View Full Version : Colour scheme advice T.A.U. (The Amazonian Union)

05-18-2011, 03:24 AM
I've started a little side army which I'm going to add to slowly whilst we wait for a new Tau codex.

I'm looking for some advice on how to paint them? There's always the classic Tau orange/brown, but I'm leaning towards blue/turquoise.

Thanks very much.

The Amazonian Union (T.A.U.)

Background is basically the 97th Cadian all female guard regiment abandoned by the Empire to [insert xenos threat here, probably tyranids] and have joined with the Tau for mutual protection. Their courage in turning back the [aforementioned xenos] from a threatened Tau Sept world have earned them special favour and unique equipment as the Tau seek to strengthen their borders with buffer worlds loyal to the greater good.

T.A.U. Archangels:

A rare gift of crisis suit technology has been forged by the remains of the local adeptus mechanicus (equally disenchanted with their former masters) into powered exosuits. The wings are just for show (see sanguinary guard) I cant decide if they should be solid or painted as some sort of holographic projections.


T.A.U fire guard

The best markswomen of the regiment earn Tau pulse rifles to fight with. I gave them blank faceplates as my sculpting skill is not up to doing regular sized female faces and other options are limited.


T.A.U. Windriders

This is a but silly but I really fancied having a model surfing on a Tau drone so here it is (counts as gun drone).


T.A.U. Huntresses

One of the T.A.U. worlds is heavily forested. Some of the women choose to live there in a near feral state and have learned much from the kroot tribes that have also settled there in recent years. These are pretty much just dark eldar wyches with some predator style shoulder guns.


05-18-2011, 04:22 AM
Love the idea

Full on love it

As for paintscheme i'm always a fan of traditional Tau brown. But in the case of this, the Tau colour (whatever you should choose) should only be a highlight colour, with the colours of the former regiment showing through most strongly. Sure they were abandoned, but they are still proud of the regiments history

05-18-2011, 04:51 AM
Nice models mate, and nice background as well, good excuse to use humies in Tau equipment. :D

As for colour scheme, you could always experiment with something Imperial Guard'ish, to tie in the army with its IG history, but then use some more exotic colours to denote rank etc etc.

As for the wings, I'd go for a holographic look, that suits the Tau nicely.

Drew da Destroya
05-18-2011, 07:45 AM
I might go with a Jungle Camo style... you've already got tropical jungle tie-ins (Amazons and the Kroot Girls), so it'd make sense. Greens, Browns, etc, with a bright spot color, like Orange, Red, Blue, etc. Think Poison Dart Frogs.

And definitely holograms for the wings, kind of like your Thousand Sons.

05-18-2011, 03:27 PM
I'd go for mostly an imperial guard colour scheme, with a contrasting colour for the Tau bits, to make it clear that these were once Imperial units who have been given Tau Tech. Will you be using Necroumnda escher at all or is it cheaper to use plastics?

11-30-2011, 04:07 PM
Needs updated pics otherwise, awesome.

heretic marine
11-30-2011, 08:47 PM
wow this is amazing