-painted lava bases from a guy on Ebay. Looks fantastic with every figure i have on those. Needed to buy like 10 packets of ten bases and a few Dreadnought bases too do it all.
Now im buying 300+ city ruin bases from another person for all my SoB, and to top it all off, i found a guy who will do custom work bases so he is making me ruin corners on 25mm bases for 3 squads of Seraphins to be based on.
When i have the bases which im very happy to be paying for his work will post them on BoLs, for anyone else who wants his great work.
So, to answer your question, bases are a great way to make your army stand out that little more. Don't forget they have to be legal for the game though.

05-19-2011, 07:01 AM
I'm making up my daemons army for 40k and Fantasy, and around here people would rather see square in fantasy than round in Fantasy.

I'm magnetizing everything. 20-30 dollars in Rare Earth magnets is more than enough to do the entire army on two bases, with magnets left over for mounts and equipment (gift) options. IMO, it's the way to go.

I've got a misty-base thing going on so the magnets are well-hidden.

Whatever you go with, just check with your local TOs so you can still participate in tourneys if you want to.

05-19-2011, 09:05 AM

Problem solved.


05-19-2011, 10:14 AM
Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the right bases and put them on than go and make lines on all your bases? Not to mention you can't exactly shrink round bases if the need arises. Not sure on the base sizes for all the demon models, but there are plenty of armies in Fantasy that use smaller bases than 40k models do.

Sir, the point of my question was using the square fantasy bases in 40k.

05-19-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm making up my daemons army for 40k and Fantasy, and around here people would rather see square in fantasy than round in Fantasy.

I'm magnetizing everything. 20-30 dollars in Rare Earth magnets is more than enough to do the entire army on two bases, with magnets left over for mounts and equipment (gift) options. IMO, it's the way to go.

I've got a misty-base thing going on so the magnets are well-hidden.

Whatever you go with, just check with your local TOs so you can still participate in tourneys if you want to.

How did you do your magnetizing?

Someone at my local store recommended mounting the models to washers and magnetizing the bases.

05-19-2011, 11:08 AM
I just use CA glue to adhere a set of magnets to the base and the model (Tzeentch daemons can usually get away with a single pair of magnets) then when that dries I re-enforce it with a little epoxy to keep it firmly on. My Daemon Prince required two sets on each foot, but with four sets of earth magnets in contact, he's there to stay. A metal washer would have been nice on the top of the base, but the sheer strength of using the two magnets in contact is worth the trouble. The main obstacle for others would be how to disguise the magnet, which might require drilling.

A small amount of metal on the model and a magnet in the base might work as well.

For the plastic models, the cotton I use tends to help support the model, actually. Working well so far, but I only have a unit of Tzeentch Pink Horrors, some Heralds of Tzeentch (one with a disc), three flamers, and a daemon prince actually done so far. The metal flamers are the biggest problem, but even they stay decently.

05-19-2011, 10:49 PM
Actually sir, I found something that solves all your problems there.

Allows you to use 40k based Daemons for Fantasy.

Back 2 Basix conversion tray. (http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=64)

Farseer Uthiliesh
05-20-2011, 07:04 AM
Round bases lack corners.

Who would have thought?! :D

The Madman
05-20-2011, 07:39 AM
its amazing that so many people seem to have forgotten that almost every unit in Fantasy uses movement trays thus round bases won't matter. all chaos daemon infantry are on orc bases which are bigger then the 25m round bases so using the movement trays from LOTRs and the ones from 3rd parties should work the only problem bases i can think of is the 60mm round bases (monster base) as it might be bigger then the fantasy monster base (at college right now so i can't confirm).

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
05-20-2011, 07:43 AM
Well considering you posted in the 40k section prepare for rond corner base responses.

05-20-2011, 08:30 AM
I use rare earth magnets underneath my round bases and affix them to the tops of the square bases. With both magnets lined up and the bases appropriatley painted I can use them for both games. Make sure you set the miniatures up so that they form your fantasy unit blocks without getting in each others way, and you can even have the movement trays with magnetic sheets to hold the miniatures down so that miniatures like the standard bearer do not keep falling over all the time.

You can probably work out a system to incorporate the larger base sizes for both gaming systems. I find that the cavalry bases for 40K need to go under the cavalry bases for fantasy, and so on. You will have to just experiment with them.

05-20-2011, 08:54 AM
If you were playing me, it wold be ok. I can't believe with all the experiance people have on here, some of you guys are being so anal about square bases in 40K.

Are you telling me that you wouldn't be able to judge using a square base? OH get off your high horse it is not much of a difference, this is a game for fun. I can't believe some of the comments on here.

Oh well would you expect any less, coming from some men who play with over priced plastic toysoldiers? Come on it's a game for un, ease up.

Do you really have to WIN at a plastic toy soldier game? Get a life guys.

05-20-2011, 11:21 AM
Pin it...

05-21-2011, 10:14 PM
If you were playing me, it wold be ok. I can't believe with all the experiance people have on here, some of you guys are being so anal about square bases in 40K.

Are you telling me that you wouldn't be able to judge using a square base? OH get off your high horse it is not much of a difference, this is a game for fun. I can't believe some of the comments on here.

Oh well would you expect any less, coming from some men who play with over priced plastic toysoldiers? Come on it's a game for un, ease up.

Do you really have to WIN at a plastic toy soldier game? Get a life guys.

All I said was that I would never play against square bases in 40K. Not quite sure how this affects you, and why you should be so offended.

My favourite part was when you told me to get off my high horse, and then called us men who play with over-priced plastic soldiers. And then told me to get a life.

Anyways, I gave my idea to the OP, and it's up him to do whatever he wants to do. (Obviously). I'm not going to track him down, go to his house, and shake him down until he plays like I play.