View Full Version : GKs' Grand Strategy and Combat Squads

05-18-2011, 08:09 AM
Okay, just a quick clarification to see if people agree that this is the way it's played (as written)

GM's Grand Strategy allows you to select d3 units and nominate one 'strategy' that they all gain. This is done before deployment.

Combat squads is done after deployment, so if you had a roll of 3 on grand strategy, technically you could give three inteceptor squads 'scoring' and then combat squad them?

This seems like a really nice way to get -lots- of scoring units on the table, half of which can make a 30" shunt move end-game to capture objectives.

Clarification would be appreciated.

05-18-2011, 08:57 AM
Actually, Combat Squad happens during deployment, not after.

Either way, you're correct, it happens after a unit gains the rule granted by Grand Strategy.

6 Grand Strategy-affected units is possible with 1 Grey Knight Grand Master.

05-18-2011, 09:18 AM
All of those six squads could do a 30" shunt, if they're all interceptors that have been split up. Combat squads become separate units, so each one can shunt independently of the others.

05-18-2011, 10:59 AM
Was just thinking you'd probably use three to shunt 30" turn 1 to gun for rear, and 3 for a last turn contest/claim shunt. Sounds pretty useful to me :)

05-18-2011, 01:31 PM
Ah, yeah. I though your were thinking that only 3 of the units could shunt.

05-18-2011, 01:45 PM
Grey Knights are too expensive to go hide in a corner all game just to do a last turn shunt contest. But a 5 man squad is too fragile to expect to live through the whole game even if they are sitting in cover shooting.

Personally, I think 30 interceptors is about 20 too many, but if you really want to play it that way and want to keep half the combat squads around for last turn shunt contest/claims, I suggest you buy two psycannons for the squad, and take both pcycannons in the combat squad you want to keep for contesting/claiming and put them in a rhino so they can shoot and be safe from attack until someone pops the rhino.

There is also the added potential benefit that your opponent will forget they are interceptors if they are in the rhino and I cannot see the actual models. Would make for quite a nasty surprise I am sure, although just make sure you do not forget as well. ;)

The only issue is that you cannot buy rhinos for interceptors, so you will need some other squad to buy the rhino for them.

But personally, I would take scout on interceptors, since I see no reason why you cannot make your shunt move during the scout move, and then have a 12" move and 6" assault, which basically guarantees a first turn charge. 6 of those squads and potentially 3 dreadknights following in a turn later could really mess with someone's battle plan. Just a shame interceptors are not that great in CC with only 1 base A. Personally, I use them more as a distraction/disruption unit to tie up enemy infantry based long-range firepower. If you expect them to dominate most opponents in CC like BA, I fear you may be disappointed.

05-23-2011, 07:07 PM
Quick Question.

My Paladin with a psycannon can be equipped with falchions right? The entry shows I change his storm bolter for the cannon and then his sword for the pair. Am I missing something because no one seems to be doing this?

05-23-2011, 07:53 PM
You are correct.

05-25-2011, 01:24 PM
Personally, I think 30 interceptors is about 20 too many, but if you really want to play it that way and want to keep half the combat squads around for last turn shunt contest/claims, I suggest you buy two psycannons for the squad, and take both pcycannons in the combat squad you want to keep for contesting/claiming and put them in a rhino so they can shoot and be safe from attack until someone pops the rhino.

I am pretty sure you can't put Jump Infantry into a Rhino (or am I thinking of Terminators?). You can buy them a Storm Raven which can have jump infantry.

05-25-2011, 01:37 PM
I am pretty sure you can't put Jump Infantry into a Rhino (or am I thinking of Terminators?).
No, you're quite right about that. Only infantry can go into a transport unless otherwise specified, and jump infantry are not infantry.