View Full Version : What army should I start next?

05-18-2011, 12:31 AM
So, I played IG back in the day. I currently play Orks and Space Wolves.

I'll be in a position to have enough money/free time this summer (given new work hours) to afford another army and I've been really wanting to get something interesting for awhile.

I don't need a SUPER competitive army (I'm not really that kind of player) but I do like winning games. What I'm looking for is an army that plays VERY differently from marines (Wolves) or my Orks and has a really unique mechanic on the tabletop.

I'm tinkering with Dark Eldar right now but I'm not real sure about it; I've also played with the idea of a bike army. I'm pretty dead on ideas at this point though.

I've always gotten great advice here (and tried to give a little too) so I ask (however ineloquently): any ideas BoLS?

05-18-2011, 12:53 AM
Without knowing what kind of armies you're using, it's a bit tricky to comment but my top three suggestions:

1. Dark Eldar: As you say, these guys are very different and know have a pile of shiny new models once the June release arrives
2. MEQ: There are so many variations among the space marine codices that you should be able to find a build that plays very differently from your current wolves armies
3. Necrons: wait a week or so and we should know if necrons are really next or not. A new codex should throw up some interesting new unit options.

By process of elimination:

Existing armies:
Space Wolves

Oldest codices:

Witchhunters (can't stand all those metal models)
Tau (might play a lot like IG gunline, plus in need of new rules)
Necrons (but rumoured to be next)

Black Templars
Dark Angels (although a deathwing army might play differently)
C: SM (although thare are many options for different builds that could play differently from Wolves)
Blood Angels (a DOA army would play differently from wolves)
Grey Knights (a henchmen heavy army would be very different but is still a bit tricky model wise)
Chaos Marines

This leaves:

Tyranids & Daemons ( a horde army might be similar to your orks, but a monstrous creature army could be different)

Eldar & Dark Eldar (their fragility will take some getting used to)

Emerald Rose Widow
05-18-2011, 01:01 AM
Tyranid, you can never go wrong with tyranid NOMNOM

05-18-2011, 01:05 AM
I agree with isotope without the MEQ. Dark Eldar are a fun, elite army who pack a hell of a punch but are squishy. They have a current codex and the minis rock. Necrons are rumored to be next and are a more durable elite army. You can get some warriors and destroyers (I would recommend 2 or 3 battleforces), a monolith or two and some necron lords (with and without res orb and destroyer lord) and proxie immotals as they cost silly money and are likely to have plastic minis in a few months. Nidzilla and Tau would be different, it depends on what appeals to you most. It would be a good idea to hold off on the necrons until the rumors firm up though.

Bottom line get what appeals to YOU. If the codex is half way current learn to make your army work.

05-18-2011, 01:11 AM
If your willing to go the insane route, you could try a Harlequin based DE or Eldar list, That would be fun to play with. I agree though that DE would be a neat route to go, i have lists made up for the time i have enough money for that army :D:D

05-18-2011, 06:43 AM
save your $$$ and get the what ever is new this fall / winter (Necro/Sister).

05-18-2011, 11:23 AM
You should just save yourself the headache and start playing Warmachine! :D

05-18-2011, 02:51 PM
With the prices going up yet agien, you could consider starting a new game system like "Malifaux", "Hell Dorado", or "brushfire:historia rodentia". For how much a Warhammer 40k army is, you could pick up two or even three armies in any of thows other systems.

What would be more different then any other army your currently playing, then a whole new game system?

Just don't become a wargameing snob. The only reason I don't play Warmachine/Flames of War is because all the players were I am from are disgruntled Ex-GW-fanboys.

05-18-2011, 02:54 PM
Nah, I like 40k. Nothing against the other game systems, I just like what I play.

I like some of the ideas here. I'm basically deciding between a Space Marine Biker army, a Dark Eldar army or a Grey Knights army.

I'll have to play around with lists...

05-18-2011, 02:56 PM
Not a horde army lol

05-18-2011, 03:04 PM
Well if you get an elite grey knight army you could add a dark eldar army as well.

05-19-2011, 02:44 AM
Yeah, I've got a horde of Orks already.

If I do land on GK I do plan on doing them as an elite army; something crazy like...Paladins...or something. No clue how to build that list, but it might be fun to try...

05-19-2011, 09:23 AM
So, I played IG back in the day. I currently play Orks and Space Wolves.

I'll be in a position to have enough money/free time this summer (given new work hours) to afford another army and I've been really wanting to get something interesting for awhile.

I don't need a SUPER competitive army (I'm not really that kind of player) but I do like winning games. What I'm looking for is an army that plays VERY differently from marines (Wolves) or my Orks and has a really unique mechanic on the tabletop.

I'm tinkering with Dark Eldar right now but I'm not real sure about it; I've also played with the idea of a bike army. I'm pretty dead on ideas at this point though.

I've always gotten great advice here (and tried to give a little too) so I ask (however ineloquently): any ideas BoLS?
I think a Flames of War, Mid WWII, German Mechanised army. That, or an Napoleonic wars British mixed force of Cavalry, Infantry/Highland Infantry, and Artillery for a Gunpowder based Game.

Oh did you mean a 40K based army? LOL

05-19-2011, 01:22 PM
Please re-read the above thread.

05-20-2011, 09:06 AM
You can go Tyranids, not for hord but as MC as someone said before. Most likely not very effective but if you love to convert, it will be an awsome looking army though.

If you really wanted to do DA for an all Termie army you know you can do that with SW, so not sure even if GK would intrest you that way. If you want an ELITE army just pimp out your SW Temries then. This way no new codex or army you have to buy, unless that is if you want too. :)

I say Dark Eldar, this way it's different from SM you already have one, and they are not Horde like Orks, and it's an Elite army you want as well. Lots of new beautiful minis they have and more on the way soon.